Chapter Twenty Three

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"Peter the results are here!" Dani called while running into the room with two brown envelopes. It has been months since the night in the hotel room, Dani and I are living with her after finally convicing her mom for me to live. I have even gone back to high school and finish the rest off the exams off. Now prom is round the corner for us, we are both deside not to go to not deal with what happened at the halloween party last year. And as for my father he has tried to come round and to speak to me but all I do is slame the door in he's face.

I want nothing more for that man to be in my life, or in Clarke's life as well. 

I stand up from Dani's bed and walked over to my princess who was jumping full of sunshine and her smile that makes my day at my lowest time. I always love to see happy, I never want her for to be sad or hurt from anyone but I always seem to always give her that pain in her life.

"Have you open yours?" I asked once Dani pasted me my results envelope. This result was not for our exams this result was to see what college we had got into.

The thing is I have applied for to colleges in New York and Seattle I know Dani wants to go to Seattle that is her plans she wants to do so I want to go wherever she goes. I don.t care what she says; I'll follow wherever my princess goes.

"Nope, I want us to open it together" Dani said rolling back and forward on her heels. I chuckle at her answer while giving her a kiss on her forehead.

"Right on three?" Dani asked which I nodded on respose.

"One" I hope it is the same college I get in as my princess.

"Two" What if it is not?

"Three!" And then we both open our envelope and as I scane over my face then drope into a disapointment look. 

I got into New York college not the to Seattle. Dani was jumping up and down saying she got into the Seattle reader and writer college, they have different camp site you have to apply at the college. I'm so happy and proud off her but I feel disapoined I got into the New York college.

"What is it, what did you get?" Dani asked taking the paper out my hand and read it.

"You got into the NYC college! You can study  veterinary! P, I'm so proud of you" Dani said.

She maybe proud of me but I don't want to go there, I want to go where she goes. I don't want us to be apart from each other.

"Why are you not so happy?" Dani asked frown when she saw my expression. I chuckle running my hands through my hair as I sat down on the bed not meeting her eyes. I can't look at her.

"Because I want to go to Seattle with you" I said finally look up to find Dani shaking her head and with annoyed look on her face.

I don't want to repeat what happened last time, but it seems it's always mine doing. I never like to hurt her in any way. I'm afraid to even lose her and be apart from her for so many weeks, or even years.

"Don't do this again, P" She siad with a sigh in her voice.

"I'm sorry but I don't want to be apart from you" I said. I know I may sound like I am controlling her b ut this is what love does to you.

They you seem crazy, like in all the world you only see her and you only want to be with you, no one else. If there was a way to spend your life with that one person would you risk it all for her? Because I have and I would do it again and again just to prove how much we belong together.

I love her so much, I would even scream it to the world and call out her name for her to hear it in whole world. But I will never leave her in any life time we always will end up coming back to each other wherever we go.

My mom always told me when you find the one, keep it to your heart and never let that one person go. I never believe I would find one after what my father did to break this family. But when I found her my princess I knew I had to have her, now I'm afraid to be apart from her.

"Peter, you and I have a chance to do the things we want to do. It won't effect our relationship with each other. You can't keep me with you all the time like a puppet" Dani said throwing her arms in the air.

"Princess, being apart from her change everything" I said.

Dani laugh a little bit with annoyed in her laugh as she can't deal with this or me.

"Oh my god! Peter you can't tell me were or when I can or can not go for my future! This is my future not yours and I say what I want for myself for my life! Dani said shouting at me with the look of rage in her eyes.

I knew this will happened all the fighting and making up is will always lead to. Always come back to.

"I understand you want to go to Seattle but without you by my side I am nobody. Before you I was rude and an asshole you change me" I explain seeing her grey eyes tear up.

Shit I did it again!

I'm making my princess cry over me.

"Well you are being an asshole right now. A selfish asshole" She spat out making my heart ache. I don't want to be the old Peter.

"I think you should go. Go and be with Emma I don't know I just can't look at you right now" I don't want to leve. I don't want to go to Emma. I want to be with her.

"Princess" I said standing up while trying to reach for her hand nut she pulled away.

"Just go!" Dani shout while I watch more tears fall out of her pretty eyes.

And with that I left the house. Leaving my princess to cry in her room over me. I don't know what is wrong with me but I seem to always ruin everything.

I can't fix anything around me. 

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