Story Bio

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Oscar/Onslaught: Oscar was always a leader figure to his Friends, he can lead them.
Out of virtually any situation. He is very caring towards his Friends even though
He doesn't show it often. He can be quite aggressive in combat and when
His friends lives are being threatened. He always takes the situation at hand very seriously and always thinks ahead and almost always succeeds.

Weapon: Riot Cannon
Heavy Weapon: X18 Scrapmaker
Ability: Flak Shield: Deploy a shield and block all attacks from the front.

Tim/Vortex: the brother of Will, He is quite caring towards his brother and friends.
He spends most of his time playing Helicopter simulation games making him
Very Skilled in Helicopter combat. He is the groups "Voice of Reason" and
Psychological Warfare expert. While he is the weakest fighter in comparison
To his friends he can still dispatch most foes with ease.

Weapon: Photon Burst Rifle
Heavy Weapon: Sling shock
Ability: Shock Wave: Stuns Enemies and pushes them back (non-lethal)

Zack/Blast Off: The strong silent type, Zack Very Rarely chooses to speak to any
One that aren't his friends, making many believe that he can't speak at all and
That's fine with him. He worked on a small air field, flying small air planes, making
Him very skilled in flight, especially now that he is a living star fighter.
He has genius level intelligence. He is cold, brooding and terrifyingly fearless. He trained himself in stealth, Making him the groups "Recon".

Weapon: Path Blaster
Heavy Weapon: A-4 Pulsar Cannon
Ability: Cloak: turn invisible completely for a short time (2 minutes)(12 sec cooldown)

Jack/Brawl: Jack is the team 'muscle', while he isn't the the smartest thanks to a head injury, but he makes Up for it in strength and brutal fighting styles. He is very caring to his friends and anyone that threatens them often regret it greatly.
He is a champion wrestler and boxer, making him by far the most deadly of the group.
He is little more than a raging monster of destruction in battle since he is now a living Tank.

Weapon: Scatter Blaster
Heavy Weapon: Thermo Rocket Cannon
Ability: Hover: Hover in the air and smash on the ground, stunning all enemies in a small radius.

Will/Swindle: Will is Tim's brother and the youngest of the group.
He is a trained acrobatic and gymnast, giving him high speed and agility.
He is humerus and occasionally greedy, sometimes taking something of value
That's in the open. The only thing he fears is his brother's wrath.

Weapon: Neutron Assault Rifle
Heavy Weapon: Gear shredder
Ability: grapple hook: grapple onto ledges and trip enemies
Bruticus: The combined form of the 5 Combaticons, he isn't very smart and
his only purpose is to smash any threat. He is 90ft tall and is
virtually unbeatable as far as anyone knows

Weapons: Bruticus has 2 weapons in his right arm that he can swap at any time.
Flame Thrower: Short range but very destructive and can be used to keep foes at bay.
Plasma Cannon: Very powerful and very destructive, 3 second charge time, effective against large, slow and heavily armored enemies.
Rotor shield: Bruticus' left arm supports an impenetrable shield of spinning blades that can cut through almost anything.
Artillery cannons: Bruticus supports 2 cannon barrels on his back, if he bends forward at a 45* angle he could
hit a target over 3500 yards away.
Explosive path: when Bruticus channels his energy and smashes his fist on the ground, a path of explosions that
knocks away or destroys any thing in its way is created

these 5 have a saying
Friendship isn't Magic, It's POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Combaticus BruticusWhere stories live. Discover now