Chapter Five

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I ran. When being in the same room and class with your ex and still in love with them, feels as you are drowning. You want to blame them and I blame him for it. Even when someone is the blame for it, I blame myself for every bit of it. From catching my eye when we first meet. From knocking on he's door not knowing he's my neighbour. From making him from following me everywhere. From dreaming about him. From kissing him. From touching him. From sleeping with him. From even falling in love with him.

And I hate myself from letting myself feel all these feeling and to say though I want Peter I do but I feel traped in another story when the other girl wants the guy and I don't want to put myself in those shoes.

I lean against the sink in the ladies and all of a sudden I let all the emotions I have locked inside me out. I cry it all out looking myself watch the mascara run down my face to make me have smuged makeup.

Is this what it feels to lose the one you love? To feel everything slip from your fingers?

I never been in love before and Peter made me feel in so many different ways I could say. But my heart that summer beated for him and not just for my story to write but also for Peter. I want to run in that class and tell him how much I love him but a part of me tells me to give my heart a rest and focus on exams and college that will be happening soon.

I dried up my tears and fix up my makeup that was smuged. I then knew once I walk out into the halls and into that class room all eyes will be on me but I need to not care whats so ever.

I took a deep breathe and walked out of the bathroom. By the time I got back to the classroom everyone was leaving the classroom. Class was over Mrs Johnson walked up to me handing me a sheet of paper that looks like revison for the up coming exam.

"I have paired you to be Peter's revison partner as I know you are the smartest in my class and have nailed all our testes in this class"Mrs Johnson said. Now there is no escape from Mr rude boy at all.

"Great" I said with a fake smile while Mrs Johnson left the class room.

I picked up my bag near my desk and notice Petr is still in this classroom. This empty classroom with no one about.

"So what time should we meet up?" Peter asked me. I look up at he's blue eyes seeing a spark of hope in them.

"Listen I don't want to be seeing you after everything but I need this for my college so your house at six tonight" I said crossing my arms. Peter look at me with a bright smile on he's face.

"Six is perfect you know my house see you there Dani" He said with a grin walking out the classroom.

"I told you not to call me that" I said but he was gone before I can say it.

All this year I wanted to avoid Peter but it seems I'm going to be stuck with him like he's put me under a spell.

I walked out of the classroom and walked the halls. The halls that are busy. I meet with Jasmine that was too happy to see me.

"Guess what?" Jasmine asked me in a singing voice of hers.

"The football jorks are banging all the nerd girls am I right?" I asked with energy to deal with gosslip anymore.

"Not that. Friday night. You. Me. Party" Jasmine said. And the one thing I don't want to do right now.

"Jasmine I don't think I want to go" I said as Jasmine link arms with me.

"Okay I get you don't want to go but Clarke wants to see he's cool bestie he will be there and I promise you Peter won't be there" Jasmine told me with a pleading face.

"Why would I care if Peter is there?" I asked the blonde with a confuse expeshion. I don't know why Jasmine, my only friend now would care if Peter is at a party. He is free to do whatever he wants and I am one of those crazy ex girlfriends controling your ex telling I don't want you at this party to see you talking to other girls.

He can date whoever he wants now I honestly don't care. All I care about is the up coming exams and getting to college. I've been thinking of applying to NYC college or Settle University College, either way I want to get out of this town as soon as the next summer is finish.

"Fine I'll go" I said to Jasmine with a sigh. Jasmine squeek jumping up and down in excitement as she grab my arm.

"So you free tonight or not?" Jasmine asking. It's always her way to want to crash at my place when her parents are not home. Jasmine hates being home alone by herself it scares her.

"Well I'm working til six then I have to go to Peter house for the revison seacion and I don't know how long it will take" I said running my hands through my long blonde hair.

"Wait you and Peter- are you two back?" Jasmine asked stopping in her trackes.

"No Mrs Johnson paired us together and Peter seems to not stop trying to talk to me today. It is annoying" I said with a huff as I got to my locker and open it up.

"Well he must still be in lo-" I cut Jasmine of before she can finish that sentence she was going to say.

I can't hear anyone say that about Peter and I, because I know we are not right for each other.

"Stop right there. I don't want to hear that word. There is no Peter and I" I said as I look over to see Peter talking over side of the lockers with Emma and some football jocks.

"Not anymore" I said the last thing with a sad smile.

I then shut my locker and walked off to my next class with Jasmine who did not say a word to me about  Peter. 

The fact it was Peter and I once upon a time ago, him and I; But that is only in are stories and in are dreams, in that Summer to never forget about. 

That's what I think. 

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