Chapter Four

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"Clarke hurry we are late for our classes!" I shout at my brother while run down the halls in our new school to get to class. Clarke has Maths and I have English. Clarke groan while running behind me.

"It's not my fault someone was looking at he's ex girlfriend picture late at night" Clarke said in which I gave him a glare behind me.

"Well it's not my fault someone over slept this morning mumbling Jasmine name in there sleep" I fire back at my brother. In which my brother when bright red in the face.

"I'll see you at lunch" Clarke said turning a corner to wear he's class room is. I smile proubly at what I did to my brother. Even when I am having trouble with my love life I'm glade Clarke has found someone like Jasmine.

I carry down the hall way that was nearly empty. The halls, the class rooms, the lockers are no different then my old school and to be honest I don't care at all. But the only thing I care is to see her happy and be shatter and being shadow by Emma. 

It's been weeks since I last saw her, last when to her. I don't see her across my bedroom window, at my house to give my mother some thank you cake's, I don't see her at the beach no more. And she is hurting I know but what hurts the most is my heart breaking to not see her instead being drag into the shadows.

Before I even meet her I tried, I tried so hard not to follow her, to look at her because I don't want to hurt like mom did but since that blonde hair came into my life she made me smile. I made her smile.

And now it all feels like a shatter glass being thrown into my face and make me bleed over a girl that once was sunshine and wanted to focus on her future to where it will take her.

I walked into the class and see most of the class is already packed and fall of seats. Damn Clarke I'm going to killl you for making me late for class.

"Hi" I smile waving at the teacher. She had brown eyes, brown hair, long skiny legs and wore a blue dress as she gave me a smile.

"Hello, you must be Peter Hills are new transfer student" She said as I nodded at her.

"Perfect. I'm MrsJohnson, I'm afraid the only seat is next to Danielle" Mrs Johnson pointed out.

And as I hear her name leave Miss Johnson lips I turn my head and find Danielle already looking at me. With her pink lips apart and her blande hair blow in her face due to the window open I swear I could not look away from her beauty. And sure enough Danielle could not look away from me by the way her eyes sparkle at me. She does that whenever she looked at me.

I walked to my seat next to her and sat down, I gave Danielle a smile my way but she look away from me with a frown planed as well. I don't want us to start this year at a bad start. And I hate the way this is heading as well.

If I could turn back the clock and stop her from breaking up and hurting the both of us I would do all that just for her. Andif someone would even asked if I would take a bullet for her? I would do it all over again just for her to breathe.

"Dani, can we please talk?" I asked her in a whisper in hope no one hear what we are talking about. But I think half of  the school already knows about us because of Emma spreading rumous.

"Don't call me that Hills and no" She spatted at me while not looking at me. Instead of her sweet angel voice I hear a cold and tired voice behind her. It doe not sound like her.

This Danielle would never speak to someone like that and not to me as well.

"Danielle you need to know it's Emma who is_" I started but got cut off by her. She even turn to look at me.

"I am very accable of what Emma is doing and if it was not for you none of this would of happened" Danielle said as I see tears start to pour down her face and even can see the red tired marks against her make up.

I t seems this has not just broke me but her as well. All these weeks I spend smashhing my room, not eating, trying to contect her that I have open my eyes to see what not just Emma has done but what I have. I have changed her life since I enter it.

"Dan" I said in a whisper and when to reach for her hand but she pulled away and turn to look at the front of the class. It hurts me to see her do that and it feels as my heart has been ripped out of my chest and shuffed down my throat.

"At least let me talk to you, just us like it use to be" I whisper to her but when she look at me she gives me this blank face as she doe not care anymore.

And Danielle always care for something. If it's friends, or family, or books; Danielle Adams always cares about something but this Danielle is closing inside and not show any emotions.

"Mrs Johnson? Can I use the ladies?" Danielle asked with everyone turn to look at her. It seems most of the class knows the rumous from this summer now.

"Yes Danielle but make it quick" Mrs Johnson said.

Danielle took no time and jumped out of seat and left the class room. I know deep down she's gone to cry to herself and deep down I want to jump out of my seat and run to hug her telling her everything is okay. But we are not okay.

Nothing can fix what is done.

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