The Enemy Arrives

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Far to the north in the mountains in a dark cave that hid a strange dark arcane circle with the bones of different creatures scattered about, they even had blood on them. The being that sat in the in the middle of it was naked except for a loin cloth. he placed his hands together like his was praying, sitting with his legs crossed. The markings on his body beginning to lightly glow red as he began to speak in the language of the shadows. Soon what little light that was in the cave slowly melted away and the darkness that creeped in was absolute. Suddenly the being's eyes opened and said "yes the power, I can feel it and with it I will conquer the world with no one will stop me, not the elements of harmony, not the Royal sisters and especially not the Combaticons." He got up and looked up to a little hole in the ceiling. "Soon Celestia and Luna your precious Equestria will fall." His eyes then glowed brighter than before and vanished in a teleport.
P.s this is a mini chapter

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2017 ⏰

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