Proper introductions

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4 hours later, the Combaticons were waiting outside their Dropship for the Princesses and the Mane six to arrive. "Uhh, whats taking them so long" complained Brawl. "The'll be here Brawl, I know they will" said Onslaught. Just then the sound of fluttering wings caught their attention. They look up to see a golden chariot heading their way before it lands in front of the Combaticons. "It's about time" muttered Brawl. The doors opened up and eight familiar ponies stepped out. After a tense silence, Celestia spoke up "okay you told us to come here, now I want answers. "Okay ask away" said Onslaught. "First off, who and what are you?" asked Celestia. "We are the Combaticons, I am Onslaught, leader of the Combaticons" replied Onslaught. "I'm Vortex, the team's voice of reason and interrogator." I'm Brawl, the team's muscle and demolition expert." "I'm Swindle, the team's scout." The group of ponies then turned toward the last Combaticon, Blast Off, who just stared at them coldly with his two glowing purple eyes, not making a sound. Princess Luna gave him a heated glare then said "you art thou creature that were in the archives several moons ago." Onslaught then walked over to Blast Off and placed a hand on his shoulder. "This is Blast Off, he's the team's brains and recon" explained Onslaught. "He very rarely speaks to anyone that isn't his friend, and no offense but that's all of you" said Onslaught pointing at the ponies. The group were a little offended by the fact but they didn't show it. "As for what we are, we're Cybertronians, or more commonly: Transformers, robotic beings with the power of transformation" explained Onslaught. "However we all were something different before we came here, but we'll get to that at a later time" said Onslaught. "By the way, Vortex and Swindle was it, I asked you two a question a while back and you refused to answer, may I ask why?" asked Twilight. "Because you had no right at ALL to ask that question" replied Vortex with a venomous tone while clenching his fists. Twilight was taken back at the reply and nervelessly shuffled backwards. "What is your purpose in these Lands and I would like an explanation of why you assaulted Rainbow Dash?" asked Celestia. "There isn't a day that goes by that I don't ask myself the same question because we don't know" said Onslaught. "And to answer your other question it was Brawl who assaulted Rainbow Dash, but there is good explanation for that" said Onslaught. Celestia turned to look at the green Combaticon, who just crossed his arms and looked away with a grunt. She then brought her attention back to Onslaught. "You see Brawl is mentally weak because of a head injury, so he rarely thinks before he acts" explained Onslaught. Celestia nodded in understanding before speaking up "then what happened for Brawl to attack Rainbow?" "We where just moving a Dragon's dead carcass that we slayed away from our shelter, when we encountered the elements bearers, and at the time we just wanted to be left alone, we didn't do anything ill towards your ponies, we started to walk away but Rainbow Dash bucked Brawl in the back of the head completely unprovoked and that's when Brawl punched her, after all who doesn't react well to being hit first, so in other words Rainbow threw the first punch" explained Onslaught clenching his fist. Celestia looked at Rainbow Dash with a disapproving gaze. Rainbow then lowered her head in shame before speaking up "well one of your teammates said that you would conquer Equestria." Both Princesses raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "First off when I said that I was amazed by the fact that we took out a dragon, a DRAGON. And what's tougher than a Dragon" said Vortex. "After that we just tried to walk away but your student was to stubborn to let us leave and forced her will on us by knocking us all unconscious and imprisoning us, and all of us are pretty pissed about that, except for Blast Off" said Onslaught in growling tone. Celestia turned to Twilight with a very disappointing look on her face. "Twilight, you and I are going to have a talk about how to carry out my tasks I lay out for you. I'm disappointed in you Twilight" said Celestia. Twilight lowered her head in shame. Luna then spoke up "How did thou know of the Changeling invasion?" "The Changelings might be shape shifters, but we apparently can see right through their pitiful disguises. Saying that, it was Swindle who overheard some scouts in the Everfree forest" explained Onslaught. "Then why risk your lives for us at all?" Asked Applejack. "Because what better way to redeem ourselves then save the capital of the land from an invasion of bugs, plus we where board" explained Swindle. All of the ponies pondered in thought for a moment before nodding that they agreed with his logic. "I have a question, what's that thing you took from Ponyville?" asked Twilight. "It's called a drop ship, a vehicle designed to drop off troops and give them supporting fire" replied Onslaught. "Okay my question is, how is it that the five of you can merge into that titanic brute?" asked Rarity. "Well that is a more complicated question" stated Onslaught. "While I don't know how the process behind it works, I do know that we can instinctively combine without a problem. It just feels so natural to us, unlike how it looks to you" explained Onslaught. "Umm, what about your other forms, I've noticed deferences and similarities amongst all of your alternate forms" stated Twilight. "To simplify that answer, there are four types of Transformers: infiltrators, destroyers, Titans and Flyers" explained Onslaught. "Swindle and I are destroyers, Brawl is a Titan and Blast Off and Vortex are obviously Flyers" said Onslaught. "What art thou alternate forms called?" asked Luna. "Well Swindle and I transform into Cybertronian battle trucks. Brawl transforms into a Cybertronian Tank. Vortex, a Cybertronian battle copter and for Blast Off, a Cybertronian star fighter. And they all have a thing in common, their all designed for war" explained Onslaught. When the word 'War' was mentioned the ponies all gasped in horror, but Celestia was the most horrified, war was something that hasn't happened in thousands of years. "So are you Aliens?" Asked Twilight. "As much as I hate to say it...yes...yes we are" said Swindle. The ponies were very surprised, no wonder nopony had ever seen something like them, these were alien beings from another planet and they were standing right in front of them. "So how did you come to our world?" Asked Celestia. "That it's hard to explain, but we could show you exactly how it happened" said Onslaught. "And from our very memories." Onslaught then pressed a button on the side of his head and the environment started to change until they all were in an alien city. "Where are we?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Elements of Harmony, welcome to our home world and the day that our lives changed forever" said Onslaught.

To be Continued in the next chapter

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