Chapter Fifteen

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"So what are you suppose to be?" Lucas said. I rolled my eyes while sipping on the red cup that Jasmine gave me. Peter's arm was wrapped around my shoulder.

"I'm just myself" Peter said while shugging he's shoulders. I did try to get Peter to dress up but he's stubbon self ignore me.

"Yeah but  dude, this is a halloween party" Lucas said while chuckling to himself. I then look over he's shoulder to see Emma walking over to us with her two minions Gina and Tina twin sisters. And Emma was wear all red dress as a devil.

"Here comes trouble" I said in a whispr while looking up at Peter who look down at me as I drown my cup.

"Well isn't it the goal couples" Emma said pushing Jasmine out of the way in whitch she just moved to stand next to Clarke.

I gave Emma a sarcastic smile. Why is she always want to cause trouble around us, wonder why Jasmine disown her and keep our friendship strong and growing. Emma and I glare dagers at each other while Peter wraped he's arms around my waist while whispering sweet and calm words.

"And isn't it the jealous bitch who want to get in ever guys pants when she sees them" I said giving Emma a smirk while he face drop. Most of the friends around us look back and forth between us while watching the drama happen infront of them.

"What the fuck did you call me you slut!" Emma said starting to get up to my face. Peter when to step infront of me protectivly but I shuffering him behind telling him that I got this haddle.

"You heard me. And actually I am no slut like you go round to sleep with everyone you see. And also Peter is mine and I am he's so mess with with me you mess with him bitch" I said up to her face. And for the first time I can see fear in her eyes that is being shown.

Emma then chuckle lightly while walking away with Gina and Tina and also Lucas followed behind. I walked back over to Peter's arms and lean up and wrapped my arms around Peter's neck while bring he's lips down to me. God I love he's taste so much.

"That was sick! I never knew you had that in you Dani!" Jasmine told me while jumping up and down. I giggle in response.

"Do you want to come and dance baby?" I asked leaning my head back on Peter's chest while looking up in those blue eyes of he's.

"You go. I like to watch pretty things like you" Peter whisper in my ear making me skin send shivers up my spine.

"Come on Jas" I said taking Jasmine hand and we ran to the dance floor while blending in with crowd.

This night I know I'm not going to let anything ruin it. I'm not going to let the rumous that I have heard get to me. I am going to dance all night. Drink all night and be with Jasmine and Peter all night.

While I was moving my body with the music I can feel a pair of eyes watching me and as I turn to the direction I look straight in he's eyes not looking away. That tiny smirk on he's face that is shown in the corner that I used to hate but now I love. And that hair when he runs he's hand through it it's just another leavel.

My eyes never leave him as I walked over to him. The way he kept looking at me I can see he is in some kind of pain but I know what kind of pain he is in. He is in pain in a way to fuck me.

"Princess..." Peter said as I wrapped my arms around he's neck as he put he's head against my neck trailing light kisses down my neck. 

"Let's get out of here" Peter whisper to my ear.

"What about Jasmine and Clarke?" I asked. Jasmine was meant to be our ride home after the party is over.

"Clarke gave me Jasmine car keys he said he will drop her of home, you. I am driving you home" Peter said making me smile. Peter took my hand  and we both start to make our way out of the hall. But my smile soon when, when Emma sudenly walked up to us. 

My face turn to happy to annoyed.

"Well ain't it the happy couple leaving so soon" Emma said.

"Whatever Emma" I said rolling my eyes as Peter wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"You know you will never be a better girlfriend like I would be. You will never be fit enough or pretty enough" Emma words start to anger me more and mor ethe way she talks to me and even infront of Peter.

"Watch it!" I warn her while glaring at her while she had a smirk on her face.

"You will always a slutty whore who wants to lose her virgintaity to every boy she ever sees!" After those words Emma said I lost it.

I turn to her with my eyes darken and then my thist then when to Emma's face as she stumble back a bit while cluching her face.

"Fuck you Emma" I said.

Lucas then match over he must of seen the punch as he when to attack me but Peter react quick as he push him back while holdinh him back to make any attack.

"Dude control your whore or next time things will be really messy" Peter said as we both stand next to each other while glaring at Lucas and Emma.

After punching her I feel better then before and it's what I have been wanting to do ever since the summer I heard her want Peter that was after I knew I feel for him.

"Let's go" I said grabing Peter's hand and as we turn to leave I gave Emma one last look before we ran out of the hall.

Peter made me realize what I want to fight for. I want to fight for Peter and only him in my life.

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