Chapter Six

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I always believe in secound chance when it came to her, but I never believe in given other people in my life a secound chance. My father left my mother and if he ever think I will forgive him, he is wrong. I know that I still have hope for Dani and I but I know I'll wait until she wants me back and if it is a year or ten years we have to wait; I will wait that long.

I walked to my locker after my last lesson today and I open my locker to get all my stuff I need. I have waited until the last lesson of the day to go since Mrs Johnson said she will pair me with Dani. I want to think that we are more then just classmates now but it will hurt her if I ever kiss her again; and what will hurt Danielle more is when Emma would find out about this.

"Hills!" I heard the voice of Jasmine said next to me slamming my locker door shut making me jump out of my skin.

I turn to the blonde who gave me hr sarcastic smile and her death glare that makes her eyes turn even more dark green. To tell the truth her stare scares me and it makes me want to hide under a table and stay there.

"Jeasus Jasmine you scared me" I said running my hand through my brown hair.

"Oh I scared you? I can do a lot more then scare you kills" She said with a cold tone in her voice that sends shivers down my spine.

"Um can I help you with anything Jasmine?" I asked her.

"Whatever you are trying to do with Dani, stop it right now. She don't need you to get her heart broken from you again. And she don't need Emma coming to kick her ass because that bitch likes you" Jasmine explain to me pointing a finger at me. I put my hands up in deffence and had a surprise face on. I would never do any of that to Dani?

And I never knew the sweet Jasmine can be such a feisty girl with fire. I think Jasmine has been spending too much time with Clarke. I'll have to smack some sense into him when I get home before Dani arrives.

"Whoa Jasmine I am not doing anything to Danielle she's a free women that can make her own decision and with Emma I don't care about Emma if she likes me or not I don't want her" I explain to Jasmine who still gave me the dager eyes.

Jasmine looked into my blue eyes as I breath softly. None of us made a sound or move. Jasmine then looked at me and her stare then soften at her seeing the look in my eyes.

"Do you still love her?" Jasmine asked me.

I chuckle at her question like it's so obvious.

"Yes" I replied.

"Are you still planning to be with her?" Jasmine asked me yet another question about Danielle.

I want to say no because I know Jasmine will smack me for saying that. She is Dani only frien she's got left. But I also want to say yes but I have no idea how it will turn up when Danielle finds out I would say that. The mix feeling's is spining round in my head and it just makes me want to go to the showers and drown myself in them with how much Danielle makes me so crazy for her.

"I don't know" I told her. The only thing I can think about. And I am not saying a yes or a no because with what answer comes out of me is going to hurt not just Danielle but me as well.

"If you hurt her again, I will cut of your own dick and shuff it up your ass got it?" Jasmine said then started to walk away from me.

I knew Clarke and her have moved onto the next leavel even if my own brother won't admit it to my face.

I then shut my lockker dore and lock it and when I turn to walk away swinging my bag over my shoulder; I come face to face with the last person I don't want to see. Emma.

"GAHH! What do you want!?" I said coldly to her. Emma was wearing a short pencil shirt that could nearly show her ass, she was wearing a tan top showing off her belly button piercing and the top could even see her bra through it. Emma gave her signauture smirk my way. And even flatter her eyes at me.

"I've been wanting to talk to you all day" She  said running her hands down my shoulder. This made me shiver her touch is nothing like how Dani touch me.

"Okay I got to go"I said trying go around Emma.

"Wait I was wondering if you can help with my biology homework, it's about sex education" Emma said bitting her lip at me and swinging her hair over her shoulder.

This girl will get the hint to leave me alone and to know she is not my type. I hate girls with died hair, piercings on there body and tattoo's as well.

I like girls that have a bit of messy hair that they been working for hours, there eyes to be bright to see them shine, and to care about there education.

Danielle was everything that is my type and Emma is a girl that wants to get what she wants and won't stop for it. And when Emma kissed me that time I knew her lips will nothing be like Danielle soft pink lips.

"Emma I'm sorry but no, I got a study revison to get to and even if I help you it won't end well. I know you are trying to get in my pants but it will never happen" I said starting to walk away from the crazy girl.

"Just because that virgin whore broke up with you, you can't even enjoy some freedom to yourself" Emma spatted out.

I spin around and grab Emma by the throat pinning her to the locker. I squeeze my hands to make sure to hurt in ways she has hurt both Danielle and I.

"Don't you fucking dare talk to Danielle like that! She is no whore like you are, and reason we broke up is because of your fucking jeasousy, she broke up with to protect me and herself and if you ever say a fucking rumour about Dani I won't hesitate to send that video you try to do to me to the cobs got it" I said with such coldly and dark to her.

Emma nodded repatedly as she could not say a word by my tight grip around me. I let go off and Emma then ran off not turning back around as I hear her cry down the halls. I sigh running my hands through my hair.

I don't understand what came over me, but apart of me told me to go for it. And the things Emma say about Danielle makes my blood boil, I had to do something about this because I still care about Danielle even if she does not love me I will still love and care for Danielle Marie Adams.

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