Chapter Eighteen

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The slame of the door in my face still echo in my ears as I leave Dani's house. My head hang down while I look down on the floor with my hands in my pocket. I should of not react like that infront of her, I was just too upset and betrayed by the other people around me that I did not listen to her thoughts her feelings. I've should of though this through before I go over to her place. And I also should of not drink that is also a bad sign to do.

I walked up to the drive way of my house and I notice an unfamilla car that is parked that, something that my father would of drive. I open the door to my house and walked in and hear the sound of talking and Lily gigling in the living room.

I push open the door that is slightly open and then all of my sadness turn into anger. The person who has left our left, left my mother is standing infront of us in our home, holding my baby sister in he's arms.

"What is he doing here?" I asked coldly while my father gave me a smile but I gave him daggers he's way, I squeeze my thist thightly that my veins would be poping out any minute.

Clarke must of heard as I see him come down the stairs with Jasmine behind him. She has been staying here for quiet some time now. While think of them two being loved and such makes me sick to my stomach.

"Peter son, I've miss you" Dad when to walk up to hug me but I backed away but I took Lily out of he's arms and hand her over to Jasmine who then step out of the room.

"What is Dad doing here?" Clarke asked standing next to me.

"I like to asked the same thing?" I asked while looking over at Mom. She stop biting her nails and step forward infront off us.

"I'm giving your father a secound chance he wants us to be a family again" Mom said. But I know is a lie. He wants to break Mom like he always does and he won't stop until this family is broken which he has already done to me, but who is it going to be next? Clarke? Mom again? Or Lily?

"Bullshit Mom, he is going to break this family!" I said raising my voice.

I hated him for what he had done to Mom and I and I don't want it to happen to my little brother or my baby sister when she get's older.

I even don't want to turn into someone like him. But I know that Dani is the cure for me but we are also curst to be around at the moment and it is both our fault.

"Peter! Your father made a misstake he wants to fix things with us. He wants to be in our lives" Mom said, this was the first time I heard Mom raise her voice since I was a little boy.

I looked at her for a moment before chuckling to myself and walking up and down in the living room. I can not be in this house if he is even in here. I want him out of our lives. Why did he had to walk back in! Why does he keep coming back!?

He wants me to turn into someone like him. I don't want to be him, I am not a sick fuck like he is. I treat my family good, I am meant to be the man of the house. But I am not him!

I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him! I am not him!


"Well, if he is staying here I'm not" I said looking at the people who have created me. I scoff as Mom started feeling guilty while my father frown at my behaviour. 

"Peter-" Mom started while taking my hands the feeling that reminds me of how Dani takes mine. 

"Don't bother mother" I said as I look over at Clarke as he nodded at me. I know whereever I go Clarke goes with me. He always says he needs he's big brother in he's life.

I walked out of the living room and started making my way up the stairs to my room. I sniff to myself not wanting to cry, it makes me feel weak. But I also feel so much anger boiling in that I just want to smash my fathers head open.

"What is going on?" Jasmine asked walking in my room followed by Clarke who has a bag packed of he's stuff while holding Jasmine hand.

"We can't stay in this house with our father in it" I explain while packing a bag of stuff I need to survive before College.

"No I was not talking about this. I'm talking about what is going on with you and Dani. She text me saying P ASAP, what is going on?" Jasmine asked with her phone out while reading the text message.

I rolled my eyes in respose, I knew Dani would text her best friend she always goes to her and tell her everything like her plans to College but did not tell me. I am still pissabout that but it does not mean I don't still love her.

"Asked her yourself" I said coldly I picked up my bag and run down the stairs ignoring my mother begging me to stay and as I got in my car I drove.

I just kept driving and never stop.

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