Chapter Twenty One

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The past few weeks have gone as a blur. I have spent my nights in my car for the past fucking weeks, I can't go back to my house and look at the man who left us all. I don't even know where Clarke is but I do hope he is somewhere safe from that man we call father. I have not even be able to turn up at school; I've been too busy looking for a two bedroom house for Clarke and I to live since Mom has kicked us out, but I have not even have enough money for a two bedroom house or even one at all.

But if I could even turn to someone it would Daniellem My princess. I should never taken my anger out on her but I always have hated lies and secrets from everyone in my life. It just reminds me of what my father had done. All the lies and secrets he had tore this family apart. I have been the only one to keep this family standing. And he is going to tear it apart again.

I was then jumped out off my skin by the tap of my car window I turn and wind the window down to be face by a blonde hair wearing a black fur coat.

"Dani?" I asked looking at her who had a worry face on. I know I have had a few drinks but I don't know why Dani is doing here.

"Hi" She said nearly in a whisper.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"You texted me saying : Dani, in the drive way, miss you, hate you bye" Dani said while reading it off her phone. I don't even remember texting her that or texting her at all. Most be the whiskey.

"I tracked you down on snap" Dani said as she open my car door.

"Let me take you home" Dani said and with that said my eyes grew wide as I shake my head 'no' in repeat.

"No! Just no I can't go back there" I said. Dani look at me with a confuse face but also trying to read my thoughts. I hate when she does that.

"Okay, why don't we head to a hotel room, get you showed and in clean clothes and we can talk about it okay" Dani said while moving her blonde hair out off her face. I hope it smells the same like it use to be when we were together.

I slide into the passenger seat as Dani got in the driver seat I sat and close the door while winding up the window.

"Okay" She said starting the engine up while backing out and driving to where ever hotel Dani is taking me to.

Dani put the key card into the hotel room door and as she turn the door handel we walked into the room. It had one bathroom, with a coffee table and chairs and to my luck one bed. I turn to Dani who her lips fell into a 'oh' shape at the sight off the bed.

"Oh, one bed" She said in a bit of disappointed in her voice. I place my bag that I have had in my car for the past weeks. I took my shoes and shocks off then look up at Dani.

"My mom is at a christmas New Years Eve party and won't be back til the morning so she won't worry for me to be out all night" Dani explain and looked up at me with her grey eyes looking stright at me.

Oh how I miss that look in her eyes she always gives me.

 "I'm going to take a shower" I said running my mess up short brown hair up a bit with a sigh. Istarted to head to the bath room while taking my shirt off but before I enter I feel Dani eyes watching me like a hawk.

As I close the door and turn the hot water on I step in while leaning my head down against the wall trying to take a deep breatheand forget all the negative things happen in the past.

But when they say the past comes back toyou it always haunts you in the end.

I hate what he had done to me. I hate what he has become. Why can't mom open her eyes and see what he is tryingto do. Crawing back into the family he broke even if he might have another family that he left the exact same reason.

He don't deserve to be in this world. Not when he has not been a father I wantedl. He was not a father to Clarke or Lily. I have been the father they looked at me to be.

I got out the shower and dried off as I open the door and stepped out I find Dani in a pair of my sweat pants and hoddies. Seeing her in them bring back flashbacks when we were happy and laughting and together.

"Hey, I hope you don't mind me borrow some off your clothes to wear" Dani said while tying her lond blonde hair in a messy bun.

"It's fine" I said starting to get a pair of boxes out. Dani turned around to give me some private as I change quickly into clean clothes.

"Are you ready to talk about what has been happened with you lately?" Dani asked turning to face once I was changed. I sigh knowing Dani won't leave it alone til she gets answers out off me.

I hate when she is stubborn.

"I don't know Dani, I think I'm going to go to sleep" I said trying my best to avoid her. I slip into bed while turning not to face Dani.

"Why do you always avoid everything" Dani said crawing onto the bed.

"I am not" I said.

"Yes you do all the time" She said as she sat ontop off me with her thighs over side on mine. I look into her grey eyes whitch had a series look in them.

"I don't want to inter fear my problems with mine" I said leaning up to her lips while whispering  what I said.

"Well maybe you need to let some steam off your problems over me" She said whisper up close to my lips. So close that we were nearly touching.

She's got something coming for her tonight.

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