Chapter Fourteen

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"Can I look now?" I asked my girlfriend was curretly getting ready.

"One sec" She said. It was that time of year when we all dress up in scary customs and go out to any party they have going. Well for us it's the school's year halloween party they are throwing here and is our last one before we go of to college. I would not be going if Dani never drag me here.

"Okay you can open now" She said and with that I open my eyes to look at my beautiful girlfriend. She was wear a black velvet dress that stops at her thighs with a pair of black fishnet thights with black doctor martin boots and had a black chocker on with a witch hat on.

The look of just wants me to throw over my shoulders and fuck her on that mattrest of her's. Dani look at me with those doe eyes she always gives me with a tiny little smirk on her face she gives me.

"Fuck stop giving me those eyes" I said groaning and throwing me head back. Instead She chuckle at me while carry on giving me that look.

"What eyes?" She asked while flattering her eye lashes at me.

I walked up to her and grab her chin and bring my lips to her in which she return the kiss. While her kiss was soft and sweet, mine was rough and huger; I want more her lips on me and every bit off it.

We then heard the sound of a car outside Dani window and knew who it was. Jasmine when to pick up Clarke from he's friends house and was coming to pick us up to go to the party.

"Oi, you lovesucker get your cute asses down here before I drag you asses down here myself!" Jasmine shout making us laugh at our friend. Ever since her and Clarke hooked up and got together she is no longer inocent that others think she is.

"Calm down Jas we will be coming down!" Dani shout out the window while looking down at her friend who sat in the car with the window down.

"Yeah but this party is not going to have fun by itself" Jasmine said while I wrapped my arms around Dani waist while I kiss her neck lightly which I knew she likes really much.

"Will be right down Jas" I said as she rolled her eyes. Dani quickly shut her window.

As Dani turn to me with a smile shhe wrapped her arms around my neck after she grabbed her jacket. Dani is not a really winter girl she hates the cold and the long sleave tops she is more a summer girl.

"Jasmine will kill you if we are not down there" I said not wanting to see Jasmine march up here with a piss face.

"She can wait for..." Dani said then check her phone for a miniute.

"Five more minutes" Dani smiled after saying that.

"You are a cheeky little thing Princess" I said while putting on one of my famous smirks that drives Dani crazy.

We then made out more then five minutes and then left Dani house and got in the car with the other two couple. Dani and I sat close with smiles on our face and when to the school.

Most of the school know about Dani and I after Emma spread the rumous about Dani over her jealous bitch self but if Dani and I are happy and Clarke and Jasmine are happy then she needs to move on. She just has not found the right guy for herself and she just does not know the guy she is looking for is right infront of her. 

But there is one thing I fear the most and that is if I lose Dani. My Princess. And if that is my weakness I don't want to lose the one girl that makes me stronger in the whole world. What would happen if we don't go to the same college? What would happen if we get seperate to different worlds? What if Emma does something to really hurt her?

That is what I fear the most, I fear to lose love and that is why I did not want anything at the start when I meet Dani cause it will make me fear what my Father did.

"Babe" The sound of my girlfriend sweet angel voice sends me shivers down my spine. I turn my head to her to look into those beautiful eyes.

"Yes Princess" I said. Her face started to heat up after I called her that cute pet name. I love the way her face heat up it's so cute with that little blush of her's.

"That day when we meet outside the coffee. I don't regret it and I'm glad we meet that summer" She said with a smile.

Those words she said make my heart beat faster. I still remember that day like it was yesterday but being apart from her was the worst thing to ever happen and feel in my whole life. I knew we will always come to each other. We are like two strings that need to tie a not just because we belong together.

"I never regret it too" I said in whtch she chuckle and hum at the same time. I grab her jaw and title her head to look at me as I gave her the best kiss she would remember in the back of her mind.

"Dude we'll still here gross get a room!" I almost forgot Jasmine and Clarke where still here but I don't care kissing my girlfriend infront of them.

"It's not like you done the same with Clarke Jas" Dani said giving her friend a smirk. I laugh as I look at my little brothers eyes go big and nearly pop out off he's face while blushing and Jasmine face when to shock to red.

"You told her we had sex!" Clarke said which made me burst out laughting.

"Babe girls tell everything" Jasmine said then get out the car as we have arrive at school.

"This party is going to be sick!" Jasmine said skiping away with Clarke to go inside the school.

After that Dani gave me a quick kiss as we made ourselves enter the school. Anything can go wrong at any party but I'll be there to protect My Princess.

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