Chapter Twenty Six

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Everyone has there favourite season. Everyone either loves winter or spring but mine is summer. But it's not any summer I love. That summer is when I feel in love. That summer is when I met him. That summer is when I saw the goodness in the bad.

But not every bad person is bad and not every good person is good. I know that now since I realize what is right and wrong in this short life I live in. In every story I have read the main character always falls in love with the wrong person at the wrong time. When there is one friend that is obsess with the same guy it becomes a war between the friendship while the other friend stays in the shadow.

People may heard of the story of what happened but they will never know what our hearts are telling us. I always through if I follow my thoughs it won't give the pain I feel but I was wrong when my heart could not take it I had to follow it. That is the kind of story mine and Peter's is.

"Are you done with that now?" Peter asked while we may out on the beach.

The beach that we love, The sand we sit.

The same beach we meet when I lost my book and Peter return it. When you can love and hate someone at the same time what would you choose?

I chose my Peter. My rube boy as I called him.

Peter and I may not had a good start in our relationship but we can fix our broken hearts that have hurt from the past. Peter spoke to he's dad finally be able to give him a secound chance but he can not forget what he has done. Katie has let her chrildren back into her home after them making there choice.

Jasmine has got into the New York college and is going to study music there. But with me and Peter?

We don't just belong together in Bay. 

We belong in the ocean...

The sand...

And in our hearts. 

I was so in denial to be in love with a guy like Peter and Peter did not see a blonde girl with grey eyes like me to be he's type of love. If I ever had a chance to see my old past self I would slap myself and to tell what my heart wants it get's.

"I'm done" I said closing my lap top. I just finish my draft book on myself and Peter that I have been working on since the begin of school started now it had ended.

I lean back into to safe warm arms of Peter as we watch the waves go by and the breaze that brush our skin giving us goosebumps up our spine.

"In any life time I want you in it" I said turning my head to look into those blue eyes. 

Peter grab my chin with he's thump and kiss me so gently and soft that it felt as I am in one of my dreams as if I got the guy.

But the truth is I have got the guy and my guy is the dream I want to spend forever with him. This even feels too perfect for us to end.

"Peter?" I asked. But there is one thing that is holding back. But I hope one thing that can't break this moment.

I am not going to hold my heart back of what I need to tell him. But if Peter still feel as he wants to be in this new change going to come I will be more then happy to still have it.

"Yes?" He asked me. I wet my lips and took a deep breathe ready to tell him.

But this will be the life after the fights we had. The crys we had. The sorrys we had. The next chapter will begin with us. I look over to see Jasmine and Clarke playing in the ocean there so happy with each other.

But spending the last summer with the guy I love and with my friends seems as I am on cloud nine, the summer after I broke him was never want to end like this but this summer we had feels perfect.

"I'm pregnant.." I said in a near whisper.

I place my hand on my flat stomach still and look up at those blue eyes and soon to see another blue eyes looking up in nine months time.

Peter then place a hand on my stomach on top of mine and even a smile that is so big it can light up the whole world just for me. I know we are young but I know we can get through this together.

"I'm going to have two beautiful princesses in my life now" Peter said. He thinks is going to a little girl.

But in all my dream and wishes I have wanted was a family to be whole and be safe in my life time. My family is with Peter, a new family will happen between Peter and I.

Just in a few weeks will be flying in New York to begin our future and by our furture will do all this together as one.

"Together?" I asked Peter in a near whisper again. My eyes filled with happy tears as Peter wipped it away.

"Together as always" Peter said then kiss my forehead.

In every story I have dreamed of to be in those life time, it may come true and creating a story like this may become beautiful. But what will happen in our next chapter of life?

What will happen in New York with each other?

And what will our furture changed with each other in New York as much as it changed in Bay?

My home maybe in Bay but my real home is Peter and he is my everything my life.

A new story will come in our life but what will tear us apart this time? Will this summer after this be any different then what happened last year.

When I broke him? Will it be the same as before?

To Be Continue...

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