Blast Off vs. Rainbow Dash

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"Blast Off, wake up!" said a high pitched voice. It sounded like Pinkie Pie. Blast Off slowly transformed into his robot form as he was feeling something shake his body. Blast Off saw that it WAS Pinkie Pie, along with Fluttershy, Twilight, and the rest of their friends. Blast Off narrowed his eyes and stood up. "Sorry, Blast Off" said Twilight sheepishly.
"We just wanted to ask you something!" said Pinkie Pie bouncing with joy. "Correction: She wanted to ask you something, WE just came to make sure she didn't wake you up." said Rarity. "We tried to stop her, and so did the rest of your team" said Rainbow Dash. the other ponies gave Pinkie an unamused glare while Pinkie herself gave a nervous smile. "Sorry." Pinkie said to Blast Off. Blast Off simply gave a thumbs up in response. The ponies raised an eyebrow in response. "Well, Rainbow Dash was wondering if..." Pinkie couldn't remember. "What did you want to ask him, Rainbow Dash?" "Well, I was wondering if you and I could have a race together." said Rainbow Dash. "I want to see which of us is faster, me or you in ghastly gorge." "Ghastly gorge?!" Everypony and Spike, minus Blast Off exclaimed.
"Remember what happened last time?' said Applejack, trying to stop Rainbow from doing something so stupid and dangerous such as that. "Pfft. Don't worry, I'll be much more careful this time." said Rainbow Dash. "I don't know, Rainbow." said Fluttershy, very uncertain about this as well. "We... just don't want you to experience that again. I thought that we would loose you." The other ponies and Spike made words of agreement about what Fluttershy was saying. They were indeed good friends to Rainbow Dash. "Don't worry, Fluttershy." said Rainbow Dash. "I'll be fine. Besides, it's not that dangerous to me." "Of course YOU would say that." said Rarity sarcastically. "Ghastly... gorge?" said Blast Off, uncertain about a place such as that. "It's a very dangerous part of Equestria that has many perils lying inside it. It has a windy cave, a cactus field, and holes filled with giant quarry eels inhabiting them." said Spike
"And we nearly lost Rainbow down there." Twilight added. Rainbow Dash gave a little groan, and said "Alright, alright. I won't race in ghastly gorge." The rest were relieved to hear that, and happy of her decision even if she didn't like it.
"Where would we even race?" asked Blast Off. Rainbow thought about it for a moment, and said "How about in the rocky ledges with the waterfalls not far from Ponyville?" "Sure" Blast Off simply said. The cyan pegasus' eyes went wide along with excitement, and her mouth smiling widely, showing her teeth. "Awesome!" she exclaimed with joy. "So... Where are these falls?" asked Blast Off. "We'll Show you." said Twilight. "Just follow us." Blast Off did what Twilight said, then he followed them. There were the falls, and the gorge with the large river where the water was falling on. Not the Ghastly Gorge, but just as deep. The waters were very beautiful, and sparkly. It looked like the perfect water for drinking any. "So, we race around this area?" asked Blast Off," He got a good long look at the falls. "Ah, it's not so bad up here." he remarked in overconfidence. "Alright, on your marks." Spike said, ready to begin the race. Blast Off and Rainbow Dash readied themselves. "Get set," The two waited for a few seconds until finally "GO!" Spike shouted. At the speed of sound, and light, Rainbow and Blast Off flew down the gorge, flying really fast. The others, and Spike watched in awe. The two racing had an equal amount of Speed, although it would be a fifty-fifty, because on the first time, Rainbow would be in the lead, while Blast Off would catch up to her and then she would be in the lead ahead of Rainbow Dash. "You are Fast." said Blast Off to Rainbow Dash. "Yeah, you are fast too." Rainbow Replied to her. They avoided many obstacles, including the falling waterfalls, the rock pillars, the trees and any other obstacles that can slow them down in any way. It was hard to decide which was faster, because they were indeed, equally fast. "She is fast." Blast Off thought. After avoiding many more obstacles, Blast Off turned her body sideways and back in her normal posture, like a seal performing stunts in an underwater circus. "Awesome." said Rainbow Dash, admiring his spin. "But watch this!" she did a backflip while flying, and continued onward with the race. The duo saw the finish line, and were flying faster than ever. At the very last minute, they crossed the finish line. The rest cheered on for them. "Who won?" said Applejack
"I don't know, it's so hard to tell." said Fluttershy. "Don't worry, let me put up a camera to see who won." said Twilight. She used her horn to poof up a camera out of nowhere, and everyone looked into the camera's eye. While looking into it, in slow motion, it showed that Blast Off and Rainbow Dash crossed the invisible finish line. "Wow. We both won." said Rainbow Dash in disbelief. "It's a tie." said Rarity in disbelief. "That would be the first time I ever see any flier as equal speed as Rainbow Dash has." said Twilight "What about Lightning Dust?" said Pinkie Pie. "Well, that's different." said Rainbow Dash. "She means by different creature, and not a pony." "Ohhh. Okay." said Pinkie Pie understanding what Twilight meant. "You flew well." Blast Off complimented. "You too are a very skilled flyer." "I am honored to have raced with you, Rainbow Dash." said Blast Off. The cyan pegasus smiled at his in response. "Sorry you didn't win, Rainbow Dash. I know how much you love winning." said Fluttershy sympathetically. "Ah, it's alright. I was just in it for fun. Although I do like to win, it was still a good race." Rainbow Dash responded cheerfully, and pumped while stretching her wings. "So, what should we do next, Blast Off?" said Twilight. "We can go to Sugarcube Corner!" Pinkie Suggested.
"I can show you my house," Rarity added, "You would love the Carousel Boutique!" "That's very kind of you." said Blast Off. "But, I must continue my own training with my team, in case you all haven't noticed. Maybe some other time though, if that's alright with you." "That's fine." said Fluttershy. "Yeah, do what you need to do, Combaticons." Rainbow added. "Thank you all." said Blast Off. He turned and walked towards the Everfree forest."

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