Chapter Eleven

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I walked over to my bookshelf to put my book away when I heard the knock on my window. I turn around to see Peter hanging off the edge of my window as he gave me a little wave with a cheeky grin he always has on he's face. I chuckle to myself at the look of him. I walked to my window and open my window as I did that Peter pop he's head through it.

"Hey" He said starting to climb inside.

"Hey" I said as soon Peter was inside he gave a cheeky grin again while we stand face a face. It felt weird with out anyone saying other then hey.

I moved to my bed and sat down crossed leg while I watch Peter who looked around my room. Must beeing seeing if anything has changed since he's last been here but the only thing is changed is my bed, I changed the covers last month to a green forest colour.

"How's everything at home?" I asked while playing with my finger nails. I do that when I am nervous or stress.

"Um, Mom is fine. Lily just started walking and well Clarke is...well Clarke" He said chuckling to himself. At we he said it made me laugh about Clarke as well.

"I'm glad" I said with a smile on my face. Peter then sat down on my bed facing me and we did it again with those eyes. They stayed that for a least more then a miniute. Why do we keep looking at each other like that while we are fake dating?

"I need to asked you something?" Peter said breaking the eye contact.

"Shoot away" I said ready for whatever question he want to asked me to throw my way.

"Has Jasmine spoke to you about Clarke?" Peter asked.

I have not heard Jasmine spoke about Clarke since the Friday night partie I when too and now that I think about it, Jasmine has been really quiet. Did her and Clarke have a fight ? Did Emma get to her? I want to know what is going on with my sweet friend.

"I have not spoken to Jasmine since that night at the party. Why? What has happened?" I asked so many questions at once.

"Clake told me he has not heard from Jasmine since they had sex and he though you might know something" Peter said. My eyes wide in what I heard.

Jasmine and Clarke had sex! And Jasmine did not even tell me!

"Wait Jasmine and Clarke had sex!?" I asked still in shocked.

"Yeah and he has not heard from her" Peter said.

"I have not heard from her but I will talk to Jas about this" I said as Peter nodded in understanding me.

All this is quiet a shock to me with Jasmine she has lose her virginity and did not tell me at all. Peter and I then when back to looking at each other. While I look at him I then look at he's soft pink lips how I remember the tast of him. I bite my lip at the memory of it. Peter then look at my lips and lick he's bottom lips and bite it as well.

"Stop that" I told him getting flatter.

"Make me" Peter said giving me he's signature smirk on he's face. He always did that all the time and that seems to turn me on everytime he says that while giving me he's smirk on he's face.

I took one deep breathe while my breathing was getting high; I knee up and pulled Peter by he's neck and my lips, Peter did not hesitate to kiss me back. I bit he's bottom lip with hunger and he's taste had not change at all. Peter smile in the kiss and looked with those eyes he give that ants more.

Peter and I then pulled away to breathe but we still hold each other in our arms.

"I though you said nothing more then fake dating?" Peter asked me placing he's hands on my cheek.

"Fuck fake dating and fuck me Hills" I said after I said that Peter then chuckle, pick me up and layed me on my back on my bed.

Peter got on top of me and contiue kissing me. He kissed me my cheek, my lips, my face, my neck everywhere. Peter pulled away and start to help out of my shorts we were both hungry for each other and we couldn't get are clothes off quick enougth. After we threw are clothes over my room whereever to find we were both in are underwear.

Peter then started to stuck on my neck what he use to do all the time and it feels good when I feel he's toung against my neck. Peter then look me in the eyes as he kiss and stuck down my stomach making me moan out and when he got to my thighs he pulled away and looked at me.

"Are you sure you want to do this again/" Peter asked.

"Yes Peter just fuck me" I said like I am desperate.

Peter then rip my panties off me reveling me to him and only him. He then took off he's boxes where he's huge dick spring out infront of me I sat out and undid my bra taking it off for Peter. Peter breathe caught in he's throat at the sight of me. We then kiss again as Peter lay me back down. He then position himself and the next thing Peter push himself in me. We both moan at the same time.

Oh Peter is still as good as he use to be.

Peter found a pase and keep it that way. If this could be us in the future I want it to be like this forever. Peter started to speed up he's pase as he kiss my neck and I bite he's shoulder for not to make to much sound to alert my mom from coming into the room that would be hard to explain.

Soon Peter then finish in me but lucky I was on the pill so I won't get pregnant. After that Peter flop ontop off me as we brethe heavy. Peter then rolled off me and we got in the covers together.

"Best sex like always with you" Peter said I agree with him.

We then cuddle together and fell asleep in each others arms and the first thing in a while I don't feel scared or sad or worried.

I fell safe.

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