Chapter Twenty

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December the first when by, and I never saw Peter at he's house or at school. Then the  secound, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, tenth, eleventh, and so on for a whole month. Not even I saw him in he's room whitch was weird. Even during the christmas breaks I never saw him down the coffee shop, at the mall or even at the beach. I didn't even see Clarke anywhere but he sometimes calls me so I know he is alright.

But it just seems like... Peter Hills is just...


He can't just be gone from this town I love. Not even gone from this world. 

I know I was hurt when Peter found out about my plans and that Jasmine told me to let him go. But what really hurts is that he is not around. I'm starting to get worried that he is not showing up.

What if he has run away? What if he is at the hospital? What if he is hurt? What if he is dead!?

Even when now he is not around the town seems more quieter without him around it was just like before he even came to the Bay. 

"So what do you think?" Jasmine asked it is now  December the thirty first, New Years Eve. I always use to go to those parties with Jasmine and Emma and I was going to go with Jasmine since Emma is out off our lives but I don't feel like going to the party tonight.

"It's nice" I said looking back at my book in away to distract myself and not want to talk to anyone but my thoughts.

"You know nice is another word for boring" Jasmine looked at me while raising a brow. I sigh while my chest rise up and down. 

Alot of the people in my school that I know have seen a big change in me. They would say, what happened to you Danielle? Your not the say Danielle? You are no longer fun Danielle? I miss the old Dani?

But none of them will know I killed the old Dani, she died when Emma made he choice.

"Jas, I don't feel like going to the party plus you look good in anything" I said looking up at her slightly.

"Now you are being boring" She rolled her eyes as she turned around to look at herself in my mirror.

I never want my life to turn so depressing but what I hope is to move away from this place I called home. I am counting the days til I finish high school. Once that is over I will be free from everything.

"Dani ever since you broke things off from Peter you have gone-" Jasmine stated to speak but I cut her off while standing up at the same time.

"-Don't start this again" I said while walking to my dressing table as I got out a squanchy.

Jasmine is making things worst by talking about the things that will make want to cry to sleep, it was like the feeling of finding out about my Dad that I was close to all over again. Ideon't want this to repeat in front off me.

"What? I'm trying to help you out and all you are being is a stuck up-" I turn around to face Jasmine as her eyes were narrow while I try to hold my tears back.

"-A stuck up what? A stuck up bitch is that it?" I asked.

"Well yes, Dani you use to be so happy and fun and now you changed" Jasmine said in a quiet voice.

"Well people change Jasmine and you have aswell" I said point6ing at her.

She can't even talk ever since Clarke was drolling over her they have been head over hills and all happy. Like the perfect couple Peter and I willnever be.

"That is different" Jasmine said as I laugh at her answer. This is not different.

"Look at yourself Jasmine. You fell for a boy exact same reason I have but you are not thr sweet, inocent Jasmine I knew you have had a big change unlike me. And you and Clarke are always the happy sweetheart couple while mine and Peter are always damage because off the people we let into our hearts get in the way" I explain, tears pour out of my grey eyes making my vision go blury. For the first time I have never said something like this pour out off my heart.

"Dani, you dumped him. Get the fuck over it"Jasmine said. I never knew til now that Jasmine was like this she never had this feeling in her before andI don't know why.

"I can't Jasmine. Peter is my first person I have loved.He was my first kiss, my fist time, my first love I let in my heart. He was my everything and I can't let someone go when they have always been healed. Peter changed me to make me feel safe from everything. I still love him and I promise you we will be together. Someday. Somehow. But maybe in another life time our hearts will call for each other again" I express everything my heart was feeling out and never let my lips stop.

Peter is my everything. My world.

"Don't say, I didn't warn you" And with that said Jasmine left my room and out of my apartment home.

I let a breathe leave my mouth while I start to cry on all the feelings I was feeling at this moment how I still love him.

I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him, I still love him.

I always have loved him.

I was then brought back into my world by my phone buzzing and as I checked it it was none other then...

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