War for the Crystal Empire part 3

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Brawl couldn't believe it! There were Minicons right in front of him! His train of thought were cut to a halt. "Hello? World to Decepticon... Are you still there?!" The yellow and blue minicon said poking. "What? Oh, yeah. It's just that I have a lot a questions to ask you" asked Brawl a bit excited. "Before we go into that, can you tell me who you are and where are we?" asked the dark red one. "My name is Brawl. We are in the land of Equestria ruled by two princesses. We are currently located in the Crystal Empire." "Well it's finally nice to find another Cybertronian" said Grindor. "Well technically there is four others here besides me" said Brawl. "It's good to meet you too Brawl, Wait... Did you say there were four more of you?" asked Grindor. "Yes" replied Brawl. "How did you and your team come here in the first place?" asked the dark purple minicon with a slightly crazed accent. "Alright, I'll tell all of you, but get yourself comfy, cause this will take a while"

3 Days Earlier
Grindor POV
These days were becoming boring like always. I'm just wandering through my district at night, with the stars and the moons shining over me. "Ahh...*thud" I was cut from I my train of thought when I tripped over and landed face first onto the ground. A bit annoyed, I got up and brushed myself up. I suddenly froze as started to hear, music? I started to follow the music. I finally reached to the source of the music, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. What I see is a bunch of Minicons throwing some sort of party. There were Minicons dancing on some dance floor made of colored glass with Glow Stones lighting up underneath. I also see a Minicon wearing headphones, bopping its head up and down from behind two speakers and a Juke Box playing the song I heard earlier. Guess he's some sort of DJ. I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry about that." "Oy! You made me spill punch on my dress!" A female Minicon scolded me. "I said I was sorry ma'm." I tried apologizing again. Who taught you manners?!" She shouted in my face as her nose touched me. "Alright, geez!" I said as I started walking away. "Witch... more like a b****." Apparently, she must of heard me because felt pain on the back of my neck and the sound off broken glass. I turned around to see that Female Minicon looking enraged. "This is the last time someone insults me and gets away with it!" She shouted out of anger. "Well, lets see how you like this!" she then pulls out a glowing white bottle out from behind her back and throws it at me. At first, I didn't feel anything, but then I started become dizzy. Pretty soon, everything turned dark.
Equestria, Crystal Empire
3rd Person POV

"...and that's how I ended up in this place. I spent two days in a cave out in the Snow getting trying to figure out what to do. Grindor continued on. "On the third night, I decided to explore the new land. I found these other four Minicons in a canyon." As we were scouting out, we found this city in the distance. I decided to head towards it when four shadows showed up out of nowhere. I thought I could get help from them, but then they started to attack us." "Those were Sombra's shadowy minions," Brawl included. "Who's Sombra?" Grindor asked. "He's the evil tyrant that is trying to take this place." Brawl explained. "Right... anyway, We were able to escape them when we went though some sort of shield that surrounded this place before they got to us. Feeling safe, we started to explore this place when the sun started to come up. We quickly hid in a shady alleyway like this one, and we found these old cloaks. It's not much, but we are not going draw attention to ourselves." "This is awesome! Now my friends and I are not the only Transformers in this world. You got to meet my friends," Brawl said excited. Grindor shifted his foot in the ground. "I don't know, I'm not sure if they will like minicons." "No way, they will help their fellow cybertronian. So, I'm sure they will do the same to all of you. Plus, I could vouch for you if they see you as a threat." "Well... alright." Grindor said convinced. "So, where are you friends?" "They were asking around looking for a way to stop King Sombra and save the entire Crystal Empire."
"Well, that's useful information." Grindor said sarcastically. "Hey, I left them to continue scouting the city," Brawl countered. "Which was?" "...I, I don't know. I heard a voice in my head saying something about a heart," Brawl says as the group started walking out of the alleyway. "Do you think it means anything?" "I don't know, but maybe my friends might know wha-... was there a festival before we met in the alley?" Brawl, Grindor and the rest of the minicons (Who put their cloaks back on.) looked on as they see numerous rows of stands filled with games and activities. It looks like when comic-con comes to town. Brawl did remember some group of misfits entering it. "So, what does your friends look like?" Long Shot asked. "I have two groups of them, but one of the groups are small pastel ponies," Brawl explained.
"You mean like over there?" He pointed. Far off from a distance, there was the mane six walking down the fair grounds, but they where looking a bit troubled. "Hey, that's them. Well, let's go meet them," Brawl declared. Grindor nodded as Brawl transformed and let the minicons climb onto his hull and drove over to Twilight and a familiar purple dragon.
As Brawl drove with the minicons to their destination, the lavender unicorn seemed to take off somewhere with the purple dragon. Brawl looked around and spotted them running through the fair ground and into the castle. Becoming curious, Brawl drove into the castle. "Dude, where are we?" Dive bomb asked. "I saw my allies, Twilight and Spike, come in here. I think they might be onto something on stopping Sombra. Although, I still don't know where she exactly, this place is huge." "Well then, I guess we'll have to search." Grindor said as he walks away with the rest of the minicons. "Meet me in the throne room if you find anything." Brawl nodded as he started searching. Sadly, after a few minutes of walking around the castle, I couldn't find anything or anyone. So, he decided to head back to the throne room, only to see the rest of the Combaticons and the minicons standing near a huge hole in the ground. "Hey, Brawl?" said Onslaught walking up to him. "What's with the hole? It wasn't there when we came inside." "I saw Twilight and spike opened it and went down these stairs." "And you didn't call out for me a while ago because..." If Onslaught had eyebrows he would have raised one. "Hey, she was using some sort of dark magic to open it. I think it wouldn't be wise to scare off a unicorn with that much fire power," said Brawl. "Well I guess you have a point. Come on, we got to catch up to them," said Onslaught. "Sheesh... this place is bigger than I thought. Alright hang on, we need to think this through," said Onslaught.

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