Flash back to the past

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"Now I want you all of you ponies to pay attention, for this is how me and my friends got transported to your world" explained Onslaught. "Yay a show" squealed Pinkie Pie.

"Are we all ready?!" Oscar shouted as they all gathered around the truck. Everyone raised a fist in a cheer. "Okay, let's get going." They all went to their respective places in the truck. "Yo Oscar!" Tim called. "Yeah?" Oscar replied. "Thanks for the help with the costumes." Everyone let out murmurs of agreement. "It's cool, this is nothing to what they've got, and besides, I couldn't just let us go to Comic-con without costumes" said Tim. Oscar climbed into the bed of the truck, his suit wouldn't have allowed him to fit into the interior. Jack had clambered onto the bed of the truck and sat across from Oscar. Tim opened up the drivers door and got in. Will got into the back seat of the truck and sat down. As Tim inserted the key into the ignition and twisted, the truck roared to life and the group of friends gave one last cheer before they began to move. This was going to be the best convention ever.

2 hours later:
Oscar, Will, Tim and Jack then drove through the parking lot outside of the convention center before they spotted their last friend, Zack. He was standing right beside his car, a violet 2016 Ford Fusion, waiting for them. Oscar then parked beside him and turned off the engine. They all got out of the truck and went to greet Zack. "Hey Zack how was your drive over here?" asked Oscar. "Very good Oscar, I'm excited about this years comic-con" replied Zack. "Anyway let's get our costumes on" said Oscar. Zack then opened the trunk of his car, reviling several costumes pieces. "Okay everyone, suit up" said Oscar. All five friends then started taking off various pieces of clothing so their costumes would feel more comfortable. Once that was done they then each grabbed the pieces of the costumes of the characters that they all agreed to cosplay as. Once they put their outfits on, they looked completely different. "I must say bro, you make an amazing Vortex" said Will. "You don't look half bad yourself" said Tim. "You look good in brown Zack" said Jack. "Same to you Brawl" replied Zack. "Cut the chatter Combaticons and lets go to comic-con" said Oscar in a commanding and smug tone. "Yeah!" Cheered the rest of the group. Once the group was inside of the building they were amazed by the amount of people that were here. As they walked along they noticed a stand with a hooded man with green eyes that seemed to the glow, and on it was weapons from the Transformers fall of Cybertron video game. The group then walked to the stand before the man spoke up  "I see we have a group of Cybertronians here but what would one want to find here?" "We all would like to buy the Cybertronian weapon collection from you" said Oscar. "Finally someone to take these girls away, now that will be $50 for the primaries and $100 for the heavies" the merchant said. "WHAT! That's all?" Oscar said in surprise. "Yep, I was hoping to sell these things, but since I'm selling them to Cybertronians it will make it a bit more interesting" said the merchant. After the group paid for the weapons they all inspected them before the merchant spoke up "enjoy the trip." "Huh?" the group all said in unison. Suddenly portals opened up underneath the group and they slowly sank into them. The last thing any one of them did before blacking out was scream.

The hologram then shut down and the ponies were bewildered by what happened. "What where you before you arrived here?" asked Twilight. "We were Humans, but not any more" replied Onslaught. "And what was this Comic-con gathering you mentioned?" Asked Luna. "It's a massive social gathering of people that has the same interests in various entertainment media" replied Swindle. "What were you five before you came here?" asked Celestia. "Well I was a businessman in training" said Onslaught. "I was a boxer and wrestler, not that I expect you to know what that is" said Brawl. The ponies were slightly offended but didn't show it. "Me and Swindle were grocery store employees" said Vortex. The ponies look at Blast Off who was still silently staring at them with cold eyes. "What was his job?" asked Rarity. "He was an airplane mechanic and a pilot" said Swindle. "What are airplanes?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Humans can't fly but we invented machines that allow us to fly without any effort, does that answer your question" replied Vortex in a smug tone. All the ponies jaws hit the ground when he said that. "before you ask any further questions that go off topic, we were just common civilians who have the power of fictional characters" said Onslaught. The ponies not an understanding before Brawl spoke up "By the way what do we do now?" Both combaticons and ponies were taken back Buy this. "Brawls got a good point" said Swindle. "Hmm, what should we do about them sister?" Asked Luna. Celestia pondered in thought for a moment before an idea came to her. "Combaticons for your actions in assaulting a citizen of a Equestria, also taking into Account that you saved Canterlot from an enemy invasion your sentence is community service in ponyville" said Celestia. "We accept those terms Celestia, also maybe a competition between me and my team for Ponyville in order to gain their trust much quicker" said Onslaught. "Hey can you transform into vehicles right now and give us a ride to Ponyville?" asked Pinkie Pie. Brawl, Swindle and Onslaught all nodded in agreement then Transformed in their vehicle forms while Vortex and Blast Off walked into the Dropship. The doors on Swindle, Onslaught and Brawl's vehicle modes opened up. "Then let's get going girls." Twilight told her friends. With that, Twilight, Rarity and Spike climbed into Onslaught while Applejack and Pinkie Pie decided to hitch a ride with Brawl and Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy got into Swindle. Once everyone was all buckled up, the three Combaticons and the Dropship made their way out of the city of Canterlot towards Ponyville. "You really think we can trust them Tia?" Asked Luna. "I believe so Luna, there is good within them" replied Celestia. As they were watching the Combaticons drive away a shadowy figure was hiding in the bushes behind them. "Those golems will prove quite useful when I take over Equestria and overthrow Celestia, hahaha" said the shadow below he vanishes.

 "Those golems will prove quite useful when I take over Equestria and overthrow Celestia, hahaha" said the shadow below he vanishes

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