Chapter Seven

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"Good night" I said shutting the door behind me of my co worker who was just finishing cleaning up the last of the tables and was going to lock up.

"Night" I said and start walking down the streets.

Six in the evening is not that dark when you have just finish your shift. I have forgotten to tell Peter I am working til six so I have not had enough time to tellhim; of couse he would understand why I am a little late.

I did promise myself to stay away from Peter this year but how can I when he is in most of my classes and not to mention he sit's right next to me in Mrs Johnson class. The thing is I can not bare to get my heart broken over Mr rude boy next door to me.

As I arrive at my house I deside to quickly change into fresh cloths and bring all the books round to Peter to study for. I unlock the door to my home, Mom is still working tonight so Mom won't know if I'm round Peter to study tonight.

I quickly walked to my room and changed into some comfy shorts with a tan top I had hanging about on a chair. I don't care if it showing too much skin to Peter, and it's not like he seem something like this before. Once I'm dress I tied my hair in a messy bun and put on a pair of white trainers on.

All of this isso stressful for me to deal with. I don't even want to do this revison with Peter, I could do this with anyone but why did it had to be him. Of all people, why him? It pains me to even think about him, but what I'm trying to do is be strong around the people I care and love. 

I picked up my books from my bad along with my keys and I then left the quiet house alone. I ran up the pavement to Peter's house and I knock on Peter's glass door. As I wait for someone to answer I start to feel nervous coming up here. It's been weeks since I came to he's house and the last time we came here we were together now I don't know what Katie might think of me if she see's me in her house.

Will she hate me? Will she tell me to fuck off?

The door open and as I turn to look I see Clarke has answer the door for me while looking at he's phone. He is always looking at he's phone when he is at home I wonder why?

"Hey Clarke" I said with a smile to him. He is such a sweet boy but he can be a bit cheeky some times. I would love to have a little brother like Clarke.

"Oh hey Dani, are you here for Peter?" Clarke said looking up at me giving me he's usual smile.

"Yeah, acautally we are here to study for the upcoming exam that our teather Mrs Johnson pair us with" I explain to Clarke. Clarke chuckle at my answer like I think he would slam the door in my face and make me go home.

"It's fine, Dani. Just head up he's in the shower. But don't get too handy up there" Clarke teasse me. I rolled my eyes as I walk pasted him.

I walked pasted the living room and look in to see Katie feeding Lily with a bottle. I smile at this moment knowing someday I will get to experience this as a mother. I shake my head as I walked upstairs knowing where Peter's room is; I push open he's room and I find in empty I shut the door behind me and look around he's room, it's not like I've not been in he's room before. I heard the shower water in he's bathroom pour down, he must been taking a shower. I chuckle to myself while I wonder around he's room.

All the things Peter have seem to be on show and Peter normally has he's room tidy; he has clothes scatter about, paper and books on the floor and desk and it even look's as he has a un made Peter. I sigh to myself wondering why Peter has not tidy he's room. Even when he is a bad boy he not like this when we were together.

I start to pick up clothes and paper from the floor, tiding everything up around him. It looks as if Peter did this over sadness or anger. After the floor was clean and put away nicely I then started to make he's bed, to me I feel as I am already a mother and have to make the bed everyday because the husband can't keep it like it.

After everything look tidy and clean I sat my books on Peter's bed and sat down as well. It has not change one bit when I last been in he's room. I still love he's room but I think Peter likes my room better. 

I look over to Peter's desk and see some kind of paper hidden inside a diary of he's that it looks like. My eyebrows narrow curiously, but I never notice the water stop from the shower until I heard a voice from the door way.

"Danielle" Peter said.

I turn to look at Peter who was dripping head to toe in only a towel. Peter's damp hair was still damp. My eyes wide in shock in seeing Peter like this and even for Peter to be showing he's six pack in front of me dripping wet.

"Uh- so-sor-sorry I'm- um late" I stater to myself while wrapping my arms around myself. Peter chuckle at my state as I when a little red in the face with embasment.

"It's fine Danielle, I know you were working you and I just forgot" Peter said while I look away as Peter quickly change.

"So should we get started then?" Peter asked me while we both sat on he's bed with the text books.

Now realy that all the embarrassment I when through; what more embarrassment I will be through during this revision session. 

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