Chapter Twenty Five

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There I stand in the night club where my princess sit with my brother and he's girlfriend, Jasmine. As I heard it was someone birthday my eyebrows raise in currious on who's birthday it is. Of course it is not Clarke as I knew when he's birthday is. But when Dani and my eyes meet I could not tear those beautiful grey eyes that meet mine. I always love eyes they always look so bright in my eyes that I see.

"Ugh, what is Mr rude boy doing here" Jasmine said breaking the silence as no one spoke for the last twenty minutes or so.

"Careful there barbie, who I will rip your tounge out of your throat" I threaten given a death glare which she glare back at me.

"Hey that's my girlfriend you are talking to" Clarke said in he's best way off being protective off her. 

I don't care if she is my brothers girlfriend or now, all I care about is Dani. My Dani. But all the time I look at Jasmine she seem to always have a problem with me, I don't know if it is with Dani and I breaking up and getting back together but she was not like this before school even started, that's what Dani told me.

I looked back over at Dani seeing her sigh and pinch the bridge of her nose. The look of fustration on her face as she don't want to deal with this today. Maybe I made a bad mistake on coming to the club just as my heart was telling me I might find her hear.

"It's my birthday" Dani said showing of her white teeth.

If I have ever knew soon I would of bought my princess anything she would want, even for her special eighteen birthday she is. I hate when we are not on speaking turns just because of my selfish self want to go to Seattle and be with her. I should of respect her wishes instead of going against it.

"Fuck! If I knew I would of got you something" I said running my hands through my hair. I heard Dani giggle while covering her mouth but I can still see her smile behind it. That's all I want her to be. Happy. And love by everyone.

"Can I speak to you alone?" Dani asked looking back and forth between Clarke and Jasmine who rolled her eyes.

"Yeah" I said nodding my head in reapeat. That is all I want to do is to speak to her. Tell her how sorry and selfish I've been and to tell that I am going to fix myself up after we go off to college and start a new life. But we will always find our way back to each other.

I follow Dani as we left the table behind and as Dani took my hand she brought me into the girls toliets. Dani check it quickly before she turn back around to face me. She let a breathe leave her mouth while I had my cheeky grin I always use to give her all the time.

"Never knew you wanted to have public sex here, princess" I tease and as I see the little red blush on her cheeks she grab me by the coler of my leather jacket.

"Shut up" Dani said then press her lips onto me but I kiss back in return. As we made out for five minutes we had to pull back to breathe by the long make out seaction I wish to carry on.

"I love you Peter" Dani said while my lips part as I listen to her.

"I have always done. Everything in my life is mess up. And I hate that it was you who mess things up with my friendship with Emma who was obsess of you, how we keep fighting over to stupid things, but how I hate you and love you at the same time drive me crazy that I don't know how my life end up like this" I was speachless over what Dani was telling me all this.

"When I first met you, and you were rude and cold to me outside that coffee shop I knew you were different then the other boys I knew. You were hurt by your dad leaving you and your mom and your siblings. But others just don't see the goodness in you" She said I can see the tears in her eyes as she tell me this which makes my eyes gloss up in tears.

"Dani-" I was cut off.

"-But what I'm really trying to say is. I've been listent to what my brain is been telling what to say, but not what my heart wants to do. I want you Peter, only you and me, and two tickets to New York" I then lift my head at Dani last words.

Two tickets to New York that only means one thing.

"I got into two colleges and whatever my choice is I can go. It's either Seattle or New York and my brain is telling to go to Seattle but my heart is telling New York" Dani explain to me which I nodded. 

I won't push her this time, she will make her choice where she wants to go and I will stand by her, surport her and be proud of her even when we are far apart our hearts will always be with each other wherever we may go.

"So where do you want to go?" I asked. Dani lips then turn into a huge smile.

"My mom told to follow my heart not just my brain. So I'm going to go to New York with you and study English Major" Dani said I could not help it but I pick Dani up and spin her around.

"I love you so much!" I said while grabing her face giving her a kiss and wiping her tears away. 

"I love you more" Dani said which I chuckle.

"There is one thing I want you to do" Dani said as I raise a brow off her. She always knew what to come my way and I must fix but I will do it all for her.

"And that is to talk to your dad" Dani said. Well shit.

I should of knew that was coming my way. But if my princess wants me to do this, I must do what my princess asked.

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