Chapter Twenty Four

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Prom when by as quickly, I never when spend my time writing my thoughs and feelings down on my book I'm working on. I have felt so angry and sad these past weeks angry because of Peter but sad that I miss Jasmine. I wish I can talk to her, I have not spoken to her for a while I don't know if she is still angry at me from New Years Eve or that she just have not got the time to even see me.

I sat up in bed with my hair a messy bun and in a pair of sweat pants on, I just scrolling down on Instagram looking a posts when I see a post of Peter with he's brother, they are both at the beach in swimming trunchs and both have a smile on there face. The smile I wish to have on my face.

I don't even want to go out today, why? Well today is July the tenth. My birthday, yes I am not an adult b ut I just don't want to celebrate it.

I heard the sound of humming coming near my door and as I look up mom come in with a big plate of pancakes with cream and fruit on it with a candle on it as well.

"Happy Birthday to you!" Mom finish singing as I giggle lightly as I throw my phone on the bed, I blew out the candle to make mom happy and for to not see me unhappy on my birthday.

"Thanks, Mom" I said.

"Is there something bothering you sweetpea? You know you can tell me anything" Mom said. Of course she can tell when I am not happy I just have not been able to her things when I have so much on my plate.

"'s nothing to worry about thanks for the pancakes" I said trying to avoid her worried question.

"Honey, I'm your Mom I know when something is bothering you. Now tell me what is wrong?" Mom asked.

I sigh as Mom took a hold my hand and squeeze it telling me it is okay and that she is here for me. Mom has always been there for me and whatever has happened she would still love me the same.

"I got into the Seattle college of the camp site for readers and writers. But Peter got into the NYC college, he is not happy" I explain quickly.

"Oh" Mom said as I my eyes start to tear up at the mention of talking about this breaks my heart.

"Peter applied for the Seattle college as well hoping to get in to be able to be close to me. He is afraid to be apart from me but I don't want Peter to do this just for me. But I never told him I also got into the NYC of young adult writers and readers but I don't know where to go" I explain as Mom rub my arm giving me some comfort.

"Oh honey. Love makes you do those things" Mom said as I wipe my eyes to look up at her brown eyes.

"They do?" I asked.

"Yes. Your father jumped over the raile at the train station just to popose to me as I was going to visit your grandma" Mom said making me laugh at the though of dad doing that.

"Sounds like him" I said.

"But how would I know what I want?" I asked looking down. Mom sigh as she lift my chin for me to look into her eyes.

"Listen to what your heart wants not your brain. What does your heart tells you?" Mom asked.

My heart is telling me a lot things. Like to be with Peter even when we fight our love is stronger then I even think. But my brain tells me that I need to find my way back to him, make my journey to creat a furute to myself. But I have no idea which way to choose from.

"My heart tells to go to New York with Peter but my brain tells me Seattle" I told Mom.

Mom in returt gave a smile as she move a piece of my blonde hair that fell down my face out of my sight.

"Then listen to what your heart wants not what your brain needs. I followed what I want when I met your father" Mom explain.

I gave my Mom a smile knowing I need to speak to Peter before Summer ends and we have not seen each other.

"Thanks Mom, I need to speak to Peter" I said.

"Well, Jasmine told me she is taking you to a club in an hours time so you better get ready" Mom said then left my room.

So she is not mad at me at all if she is taking me out for my birthday.

I have one thing I need to do and that is to speak to Peter I am not going to hold back anyone what my heart wants I must follow. And that means being with Peter is what I need. No more holding back.

Jasmine and I walked into the club she has brought me to, with Clarke behind us. We were dress in sparkly dresses with Clake had a button up shirt and jeans. This night club was filled with flashlights and loud music. I t was amazing and Jasmine has good taste.

"Jasmine you out did yourself this time" I said looking around in awe.

"Nah this is just the begin. Drink?" Jas asked which I nodded.

I don't know what Jasmine is going to get but I must stay sober tonight. I have this feeling that Peter is going to turn up like he always did in the past.

He is still my little stalker boy.

"Here we go" Jasmine said bring three glasses over to our table that we found.

"What is this?" I asked wanting to know what is inside.

"Sex on the beach" Jasmine said nearly making me snore.

I take a drink out of it, it taste like orange and a mix of vodka in it but it taste so good. I feel as I am going to drink this for the rest of the night until I am high on it.

"That is good" I said.

"Happy Birthday Day I got a gift" Clarke said giving a gift bag for me. He is so sweet.

Clarke is like a brother to me and I could never replace someone like him. He will always be a little brother I never have.

"Aw thanks Clarke" I said hugging him.

"Who's birthday is it?" The voice I know so well said.

As I turn to look to see him, I end up smiling at him as he smile back with our grey and blue eyes locked together.

I knew he will come. My insinsts told me right.

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