The Changling Invasion

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2 weeks after the Combaticons claimed the drop ship, they were in the ruins training in order to keep their skills sharp. Brawl and Onslaught we're in a boxing match with each other, though it was lopsided for Brawl was slightly taller and far more experienced in boxing then Onslaught. Blast Off and Vortex were shooting rocks for target practice while Swindle was patrolling in the forest. Brawl punched Onslaught in the belly and was sent flying and landed in a heap in a large bush. "Ugh, nice punch Brawl" said Onslaught while getting back up. "Thanks" replied Brawl. The duo then walked over to where Vortex and Blast Off were doing target practice. "Hey Blast Off can you locate Swindle, he should have returned from patrol an hour ago" asked Onslaught. "No problem Onslaught" replied Blast Off. Blast Off then transformed into his vehicle mode and took off towards the Everfree in search of his friend. A few minutes later, Blast Off was flying low over the forest and spotted what he was looking for, Swindle in his vehicle mode was speeding through the forest at high speed in the general direction of the Combaticons' camp. Blast Off then transformed and landed in Swindle's path, causing him to skid to a halt in front of Blast Off. Swindle then transformed back into his robot form. "What the hell Blast Off, instead of landing in front of me, why don't you just contact me with your comm piece" said Swindle with an irritated tone. "I'll take that into consideration next time then" said Blast Off with a smug tone. "Anyway, Onslaught sent me to find you for you were supposed to return from patrol an hour ago" said Blast Off with a serious tone. "Sorry but I was delayed by a bit of gossip from these weird bugs that could help us clear our names" said Swindle with an irritated tone. "Bugs, describe them to me" said Blast Off with a curious tone. "Oh they are pretty much insect-like ponies, black in appearance, chitinous hide on their back, insect wings, fangs, forked tongue, hisses and clicks a lot, solid eye colors and they don't have a mane or tails, oh and they also have a horn" said Swindle. "I know what you saw" said Blast Off with realization. "And what's that?" asked Swindle. "Changelings" said Blast Off with a hint of disgust. "They are shape-shifters and master deceivers, they feed off love somehow and their society is similar to a bee hive with the queen on top, in other words very bad news" explained Blast Off. "That was a creepy piece of information Blast Off" commented Swindle. "Anyway I have to show the rest of the guys what I have, it could redeem ourselves for trashing Canterlot a few weeks ago" said Swindle with Seriousness in his voice. Swindle then transformed back into his vehicle mode and shot off towards the Everfree ruins, Blast Off doing the same shorty afterwards. A few minutes later the duo arrived back at their camp, catching the attention of the rest of the Combaticons. "Onslaught, everyone you have to listen to this" said Swindle eagerly. The rest of the group gathered around Swindle and waited for what he wanted to show them all. Swindle pressed a button of the side of his head and a hologram recording appeared in the center of the group. It showed two insect like creatures talking to each other.

"Do you remember the plan?"
"Of course I remember! The minute she says "I do," the queen will shut off the magical shield and our main force will attack from above while we ambush the guards. The queen will take out the princesses and so long as we take out the Elements then we will take control of this city in minutes."

The hologram then flickered out of existence. If the Combaticons had faces they would have horrified and/or surprised looks on them. "Oh dear..." Vortex said as he put both hands on the side of his head and stared intently at the rest of his friends. Brawl leaned forward, "It's that bad?" Blast Off nodded, "Bad enough it's going to need our intervention to save the city and everyone in it. "When is the wedding anyway?" asked Onslaught. "Well even though I didn't record their complete conversation, I did find out that the event is being held in Canterlot tomorrow at high noon" said Swindle. "Canterlot, I really hate that dump" said Brawl. "I know we all would rather not go back there but this is our chance to give a good second impression" said Onslaught. "Yeah!" shouted Vortex and Swindle. "Anyway I'll spend time planning for our little visit to Canterlot tomorrow, Blast Off come with me and the rest of you continue training" said Onslaught in a commanding tone. "How come he gets off free?" asked Swindle. "Because he has Intel from the Canterlot archives including a layout of the entire city" replied Onslaught aggressively. Onslaught and Blast Off then walked into the ruins, leaving behind Swindle, Brawl and Vortex very annoyed in the front of the ruins.

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