War for the Crystal Empire part 2

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The group was walking down the streets with a certain dragon in tow. They were really shock to know that Swindle saved Shining Armor's life, and Shining was very grateful that he made it out of there alive. Although, it was disappointing to know that they left the scene with a catch. It turns out that before their escape, King Sombra placed a curse on Shining's horn. Now, he can't use any magic to help out with the barrier. The gang were just right at the front doors. As they went, Shadow was awed at how much crystal are there. There were crystals for walls, ceilings, floors, they're all over the place! 'This is amazing,' Swindle thought. 'I would kill to get a place like this.' As they approached, The Combaticons noticed a pink Alicorn sitting in her throne, and she was looking like she hasn't slept for a while.
"Cadance!" Twilight yelled. "Twilight..." Cadance barley yelled. The two mares came together did a weird dance that they couldn't really understand. "It's an honor to see you princess." Onslaught says as he bow. "I got to say, that you and your husband Shining over there really got a nice place you got here. Well, despite the evil returning shadow king that's trying to reclaim his empire." "Thank you," Cadance replied. "Also, Twilight, one of these days, we really need to get together when Equestria isn't hanging in the balance." For just one split second, Cadance's horn flickered and the sky turned from darkness and back. This got the Combaticons attention. "Uh, Cadance? I don't want to sound mean or anything, but you don't look so good. Also, what just happened to the sky a second ago?" Onslaught says as he walks up to the mares. Shining Armor spoke. "Cadance's magic provides light and love. That's what seems to be protecting the empire. I would be helping too, but King Sombra cursed me and took away my magic." "I'm fine." Cadance countered.
"She's not fine. She hasn't slept for days and barely eats. She can't keep this up forever." Shining says as he tries to comfort his wife. All the Combaticons could do is feel sorry for Cadance. Not only is their empire is in trouble, but it seem that they are running out of time. It's only a matter of time when Mr. Dark-and-Furious gets through and gets back to the throne.
was cut from their train of thought when a mysterious voice whispered.
'What was that?'
'Who's saying that?'
'Okay, who's talking, and what do you mean heart? Hello...hello?'
It was no use, the voice seized in volume, leaving several confused Combaticons. That's when something clicked in him.
"Hey girls," Onslaught getting their attention. "I'm going to go and investigate something, I'll catch up to you gals later."
"Alright, but be careful sugercubes." Applejack replied. With that, the Combaticons turned, transformed and drove/fly back to the main streets. Apon arrival, the crystal ponies turned the gaze from the group of robots and back with little interest. They didn't know what to do. He just heard a mysterious voice and now their out in the streets. ''Okay, so what to do?" Onslaught muttered. "There's got to be a connection with that voice. It mentioned something about light, love, and a heart. I get why it mention the first two, but what does a heart have to do with anything" said Blast Off. Frankly, Onslaught had no idea of what to do. He and his team heard a voice and now their outside. What is it that he could do out here? "Maybe these ponies might know something. I mean they were enslave by that tyrant" suggested Vortex. "Good idea, Combaticons spread out and ask the Crystal equines questions" ordered Onslaught. The Combaticons looked around and started asking various ponies questions about King Sombra, but none of the Crystal ponies could answer because they all seemed to have amnesia. After a while of unanswered questions the team regrouped in the western district of the Crystal city. "Okay, this is depressing" said Onslaught. "Tell me about it, these Crystal ponies experienced a fate worse than death" said Vortex. "Yeah I agree, I mean we were American and slavery is an abomination that deserves nothing more than to be destroyed" said Swindle. The other Combaticons nodded in agreement. Something came over Brawl after that agreement. "Hey Onslaught I don't know about you but I'm going to keep trying" said Brawl. "Okay Brawl I won't stop you, go ahead" said Onslaught. Brawl then walked off to continue asking questions. "Excuse me miss." Brawl greeted. "I was wondering if you know anything about you formal ruler, King Sombra." All of a sudden, everything went totally silent and every crystal pony in earshot stopped and looked at Brawl with terror in their eyes. This confused Brawl as the shaking mare in front of him started stepping back slowly, not taking her eyes off of him. Brawl looked around and saw more ponies either backing a way or muttering to each other.
Brawl stepped forward to another crystal pony mare, only for her to run away completely. This was starting to get really annoying for the pony turned the camo green Combaticon. If Brawl had a face he would have a scowl on his face, Shadow turned and left the scene as ponies moved quickly out his way. He may know that they're still scared of Mr. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, but it's still irritating for people ,or in this case ponies, to look at him like a monster.
Brawl continued walking around the street asking pony to pony about the same matter for the last 2 hours. So far, he made absolute no progress what-so-ever just like earlier. Even if he asked with out mentioning 'his' name! "There's got to be someone in this place that knows anything about their ruler! For the love of Unicron, they might of been banished for a thousands years or something outside of the empire, but to them, they were gone for one day! There's gotta be someone that knows something about anything!" Brawl's visor turned red and then turned his venomous glare that'll scare off a Hydra at the staring group of crystal ponies.
That little outburst sent nearby ponies to look away or run off. Brawl was not making any progress and he knows it. What he didn't know was five cloaked figures was looking at him from a hidden distance. Suddenly Brawl felt something
"My friends and I are not the only one here?" This has been the most stressful hours of Brawl's life (and not the last). First, He nearly get killed by an ancient shadow king, then he gets strange looks and scare off anypony he came to contact with, and now a five figures wearing black cloaks are spying on him. Brawl turn his gaze at the now discovered figures, only for them to turn and run. Something's off, and there could be a lead of some sort. So, he turns around and chased after the cloaked figures. "Hey!" yelled Brawl. "Wait a minute! I just want to talk to you for a bit!" The mystery figure wasn't listening and Brawl was starting to lose them. With a quick thinking, Brawl used his hover ability and landed in front of his target. Then the figures crashes into him and with a loud thud, the figures just fell down.
Brawl just loomed over the the figures, looking down at them he guessed they were six feet tall and bipedal like him.
"Alright you, I don't know what was you deal spying on me back there, but now, you're gonna give me some answeeeerrrrrr-"
Brawl expected his captured spies to be another pony of some sort, but what he didn't expected was to see a group of robots. Not only a group of robots, but something he hasn't see in years... Minicons!

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