Chapter Nine

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The sun bean to shine on my face as the morning sun woke me from my sleep I was in. But instead of waking up in my own bed I look around to find myself still in Peter's room; and in Peter Hills bed! I don't know how this happen but I know we did not kiss or had sex cause that would be painful for me to wake up to and leave.

I look over to where Peter is still asleep and I can see he's sleeping facing me. He's messy hair over he's eyes I use to like it when were together. He is even smiling in he's sleep and it's not a smirk he has when we first meet, he's pink soft lips are smiling in he's sleep. I sigh to myself and start to get up.

I want to let Peter know I have to leave to make sure my Mom is home but I dpn't want to wake him up. Maybe I should write him a quick letter before I leave. As I start to tie my laces up I notice the bed start to move and hear Peter groan. I turn to look over my should to see Peter is a wake and is sitting up with a grin on he's face.

"What?" I asked him raising a brow.

"Morning to you too" He said, I rolled my eyes at he's statement.

"Sorry, morning I have to leave and I did not want to wake you up" I said finish tying my trainers. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and see my smuged makeup and my hair that is still in a bun looking a mess.

I sigh in annoyed and took my blonde hair down and splash some cold water to wake me up a bit. I need coffee, like right now.

"Are you staying for breakfast?" Peter asked me once I walk back into he's room as he is standing up out of bed.

"I can't, my mom doesn't know I'm here and thinks I'm at home still asleep plus I need to get change, brush my teeth, fix my make up and get to school" I explain to him while sighing and running my fingers though my hair.

"Right, I nearly forgot about school but will you still stay for breakfast. For me please" Peter said giving me those eyes he always use to give me when he wants something.

"Oh no not those eyes" I said picking up my books to head downstairs.

I open up Peter's door and start to head downstairs with Peter following me behind. Always following like a lost puppy he is. I bump into Clarke on the way down but I ignore him. I just need to get out of this house away form Peter,  it is like I can not breathe at all.

"Dani, morning" Katie said as I see her making breakfast in the kitchen with Lily who is sitting in her hair chair giggling like the angel ske is. I know she is one and soon she will start to walk any time soon.

"Katie, Morning" I said I had to paus myself for a moment as I could not breathe. I gave Katie a smile trying to act cool and not make everything worst.

"I'm making pancakes with bacon and egg do you want some?" Katie asked me.

I was about to say something until Peter came up behind me and put both he's hands on my shoulder.

"She would love too, right babe?" Peter said. Wait a sec did he just called me babe?

I'm not he's girlfriend anymore so why would he. And we are now just friends so what is going on.

"Yeah sure" I said acting cool as I gave Katie another smile while she goes to grab another plate for me.

"A word alone" I said to Peter as I turn to face him.

We both walked into the living room where no one is in there so we can talk alone and right now I have thousands of thoughts and feelings running through my brain.

"What the hell was that! You called me 'babe' and we are already broken up!?" I asked with my eyes wide in shock still what just happened.

"I'm sorry I haven't told her we have broken up. I couldn't she thinks I was missing you because you didn't want to hang as you were busy so I could not tell her we were broken up as I see how happy she was when we were together, if I tell her now it will crush her" Peter explain to me with a pleading look in he's eyes.

I never seen Peter look so worried and scared on what to do. He must be scared because what happened to he's dad he did not want his mom to get the same flashback with me and Peter when it happen to her.

"Okay I get it" I said with a sigh.

"You do" Peter said looking up at me as he was looking at he's shoes.

"Yes. We will fake date around your mom until everything steams down for a while and don't tell anyone at school" I said pointing my finger at him like I did last night.

"If your worried about Emma, don't worry I dealt with her yesterday when I was leaving school" Peter said with a proud grin on he's face.

How did he do it? What did he do? Even if she was my friend I still worry about her.

"Wht did you do Peter?" I asked him crossing my arms over my chest.

"Lets say I made her run home crying to her Daddy because I threaten her if she ever hurt you" Peter said smirking at me.

I gasp at he's statement and then I wached him at the back of he's head like all the girlfriends do when there boyfriend is in trouble.

"Peter!" I growed at him.

"Oww, sorry but I couldn't have my princess being hurt" Peter said making me blush.

There with that pet name he use to call me. I use to hate him calling me that when we hated each other but I grown to love it.

"Come on let's go eat" Peter said leading me to the breakfast table.

With all the things Peter use to call me I still love it and if this fake dating means nothing to me what will it mean for him as I know deep down that he still loves me but won't admit it.

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