Chapter Ninteen

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What in the actural fuck is going on! After reading the text from Dani I knew something is up. Peter was even have a mix feeling on he's face when I saw him, but what is even going on!? Clarke is at my house eating, I have offer my shy boyfriend to stay there for as much as he wants after he's dad just show up. I love Clarke so much I was scared of my feelings when I first meet him but now I know how much we love each other.

I walked up to Dani house and as I knock on the door. The door was then sling open and there stand Dani with her blonde hair a mess, wear sweat pants and I think Peter's hoddie as well and her face looks a state. Something must really when down this time! And this is not a Emma thing at all!

"Oh Dani, what did he's asswipe ass did?" I said a little bit of anger in me. I hate to see Dani like this. She is the only sister I have ever wanted and I want to protect her.

"Can we take a walk on the beach?" Dani sked while wrapping her arms around her body. I nodded in respose as I move her blonde hair out of her face and move it behind her ear.

She is too beautiful to even cry I don't want to see her cry like this it breaks my heart and I don't want her to get her heart broken over this stupid boy she meet over the summer.

The truth is I really don't like Peter I may be kind to him but deep down I hate him. If he never bother Dani that summer we would never had to break our friendship with Emma and I know I will always be on Dani side. I hate the way he treats her and if ths is the secound fight they have had then that will be the last straw if I was in Dani's shoes.

We walked on the beach togher in silence. It was cold in the air in this November weather but as we stop we both looked out at the sea watching the waves come towards us. I know Dani is going to talk about her problems but I will wait until she is ready. I don't care how long it will take I will wait just for her.

"Peter found my planner" Dani told me. Well shit! So this is about Dani moving to Seattle and Peter might not be going there.

"He did not take it well did he?" I asked her.

"No" Dani said shaking her head.

"I want to go to Seattle Jas I do. But Peter wants to be with me every step off the way and I don't want him to get in the way. I kind of broke up with him" She said. Dani started sniffing as I see a tear when down her face. I wrapped my arm round my best friend and let her cry or hug me. I let her do whatever she needs.

"I hurt him Jas and it hurts me too" She said after taking a deep breathing while carry on looking out at the sea.

"I know it hurts, but maybe it's best for the both off you" I told her while bitting my lip. Dani turn to me and looked into my green eyes.

"I love him Jas and it hurts I'm scared I will lose him. He is my first ever love, my first boyfriend, my first everything! And it fucking hurt!" Dani said with the mix of anger and sadness in her eyes.

"I know that it hurts. But you will find someone better and it will be more magical then the first, but maybe it will best if you focus on yourself then your relationship" I said taking Dani shoulders to look at me.

"What if I am curst to even find love?" Dani asked.

Dani is not curst she will never be.

She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be! She will never be!


The only person that is really curst well is Emma she is so obessed with hooking up with every guy she see's in the bloody fucking school.

"Your not curst. And you don't need Peter at this moment" I said after I said that I brough Dani into my chest while not letting her go. 

She needs someone to cry on and I am there for her. I have been there for her through everything. This is me paying her back when she was there when my mom died. No one was ever there apart from Dani.

All Dani needs to do is get through her exams and then we can acually talk about everything after those months are over. But right now Dani needs a shoulder to cry.

I am the person.

And I can also give Dani what she needs.

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