Intermission: New Character Bio

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1. Grindor: A minicon with a strong since of will, he is the group's heart

Alternate mode: motorbike

Weapon: E.D.K. TechVolt

Partner: Swindle

2. Broadside: The leader of the group he commands the group efficiently

Alternate mode: artillery truck

Weapon: Neutron assault rifle

Partner: Onslaught

3. Dive bomb: a skilled flyer and a psychopath, Dive Bomb is the crazed warrior of the five minicons

Alternate mode: F-16 jet fighter

Weapon: Throwback blaster

Partner: Vortex

4. Frenzy: the sadistic member of the group

Alternate mode: Truck

Weapon: Nucleon Charge Rifle (sniper rifle)

Partner: Blast Off

5. Rumble: The scout

Alternate mode: Humvee

Weapon: Subsonic repeater

Partner: Brawl

(I'm keeping their bios short so I can develop them as the story goes along)
(Or I'm lazy whatever works😴😑)

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