Chapter Ten

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It's been a month since that night Dani came to study with that day. A Month since we deside to be friends. A month since Dani agree to fake date around my mom. We have not got a chance to hang out or talk because we have school and exams happening. I wish I had more time to spend with her but I need to focus in getting to New York Veterinary to study in college, it is what I want to help animals to live.

The amount of times I want to text and call Dani makes me wonder if I should pick up and call her, or should I go round to see her. I have notice she has open her curtins in her room since she did that rivison so that means she's coming around. I'm glad that she is letting light into her life because I hate when she close in the dark.

I lay on my bed and look at my phone where I look at Dani number I have her name saved as 'My Princess' I saved it when we were together this summer and I have not changed it since then. I sigh to myself and hit the call button on her. What could go wrong over the call to her? After about three rings the phone was answer and I heard her soft voice over the line.

"Hello" She said more like a question.

"Hey Princess" I said with a little chuckle in my voice. I put an arm behind my neck with the phone on speaker call.

"Peter" She said as I hear her moving about in her room doing something over the over line.

"Do you need something?" She asked me, of course she would asked me that. It's Danielle who we are talking about.

"I just want to hear your voice" I said standing up and look out my window finding Dani herself looking out the window across from me with a smile on her face.

"Can I asked you something?" I asked her I see her rollrd her eyes at me like she always use to do.

"What is it?" She asked with a sigh I can imagine Dani running her fingers through her blonde hair.

"So there's the Halloween dance at school coming up and I was wondering if we could go together?" I asked her. I kind of feel nervous asking her to the dance because it would make us are first school couple together.

"Um I don't know if I am going after that party Jasmine dragged me I don't think I will cope" She said I see her pasing her bedroom.

"What happened at the party?" I asked her curiously.

"Well I got drunk not like I been drunk before and then I kiss a guy that I though was you" She said.

After her explain to me I feel kind of jeasous of her kissing another guy that night but the fact she though it was me made my heart flatter, this could mean she still likes me but won't admit it.

"You though you were kissing me?" I teasse her with a smirk on my face.

"Don't push it. I feel bad already" She said with a sight. She look back out of the window giving me her look just gives me to stop teassing her.

2Look if you get drunk at the Halloween party I'll make sure you don't kiss any other guy apart from me" I said to her.

"Wow, I'm flattered" She said sarcastic.

"Okay fine I'll go with you" She said giving up on not going.

I smile big at her answer, I have always want to go to a party with her. That we get all dress up and dance and drink and kiss it's all I have imagine of us.

"Cool, so can I come round tonight" I asked her wanting to see her already.

I am already missing her too much and I want to be safe in her arms that keeps me walm or sshould I say I keep her walm and safe.

"You want cuddles don't you?" She asked. She knows me too well.

"Yes" I said with a smile on my face.

"Alright but come through my window my mom still doesn't know I'm talking to you again" She quickly explain to me. Even thought I will always climb through her window it's the easiest way to get to her.

"Always do" I said then we both hang up after saying bye.

I jump up and down that Dani is finally warming up to me. I quickly change into new clothers and even sprayed the way Dani use to like it. She always got clingy on me when I spray. I comb out my hair make sure it looks right and before I could leave I hear someone come into my room. I turn to see Clarke walked in.

"Peter has Jasmine text you at any point?" Clarke asked shutting my door. I sigh annoyed at my brother. Him and Jasmine have been texting alot latly so why is coming to me why I have heard from her?

"No why what happened?" I asked him walking up to him.

"Well me and Jasmine we are secretly dating and all and well we had sex and well... um she has not talked to me since that night" Clarke told me going red in the face. I smirk at my brother that has finally man up into the man he wants to be.

"Did use protection?" I asked teasse him.

"Peter! Not now have you or have you not speak to her?" He asked me getting annoyed as he cracked he's neck.

"No I have not look I'm going to see Dani tonight so I can asked her okay" I said in which Clarke nodded in responce. I can see the love in he's eyes he has to Jasmine, it's the same look I give Dani.

"Just cover for me will you" I asked walking over to my window.

"I will son't worry about mom" Clarke said.

I then smirk at him and then jump out my window heading to Dani. alot can happen in one night but I want to make two people I love happy and my top one will always come first and that is Danielle that will make her smile.

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