Chapter Three

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"Come on, Danielle" Jasmine shake me to get up. I groan turning over to the other side  ignoring Jasmine attempt to get up. I don't even won't to get up, I don't want to face Emma and her spreading rumous about me, I don't want to see Peter and have my heart break more because of him.

"Jasmine please" I said to the blonde hearing her scoff standing above my bed.

"Not today sister. You are getting your ass to school even if I have to drag it myself" Jasmine then rip the covers off me and that time I sit up and look at her, giving her a seriously look.

"Fine, I'll get dress" I said after Jasmine raise a brow at me when I gave her the look.

Jasmine clap her hands together with a sweet smile on her face jumping up and down with excitement. But this year does not feel like any year I have. Even when it's my last year here and I still got exams to get through and study seassions even the book club I still sign up for over the summer. But this year it is not with two of my best friends, it's with one. Now it feels as everything has changed and I can not do anything to change that.

I when to my wardrobe and got out a vest top with a chesterfield shirt and a pair of shirts and along with my Doctor Martin boots. I tie the laces on my boots and stand up where Jasmine just tie her hair in a high pony tail. I walk to stand next to Jasmine as I start to apply some makeup to my tied eyes I look.

"Are you ready for the upcoming exams this year?" Jasmine asked breaking the silence between us. I sigh to myself while using my spung to blend the makeup into my skin.

"I guess, I just want to get this year over with" I said as I put on a little bit of lip gloss and mascara with a little wig eyeliner.

"I know. But you got me to get through this year" Jasmine said squeezing my hand. I smile at her and then brush out my blonde curls out.

After that both Jasmine and I left my room with my bags as we picked up a piece of toast on the way out.

We both got into Jasmine car and turn on some music while Jasmine drove in silence. If it was not for Jasmine I think I would of isolate myself for the rest of the year until college. I don't want to be doing this but I am only doing this for Jasmine because she is my best friend and without her I would be lost.

Even if Jasmine is excited to get back to high schooland classes I am glade this is are last year here. We both can go off to college and to be who we are. I want to start writing my own books when I get to college but I just seem to not be able to finish my book write now. I write for emotions and feelings but I never know who I write for.

Writing express alot of emotions. It can be for anger, grief, love that was for others that might feel but for me? I don't know who I even express my emotions for.

My emotions were all for Peter, but now I just don't know what my emotions are now, I don't really write much since the break up but now I feel as I want to write every emotions I'm feeling inside my body until it leaves it.

"Hello earth to Danielle" I then came back to were I was by Jasmine voice. I turn to look at her seeing the car has now been stopped in the school car park.

"What?" I asked looking back at her.

"I asked if you are ready to go this" Jasmine said as she narrow her eye brows at me.

"Um, yeah sorry I was in my other world" I said while I look at the high school where all the other kids enter the school or meet up with there friends and walk with them.

"Are you sure your ready for this?" Jasmine asked me taking my hand looking at me through her blue eyes.

"I am ready to get this year over with. It's now you and me" I told Jasmine seeing her smile at me.

"You and me" Jasmine reapeat what I said.

We both then get out of her car and picked our bags up as we swing it over our shoulder we walked together into the high school where most of the hall way was crowed away. I look side by side seeing alot of the students giving me dirty or weird looks my way even some whisper to there friends while looking at me.

I bite my lip trying hard not to bitter back of what the rumous has said about me. Jasmine and I then made it to our locker and unlock it wihile putting our stuff we don't need in our locker.

"So you go English?" Jasmine asked. She knows my schedule all by heart and most of my classes have not been change throught last year.

"You know me. Mrs Johnson is my best teacher" I said hugging books to my chest as I close my locker and lock it.

"She's is everyone's best teacher" Jasmine said slaming her locker shut.

"And let me guess History with Emma?" I asked her with my brow raise.

"Actually I changed class to Biology I will not be able to put up with Emma who knows gossip about you" Jasmine said. Oh she is so sweet to do that.

"Speak of the devil" Jasmine said as our smile then vanish.

Emma walked by us arm link with Lucas as they both walked together. Emma was wearing a very short mini skirt that can almost see her ass with a pink top that has no straps on and along with a pair of heels on. She even carry a hand bag on her right arm and her hair was flown down her back. I looked at her with my lips parted and when she look my way she gave a dark glare with a smirk on her face.

As Emma walked out of my vision I then sigh to myself. Emma use to be so nice and good when we first meet and we were always so close the three of us but now since she lose her virginity and wanting Peter we are not the same person anymore.

"I still can't believe she started spreading rumous about all because of Peter" Jasmine said with annoyed looking on her face. I rolled my eyes as the bell rang for class to start.

"Forget it I'll see you in Maths" I said.

I then walked off to English and took my seat at least I don't have to deal with Emma in here. And this class will the last year I will walk in and sit here.

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