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"Ugh what Happened" muttered Oscar under his breath, "Man I feel like I drank too much Dr.Pepper". Placing his hand on his head and shaking it a little to clear it. Oscar sat up and looked at his surroundings only to realize the trees were only slightly taller than he was. "What the...?!?", I must be sleep," he said in an amused manner. Oscar patted himself on the cheek to check to see if he was awake or asleep, but to his surprise the pats of his cheeks caused a clang sound to be emitted. What?, I didn't make this costume out of metal". Oscar thought. Oscar noticed is movements had become more fluid in his costume. Suddenly a horrible thought struck him! Oscar jumped to his feet, placed his hands against the sides of his head and proceeded to try and take his helmet off. Much to his surprise the helmet felt like it had become part of his head and it would not come off no matter how hard he tried. DID I JUST BECOME ONSLAUGHT!! Oscar shouted at the top of his lungs, " AWSOME!!!" If I am maybe I can Transform like him as well" said Oscar. He then proceeded to concentrate on his transformation cog, then he felt his body shifting,  It was a very weird feeling for him but when the process was complete he was now a Cybertronian Armored Vehicle. The next 2 hours were full of Oscar transforming between robot and vehicle mode just to get used to the weird feeling of transforming. " after I bought those Riot Cannon and X18 Scrapmaker replicas at the the convention" Oscar said retracing the events that led to this point. "I black out and wake up in the middle of a forest and in the body of the leader of the most powerful Decepticon combiner team" Oscar said in a very relaxed tone. "Which was a costume that I've been making for 4 months, making it out of fiberglass, construction paper and plastic." "Hmm maybe if I got transported here maybe my friends were transported here too". Just then his visor lit up with radar. "Whoa" Oscar said in surprise. The radar pointed to a spot half a mile East to his current location, The spot was labeled 'Vortex'. "Wait a minute", said Oscar' "Didn't Tim go to the convention as Vortex...". "I have to get over there and find out". Oscar was about to transform into his vehicle mode when he heard a growling sound behind him. What Oscar saw when he turned around surprised him greatly, standing more than a few yards away was a Manticore. The lion-like monster was easily 10 feet tall at the shoulder, with bat-like wings and a scorpion tail. It's eyes were burning in hate and anger and it was ready to pounce on him. At first, Oscar was at first terrified at the sight but soon realized that he was a 35 foot tall war machine, what damage could it possibly do. He crossed his arms and if he had a mouth, he would have a smug look on it. This enraged the manticore and caused it to pounce on him. Oscar saw this coming and side stepped out of the way and the manticore landed where he just been. Then his visor lit up again with the words "Flak Shield." Oscar then looked to his left arm, only to see a shield quickly forming. When it was fully formed, the manticore tried to pounce on him again, only to be shield bashed and sent flying and into a tree. While it was stunned, Oscar transformed his right arm into a Riot Cannon. "Huh... at least I didn't buy this thing for nothing" Oscar muttered to himself. He aimed his cannon at the stunned manticore and fired a single shot. The the purple ball of energy flew through the air and hit the manticore, killing it instantly and turning half of it to ash. Oscar was awestruck to say the least, he killed a mythological monster with a once fake weapon he bought at a convention and it couldn't do any thing to harm him. Oscar than realized that he had power to take on anything this strange land had to offer. "Hmm... Maybe my name shouldn't be Oscar anymore, maybe...ONSLAUGHT!!
Onslaught then transformed into his vehicle mode and drove off to find his missing teammates and friends.

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