Chapter 62: An Alien Style Gender Reveal

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I remember VERY well my fifth month of pregnancy for several reasons: one, the gender reveals photo shoot planned by my beloved alien and two, well two.... was a fucking shock, I remember clearly my appointment that day, nerves...excitement......but as it turns out, there was a HIDDEN the whole time I was carrying triplets! Floored me I tell you, it did Mick but...he was RIGHT THERE. My mood swings were terrible or so I felt...and I was depressed, even more part feeling that I should have known, and I KNEW deep down that Mick wouldn't give up on me, would be my rock. This he'd told me that day of my appointment and he'd also told me, "I know it's a shock Eric, we didn't see this coming.... but I love you, ok? I LOVE YOU.... I've got you and our babies, and I'd give my life to see you happy Sapphire." That was and IS my Micky.... he just had his way, the alien way....MY favorite way.

Ah yeah, back to the Alien Style Gender was memorable, epic.... surrounded by family and so much love....and you will see....

At first where you find me, is resting in bed the morning of or rather mid-morning.... Mick insisting, and I didn't protest long by the way, me in tears...and my Martian princess Erica, doing her best to comfort me...till love walks in.

"Mommy? It ok.... Pease don' cwy. Daddy makes special, make mommy happy." I feel tiny precious hands on my face, doing as she has so often seen her father do...cradle my face in her hands gently. I held her tiny hands to my face almost desperately.

"I'm sorry princess.... It's just a lot emotionally to handle for me right now. You're g-getting 3 new siblings, not 2....and I hate being so sad all the time. I don't know what I'd do without you and daddy."

"Mommy it's ok, it be ok. Me an' daddy wuv ew and babies.... ew vewwy special!" Erica carefully then hugged me.

"She's right you know." I look up to see Mick looking concerned, and his look is loving both. "Today is VERY special Sapphire as are YOU and I hope you love what I have planned, and you get to find out the genders today.... now let's get you ready, ok?" Mick is at this point at my side, and I bury my face in his shoulder, as he holds me.... I just want to feel him.

"Ok Mickey...Ok.... but first.... i need my..." I don't even finish the words as I feel his lips on my own, my alien knows just what I need. "I love you so much." I feel more tears fall, which Mick thumbs away gently.

"I love you too Eric and I would do anything to make you happy, to see you smile." This DOES make me smile and you'd think I gave Mick gold.... Mick helps me get ready, brushing out my long mane of hair, using his old bandana to hold it back. And the most adorable thing is Erica helps too, she does her best to and if that doesn't tug at the heart strings, I tell you now.

I find myself in the car, Mick securing Erica first at my insistence and then making sure I am ok, the babies squirm around eagerly as if anticipation of what is to come and then Mick pulls out a blind fold and explains, "I want the location to be a surprise for you among other things. Do you trust me?" He knows the answer as do I but I say it anyway....

"With my life, save me." I whisper, gently I feel the blindfold tied around my eyes and soon the car is moving, I feel my husband hold one of my hands....and Erica chatters away with us, excited to find out what her siblings are and that she will be a good big sister and of that I have no doubt. The enthusiasm of my husband and daughter is catching and I can feel my self-smiling....

After an eternity, but really isn't all that long.... i can feel we've stopped, and the car door opens....and I feel and smell my beloved's scent. Carefully he helps me out of the car, making sure I am safe...and I feel Erica hold one of my free hands and I feel myself being led along before I am helped down on what feels like a plush blanket, lots of pillows....and finally the blind fold is taken off and I am moved to tears as I realize....

"Micky? This.... This is where we had our first date. Isn't it? Oh wow....and everyone is here!! Our family.... wow." Indeed, everyone is here: Axl and Vince and their two children, the G 'N' R family. and Fox, Nikki, and Drew of course. I turn to Mick with wide eyes, as he sits down beside me, taking my hands in his.

"I wanted this photo shoot to be extra in invited everyone, and to as it turns out its also a baby shower, which we will do after..." I cut him off hastily with a kiss. "---I take it you love it, Sapphire." I feel myself smiling, my husband mirroring me.

"Yes.... Let's get started! I am SO excited!!" I laughed, and we got underway. There are poses with Mick and I, sharing a kiss.... our hands entwined over my swollen stomach.... pictures with me and Erica, her giving my belly kisses.... mimicking Mick in rubbing my belly.

Then Mick tells me to close my eyes once more and I do so, everyone murmuring in I feel my shirt lifted and the hands of my beloved placed on my stomach and my precious Martian Princess' hands.... feels like paint if I had to hazard a guess and Mick tells me at last when its all said and done....

"I thought that too we'd pay homage to what turned out to be our engagement shoot.... now, when you open your eyes, look down at your belly.... you will see two hand prints, mine.....of the same color...and one hand print...Erica's, of one them!" I hear the click of the camera as I gasp and look down, bringing a hand to my mouth....

Two handprints are pink! And is blue....

"Mick? This...this means we're having two more little princesses and a little prince?" I laugh and cry both.

"Yep, now we'll have 3 little girls and a son.... thank you, my love, thank you!!" Mick hugs and kisses me in excitement, Erica gets in on the action....more pictures are taken and everyone makes their rounds with me, the paint is soon wiped off my belly and we have the baby shower, which to my great pleasure and delight there is food involved and my youngest daughters and son, kick me in delight....making me laugh, I am surrounded by so much love. However, I am SO fucking exhausted after, but the photo shoot/gender reveal, and baby shower were a smashing success.... but next thing I know, I wake up with a start as I realize I am in bed, Mick looking anxious beside me, and relieved.

"Worried me Eric.... how fast you fell asleep. The triplets are ok, our little girls and son.... everyone wants you to get rest and they understand.... Also, if you are wondering Erica is with our family. They wanted us to have some time for ourselves." I gape at my husband a moment, but then am touched and relieved both.

"We really do have the best family." I murmur before then getting emotional, "This has been one of the most memorable and best days of my life Mick. Thank you.... thank you so much baby!"

"No THANK YOU Eric.... but it means so much to me, you are loving me and carrying my children once more. I am so proud of you, proud to be YOURS Sapphire."

"I could say much the same my beloved alien." Softly now my heart so very full as i melt into my loves embrace.

A/N: A Gender reveal surprise and more surprises! Stay tuned for more!

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