Chapter Sixteen

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It was dark outside, loads of parents were taking there children trick or treating all dress up. Dani and I sat in the car  while I drive her home for the night. We were laughing at the fact that Dani punch Emma in the face.

"She should of seen her face" Dani said as I look at her. One of my hands were on her thighs while I was driving in one hand. The feeling of her touch gives me comfort.

"I'm proud of you princess but I don't want you to get hurt" I told her. When I saw Lucas was going to attack Dani I had to act fast I don't want anyone to hurt my princess.

I looked back at Dani to see her beautiful grey eyes have darken. I know she wants me but I can't do this right now while I am driving. I want to but I am not going to get in trouble have mom yelling at me.

Dani lean up against me and start trailing kisses down my neck making me moan a little. I don't want it to be here and have anyone that past see us fucking. I need to park somewhere no one can see us.

"Dani, we are in the car" I told her while sighting.

"So?" She mumble kissing down my neck. He lips feel so soft against my skin.

"So? Anyone can see us" I said as Dani pulled away looking at me with her hands in my hair.

"Since when did Peter Hills care about privitcy hmm?" Dani asked as I pulled up at the side of the road behind some bushes.

"Fuck" I let a sight out while unbuckling my belt. I turned to her with my eyes shown huger and darken in the way she has made me feel and I am going to teach her a leasson.

I roll my seat down and unbuckle my belt. Dani watch my every move while I can see her squeezing her thighs trying to pleasure herself.

"Get on top of me. Now!" I told her in which she did as I told. I gave her a smirk at her good girl being told. I run my fingers up her skirt below her stomach making her breathe gasp.

I then ripped her thighs open along with her panties in which Dani gasp in surprise making me chuckle at her reaction.

"Don't worry baby, I'll buy you knew pairs" I told her. Dani leaned down to me kissing me with her soft lips against my rough lips. While doing that I can feel Dani rubbing herself against my hard cock making get harder. I growed in between the kiss.

Dani then started trailing hickeys down my neck. I want to teach her a leasson but she makes me feel weak the way she is being. I then grab her blonde her a yeat her head back making her gasp, I look her in the eyes while my other hand undid my jeans. As I pulled out my cock it was standing high and I then gave Dani a look which she understood.

She then slide inside while both her thighs on either side and we both moan at the same time. OnceDani got used she then started to move up and down while we both moan with our mouth open.

I leaned down to Dani neck and suck hickey down her. I moved my hips faster want to pleasure my girl well.

"Peter!" Dani breathe out while moaning my name and gasping for air.

"I know baby! I'm close as well" I told her while Dani hold onto my neck I grab a hold of her hips while guiding her the way.

I then felt Dani cum as she moaned my name once again. I then push Dani off me in which she bend down and put my cock in her mouth while I moan and groan her name.

After that I then cum in her mouth and I grab Dani jaw while title her head back while she looks up at me.

"Swollow every last bit" I told which she nodded and did swollow it all.

"Good girl" I told her. I then pulled my jeans back on along with my belt. Dani sat back down in the passengers seat as she took her boots and thighs off along with her panties while throw them in the back seat.

"Jasmine will kill you if she finds them in her car" I told her while she was fixing her blonde hair out in the mirror.

"She won't know if no one tells her" Dani gave a cheeky smile my way while I chuckle in response.

After that I started the car once again and drove Dani home. Dani close her eyes and when to sleep. I was a bit hard on Dani tonight but it was the best sex we have had since we got back together.

I love her face Dani face when she sleep makes me feel as she is safe when she is sleeping around me. I don't want to let her go. But one thing I fear the most is when we go off to college after we graduate from school. I can't live without my princess with me. And I don't know what she will react when I mention it. I know she want's to publish her book but she is o scared to do so and I want to take care of animals make them feel safe, but I want her to be in it. It's not the same without her in my life.

I would go to the end of the world to be with her. I would die to see her happy to see her smile, give her what she wants. If we meet in another life I want it to be her and I.

Once we arrive at her house I pick Dani up along with her thighs and panties, I quickly knock on the door waiting for Sophia is she is still awake to let us in. Soon the door open to a tired Sophia.

"Peter how have you been?" Sophia asked giving me a tired smile.

"I'm good, Dani just feel asleep I brought her home" I said.

"Oh go ahead put her to bed then" Sophia let me in.

And as I put Dani to bed while covering the covers I moved her hair to the side. Nothing is better then to watch my princess looking peacefull.


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