Chapter 54: Generation Swine Part 1 (Mick Mars)

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Ah yes, 'Generation Swine'.... i remember that album well, it was sure as fuck memorable. I remember critics hated it; fans loved it.... However, my point IS: what made it the most memorable was recording it or to be more was Eric. My beloved Sapphire, we started recording a few days after Erica's 2nd birthday and it was during recording, we'd end up discovering Eric was pregnant again. Of course, before then, the signs would be shown....

So, 1996 turned out to be a very memorable year....and where you find us or me, is the morning.... on the way to the studio and I'd be worried about Eric, very worried....

Eric isn't acting like his usual self, I mean he still has his 'sad days' as he calls them, but...I am just starting to notice things. For instance, he's hardly pale, moody and he seems scared, not to mention I've notice that Eric is more tired than normal AND the past few days, he's been sneaking out of bed and stays gone all night or most of the night and I have my feelings and know where he goes. He looks like he could collapse and is SO pale, in fact he pales more as we drive towards the studio....

"Eric?" I hesitate. Eric groans, "M-Maybe we should go back...."

"NO!" He snaps, bursting into tears, "I-I...sorry, don't feel good...n-no sleep." There is More to his words: wait...I wonder, he's acting a lot like he did when he was pregnant with Erica, but I could be wrong, NO I KNOW I'm not., "---We're starting to record today, i-I don't want to let anyone down."

My heart breaks at his tone, carefully I take one of his hands in mine before I speak while paying attention to the road of course, "Eric, don't be sorry baby. You've not been acting like yourself lately, I am worried Sapphire....and you could NEVER let anyone down, especially me. Remember that my love.... and...." here I pause hesitating and realizing we're at the studio as we park, "—I know you've been up the past few days, you've been gone most of the night. Eric, please talk to me, you're acting like you did with you think you could be pregnant?" I exhale, as Eric drops his head crying...the sound breaking my heart as he curls in on himself. "Eric.... It's ok, more than if you are. I didn't mean to make you cry or if I sounded gruff baby. Will you look at me sweet sapphire?" Eric shakes his head and I know WHY, the trauma from his previous pregnancies and of this possible (VERY LIKELY) pregnancy reminds him of Erica and he's scared. I'll be damned if he suffers so much again, i go to carefully pull him too me before he launches out of the door, stumbling...soon on his knees as he starts getting sick and I RACE to his side, ignoring the pain in my spine as I hold his hair back with one hand and rub his back with the other.

"M-Mick...s-sorry...." Eric croaks one he finally finishes puking. "I-I've been so.... mean to you...and I think you m-may be right. I just.... d-didn't wanna worry you and I have." I help him up and hold him close to me, feeling him tremble.

"Honey, you haven't and aren't being mean. I know you're scared of being pregnant because of the trauma you carry from Erica; I promise you it will be different this time and things will be ok. Thought I don't think we should, you especially do this.... would you want to try, and we'll talk to Nikki and Vince?"

Eric finally looks up at me, whispering. "Thank you.... just thank you Micky.... I can never get over how you love and support me even when I have bad ideas or do stupid stuff. It means so much...y-yeah lets, talk...and.... we should f-find out." Eric can barely stand, getting dizzy and I hold him bridal style heading into the studio because although I know or feel we should take him to the hospital or something, I just want to make Eric happy and if I have to I will take him, no matter what I am taking care of him....

Eric moans, and Nikki and Vince look petrified at eric's state as I lay him on a couch, whispering lowly to them explaining and Vince takes off, to get pregnancy tests and stuff that hopefully will make Eric feel better.

Eric gets sick again, and I help him rinse his mouth out....and despite Nikki's protests, Eric wants to attempt to start work, Nikki, and I both watching him like a hawk and God does he struggle.

Thankfully Vince isn't gone TOO long, returning with crackers...ginger ale, water and the tests....Eric bursting into tears all over again, as I stay right with him as he takes the tests in the bathroom....and I hold him while we wait, both of us anxious....worried, but hopeful.....and sure enough, my feelings are TRUE....EACH test is positive and Eric is once again pregnant, I can't tell you what it means to me for him to carry my children....

"Eric, thank you...for giving me more precious children, for loving me...for your heart. We're gonna tell Erica she will be a big sister; she's been wanting a sibling so bad. And I am here to tell you, we can do this...YOU can. I've got you.... and..." I place my hands gently on his stomach which is already pretty rounded a bit to me, making me wonder...., "and I've got our baby..." Or could it be.... we'll see....

Eric clings to me, needing me...telling me he loves me and God, do I love him....

We after a bit end up back in the studio, breaking the news to Nikki and Vince who are both happy for us, but also more worried about Eric...but we get some work done, notes and groundwork layed out or down for the album until.... Eric collapses, me panicking taking him in my arms as I bark to call an ambulance.

"Eric...I'm sorry...I shouldn't...."

Eric cuts me off groaning, "No! fault n-not yours. M-Micky..." and loses consciousness.

Eric, Eric.... please be ok...please let the baby or could it be babies? But PLEASE let them be ok...please.

In an ambulance now, time is rushing by and standing still.... i think Nikki and Vince are following, Nikki had told me before they came, "Fuck the album right now, he's more important than all that shit. You do what you need to and if he insists on doing it, we could maybe do it at the Mars Mountain studio to make it easier, though I don't care how long it takes."

Eric is still out when we arrive to the hospital, I am detailing his symptoms and the fact that he's also suffering from severe exhaustion, they give him something to help him sleep that will be safe after they check on him doing an ultra-sound and my eyes widen at the images.... yes small, tiny images on the screen...

"It's true.... oh ERIC.... You're carrying twins. Oh Sapphire."

I ever the alien turned out to be right, it was a huge surprise and Eric would be asleep for days, the twins checked on constantly, and the news had to be broken to Erica that she would be getting not one, but two new precious and I do mean precious siblings.

And if you are wondering, we did end up recording Generation Swine...managing at Mars Mountain but only when Eric was around 4 months, and the morning sickness finally started to go away, the album was delayed.

My husband's awakening and reaction to the news of carrying twins is coming....

A/N: Surprise! Eric is pregnant, which everyone knew, but with twins!! More to come soon! 

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