A Brawl and a Swindle

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"What happened?" Said Jack as opens his eyes and finds himself looking at a clear blue sky with a few cloud passing by every now and then. Jack sits up, and puts his hands on his head, which was pounding. "Ugh, my head." Jack said. But as Jack put his hands on his head, his head felt hard for some reason. Jack opens his eyes. "Why is my head...hard," he said, looking at his right arm. Instead of his human arm, a robotic arm covered in camo green metal plates. Jack's eyes widen as he looks at his left arm, which is the same as the right. He touches his back and feels two large cylinders coursing down it. Jack instantly knew what he was turned into. "I've been turned into Brawl!" Jack yelled. Just then he heard the sound of snoring near by. Jack then got back up onto his feet and looked around and saw Will in his costume, laying on his back asleep. Jack then walked over to him, grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him awake. "Wake up sleepy head" Jack shouted. Will than woke with a shock and stumbled on his feet. "What the...Jack, uhh ,can you let me sleep" said Will. "No we can't because in case you haven't noticed, we are not human anymore and we're in the middle of savage nowhere" Jack replied with an angry tone. "Whoa, easy there big guy I was just kidding" said Will. "Come on let's see if we can't find the others, I have a feeling that if we got here the others might have as well" said Jack. "Hey you know what, since we're not humans any more why not go by are Cybertronian names from now on". Jack pondered at the thought for a moment and realized that Will had a point. "You know what, your right, from now on I'm Brawl!!" yelled Jack in an aggressive tone. "Swindles' the name, greed is my game" said Will. The two of them started to walk until they came to a rock race full of glittering jewels. Swindle couldn't resist. "Hey Brawl, could you use those cannons on your back and create a big boom?" asked Swindle. "Hmm, why not, I could use a big explosion, one broken rock wall coming up" said Brawl as he transformed into his Tank mode. Brawl then fired a single explosive shot and absolutely demolished the rock wall, tons of rock and jewels crumbled down. Swindle was awe struck, he didn't expect the blast to be that powerful. He than ran over to the mess of rock and jumped in. Brawl then transformed back into his robot form and chuckled at the damage he had done. But before he could walk over to the mess, thick heavy chains wrapped around him and he was pulled away quickly and quietly. A few minutes later, Swindle had taken enough fun in from the rock pile. "Huh? where did he go" Swindle wondered. Just then he heard voices not far from where he is. "What the...better check that out" said Swindle. He than began to sneak through the bushes and trees, all the while the voices were getting loader while he got closer. When he got over a hill, he hid behind a large Boulder and was looking out at a camp, composed of pitch up tents and wooden shacks and houses, but the camp's occupants were the weirdest part of it. They had dog like heads and features, they all had hunched backs and were bipedal and there were over 150 of them, most carrying weapons and wearing crude armor. Swindle observed the camp and spotted Brawl chained to a large post, but his visor was a deep red instead of it's usual yellow color. He also spotted a large wooden cart full of gems on the opposite side of the camp adjacent to where Brawl was. Swindle than thought up a plan, "Hmm..If I could just cut a single link in the chain Brawl would be free, but how?" he said. Swindle pressed a button on his head to activate his binocular visor to over here the conversation between Brawl and one of these weird dog creatures. "Let me go right now you mutts or I swear you will experience slow and painful deaths!!" Shouted Brawl while struggling in his chains. "R-Rover no think so" said Rover clearly terrified, "Us Diamond Dogs need giant tin can's big explody thingy to mine more gems faster". "Pfh...Diamond Dogs, why am I not surprised", muttered Swindle as went back to listening. A few seconds of silence went by what seems like an eternity and Brawl was shaking in anger in his chains, then he exploded. "MY NAME IS BRAWL, NOT TIN CAN AND WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER!!!!!", Brawl shouted so loud that every diamond dog in the camp was scared out of their wits, even Swindle was at least a little frightened. "Wow...I've never seen him get that angry before" said Swindle in a nervous tone. While the camp was stunned, Swindle transformed his right arm into a gear shedder, he then aimed the crossbow like weapon at Brawl's chains and fired a single shot. The razor disk flew true and severed a link in the chain and it loosened up just enough for Brawl to break free. Brawl then transformed his arm into scatter blaster and proceeded to go on a rampage through the camp, he smashed houses, smacked aside entire squads of guards and do tons of collateral damage. In the chaos, Swindle took the opportunity to sneak around the camp and steal the jewel cart. He transformed into his Vehicle mode and quietly drove to the cart and attached himself to it and snuck off without any one noticing. Meanwhile, Brawl had just finished up brawling with the Diamond Dogs and many bore great injures. "Phh...pathetic" Brawl muttered. "Hey where did Swindle go?", "Swindle where are you!!!" Brawl shouted. "Brawl you have a comm piece in you head, I suggest you use it" said Swindle though his comm piece. "Oh, uh okay" muttered Brawl. He then put two fingers to the side of his head. "Hey Swindle where did you go?" asked Brawl. "Thanks to your temper tantrum I got away with pay day" said Swindle. "You stole something from the Diamond Dogs!" Brawl shouted in surprise. "Yeah I know, any way come to my location ASAP" said Swindle. "On my way" replied Brawl. He then transformed in to his Tank mode and shot off in the direction Swindle went. A few minutes later the Duo were driving together down through the forest with the jewel cart in tow. "Dang dude I can't believe you stole that thing" said Brawl. "I know right" replied Swindle. "You know Swindle, those jewels aren't going to mean anything if we can't store them somewhere safe" said Brawl. "Oh I know where we can store them" said Swindle. "Where?" replied Brawl. "There's a building over their where we can store the jewels and find shelter, I hope you don't mind a drive big guy" said Swindle. "Nope" replied Brawl. Then the two of them drove off towards the structure and unbeknownst to them, 2 of their friends.

Meanwhile back at the Diamond Dog camp:
"So you telling me is that you captured a golem, it escaped, destroyed your mining operation and when you go to deliver
my gems, their gone". "Y-Y-Yes" stuttered Rover in fear.
"What!!!!" the monster said roaring. "When I find that golem it shall suffer the wrath of...Cavernwyrm the Impaler!!!"

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