Chapter Twelve

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The sound of a phone ring in the early morning woke me from the sound. I had Dani cuddle up to me still asleep. She's so cute when her hair is messy, I smile moving her hair out of her face I must of worn her out alot last night. Being back in her arms feel like hope has been given to me now that Dani has slept with me maybe we can stop fake dating and acually be a couple just like  this summer but instead make it public.

I move slowly to get up and put on my pants I don't want to leave Dani with out saying goodbye to her, I need to get and tell Clarke about Jasmine I know is not alot to help, but it's all I have for him.

As I tired my shoes and put my shirt on I look around for a pen and paper in Dani room until I found it as I was about to start to write a letter to Dani I saw in Dani's mirror that she's starting to wake up. I turn to her and sat on her bed as she groan a wake.

"Morning Princess" I said kissin her on the head.

"Your still here" She said seem confuse. If she thinks I would of leave after having the best sex with her she is wrong because I won't leave her. Not like last time, I won't let her leave me again Dani means so much to me and I can't live with out her.

"You think I would leave without saying goodbye" I said raising a brow and at that moment I see that bright smile Dani has, the smile that shows her bright teeth that I love.

"Still the same Peter I meet over the summer" She said pulling me into her. 

I kiss her back on the lips not wanting to pall away. Her lips still taste those strawberry lips stick she always carry with her and wear. It is even my favourite one she wears on her and it goes with her skin.

While we carry on kissing I then pulled away, I really need to go but I also want to stay with her it is the weekend after all but I need to shower I don't want her to think I stink and would tell me to leave.

"Okay I got to go home and shower" I said as I see Dani whine while dropping the lip, she does that when she wants attention or not wanting me to leave. It just reminds me when she use to do that all the time when we spend all the time together. I miss that alot but I will never forget that little whine.

"Do you have to leave?" She wrapping her arms and legs around me being clingy already.

I laugh at her behavior, I really don't want to leave Dani like this but I have to and I hate seeing Dani sad.

"I have too. Look I'm going to go home shower and change and I can make it up to you with ice cream. What do you say?" I asked her with a smile.

"Okay fine" She said letting go off me as I chuckle to myself.

"You can always take a shower with me I still have some of your clothes you left here" She said while raising her brows up and down at me with a cheeky grin on her face.

It looks like someone wants round two in the showers.

"You are one missive Adams" I said picking Dani up hearing her squeak in surprise on what I did. The cover drop off Dani body as I carry her to the bathroom for a next round from last night.

If Dani has not yet kicked me out already then this not a one night stand with my ex girlfriend. Even if we are not back together I am going to asked her soon but I need to have Dani in my arms for a while that I have missed out on her.


After Dani and I showed and had another round we got of the shower and got into new clothes. Dani just finish blow drying her blonde hair I always love. Even when she puts cream in her hair to make her hair feel soft and look shiny her hair is always perfect in my eyes that I see. Dani then turn to me and wrapped her arms around my lips and fall into my arms while kissing me fall on the lips. 

I'll never get forget feeling her lips press against me. It makes me feel home and loved by her. I then pulled away with a smile on my lips and looked her in the eyes as she looked me in the eyes back.

"Can I asked you a question?" I asked her in which she chuckle at my question.

"You asked me too many questions lately" She answerd me, well that is true I did asked too many question to her that's because I have so many questions to want to be with her.

"True but I want to asked you something" I said to her.

"Yeah" She said for me to contiue.

The one thing I want is to be with her. I want to walk down the halls and hold hands I want to kiss her in the halls while out of classes. I want to sit with her at lunch with her, Jasmine and Clarke and talk about our classes. I want to pick her up and drop her off to school and back . I want to do all that until we go to college together and not be sepated forever. I want it to be me and her til death.

"Will be my girlfriend again? I want us to be a public couple and not care about others" I asked her. Dani parted her lips she does that when she is is shocked or thinking.

"Fuck it. Let's be a couple again" She said as she come closer to me and kiss me.

The one thing I have everything fix between us and nothing can be fake between us again. No more sadness in her when I am around. I can make her happy.

And the love for is not the end of it.

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