Chapter Two

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Curtins shut, messy room that was not me. But why did I deside to have it that way. Well that's because of her. She made me fall crazy for her. I want to see her again and tell me she still loves me, I want her back in my safe arms and to not feel cold without her warmth against me. Without her I'm nothing without her. I try to talk to her, to find her, follow her but she just ran the other way. And thinking about that brings tears to my eyes.

If I have a secound chance I will not mess up and give her everything. I want to be her only chance she will get and I would shout her name to the world.

If Emma was not in the picture to ruin her everything would work out perfectly.

If I never when to that bonfire in the first place we all would not be in this state.

If I could show her what I mean by love. In not in sex or kisses, I would take the chance.

I would do anything for her, only to see her face again. I want to see her smile light up, her eyes sparkly in the sun, her hair flow about in the air.

But the thoughts of her bring tears to my eyes. Brings my heart be stab with thousands knives over and over by her. What she does to me is instane. She makes me feel like a drug that can not stop to taste that sweet taste of her.

Even though she has deamons, we all have deamons in are own way. Some of us are just good at hidding them.But deamons do have goodness in you, there not all evil and what hurts the most is her deamons chose to end things to break us apart.

Now my deamons feel as they are slowly killing me inside. But deamons are a curse to everyone, maybe these deamons came when I and my siblings enter the Bay.

"Hey Peter, Mom said dinner is ready" I heard my little brother Clarke said outside my door.

He has been trying to get me to open up to him and all I have done to my baby brother was shuff him off along with Mom. They don't know anything about us breaking up but I know they know something is up.

"Go away Clarke, I'm not hungry" I said in my moody voice.

Even when I want to be alone I have never felt so cold in my life that a part of me is finally missing someone. Someone important in my life.

My door then open and Clarke step in my room shutting the door behind him. I sat up and rolled my eyes at him. Of course he would not leave me to my throught's. Clarke always find away to get me to speak.

"Alright bro, what is going on with you? You have been acting like since the bonfire" Clarke said. I sigh to myself. I want to tell my little brother everything I just feel as it might bring more stress into are life.

"It's none of your bussiness why don't you go and text your girlfriend" I spatted out. Knowing my little brother has been spending alot of time with Jasmine it would not be surprise that they are dating.

"Jasmine and I are friends that's all. And what ever happened you can talk to me. Your my big brother" Clarke said.

I want to cry. I want to scream. I want to starve. I want to do all that because of her. She made me fall crazy in love with her and now there is only darkness in the shadows. When she came into my life there was some warmth that she had made us both feel safe. And now that she is not with me this coldness seems to not feel like home. I tfeels like when Dad left us that day.

"You remember when Dad left and the house felt so cold when he walked out of the door?" I asked Clarke who had sat down on my chair playing with he's fingers.

"Yeah I begged him not to leave" Clarke said in a near whisper in his voice.

"Well when we came here she made me feel that warmth again and now I feel so cold without her" I said. I can not stay her name. Because if I say her name it might break my heart or make me cry.

"When you say her, do you mean Dani?" Clarke asked me.

I wet my dry lips while I sit in silence. All the memories we had together brings me closer to breaking, I want to keep making those memories with her but I can't do that if she is not in it with me.

"Yeah, after the bonfire she broke up with me I tried to fix it the next day but she shuff me off. Clarke I don't know how to do this when we go to school" I said lowing my head to not let him see those tears that this girl makes me do so crazy.

"Bro you have this year and you can go off to college. Try being her friend that's what I would do but I know Dani, she won't give up" Clarke said walking over to me and sitting down, putting a surport hand on my shoulder.

How am I so lucky to have a little brother to give me this advise and I was meant to be the big brother.

"Thank you" I said in a near whisper. I look up at Clarke who gave me a smile while rubbing my back with comfort.

"Your welcome brother" He said with a small chuckle in he's voice.

"Now can we all go and eat, just the four of us? I'm starving!" Clarke said. He is alwayshungry for sure. For the first I have smiled not a fake smile or a grin it was a proper smile. Even when Clarke annoys me sometimes I do love my brother and I would do anything for him.

"Sure" I said patting he's back as we stand up and left my room to have dinner.

And I would do anything to see her again.

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