Brawl vs. Trixie

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Brawl was in his vehicle mode resting his components on a hill outside of Ponyville. He was alone in the area, the rest of the Combaticons and the minicons partners were at the corners of Equestria introducing themselves to various communities while getting the lay of the landscape for any future conflicts. Brawl stayed behind along with Rumble to keep a look on the town that seemed to draw trouble towards it. Little did they know that trouble was about to pay them a visit.

As Brawl just sat their without a care in the world his partner was about to tell him some bad news. "Hey, Brawl?" Rumble asked. "Yeah?" "Is their some sort of holiday going on in town? "Not that I know of. Why do you ask?"
"Because there's a giant dome over it." Rumble pointed out. Brawl was confused at first by Rumble's statement, but when he looked at Ponyville, he was shocked. It was indeed under some sort of dome. It also have stormy clouds inside it. Without hesitation, he grabbed Rumble and charged towards the dome. As he charged he rammed straight through the dome and jumped through the hole with Rumble before it closed up again. They both walked to the Golden Oaks library where he sees the rest of the girls are working. "What in the hell happened here?!" Brawl yelled. "Brawl?! How did you get past the dome?" Rarity asked. "I'm a tank on legs, remember?" "Oh right, of course." Rarity said feeling silly for the obvious question. "That dog-gone Trixie came back and took over Ponyville!" Applejack said in a tone of annoyance. "Who's Trixie?" Brawl asked curious. "Right, you weren't here when it happen. Well, many months ago, a unicorn mare named, Trixie came here to Ponyville and was boasting during one of her magic shows." Rarity started explaining. "We simply couldn't take and we tried to out-rank her with our own talents. But she humiliated us on stage! She tied up poor Applejack here, put Rainbow Dash in a tornado blender, and me! She did the worst thing of them all!!"
"What did she do?!" Brawl asked worried. "She turned my beautiful mane green!!" Rarity screamed. Brawl did not look amused, in fact he was pissed. "How terrible..." Brawl said in slight growling sarcasm which Rarity didn't catch.
"I know! If she wasn't all too powerful, I would give her a really bad hair day myself! Excepted more brutal!"
"ANYWAY.... what happened next?" Brawl still wanted to know the full details. "Right, my apologies, Darling." Rarity composed herself. "Anyway, when we failed, we tried to convince Twilight into teaching her a lesson, but she refused because she thought we would see her the same way we saw Trixie. Later on that night, two of her fans, Snips and Snails brought an Ursa Minor into Ponyville for Trixie to 'vanquish', but it turns out that she's a fraud and her wagon got destroyed. Twilight was able to control the ghastly beast and save everypony." In Brawl's mind, he was shocked and amazed that Twilight was able to defeat it by herself. "Wait, what did you all do to Snips and Snails?" asked Rumble.
"Twilight assigned them to clean up Ponyville and gave them mustaches." 'That's really weird' Brawl thought.
"But Trixie came back with that Alicorn Amulet of hers and kicked Twilight out and trapped us all in this dome."
"Have you all tried to contact Princess Celestia?" "No can do, partner." Applejack answered. "She cut off any kind of communication with this magic dome she put up." "What are we going to do?" asked Rumble. "Let's go find Twilight and then figure out a plan" said Brawl. By the time Brawl found Twilight lying on the floor and was covered from horn to hoof with burned marks and bruises. She looked like she was about to faint. "Did you really think you can fool me that easy?!" Trixie laughed. "Thanks to this amulet, I can be able to feel any nearby magic. That so called 'Power of the Everfree Forest' of yours had none!" "Leave her alone!" Rumble yelled. "And what is a golem like you is going to do?" Trixie said as she was meet with a purple laser to the face. "That!" Rumble shouted as he continues to shoot.
Trixie saw them coming this time and conjured a force field and blocked the oncoming attacks. She then shot a blue beam at Rumble. Rumble then was frozen in place except for the head. "I will not stand for rebels!"
Trixie then shot her own fireball and blasted Rumble out of his icy prison and a few feet away to everyponies shock. Before Rumble can get up, a lighting bolt stuck her as she was electrocuted.
"I don't care who the buck you are! I'm putting you down!!
Before Trixie could figure out where that roar came from, She was hit square in the face and was sent crashing into her sending her flying into the air before crashing into her sugar-coated throne. Trixie got up from the wreckage and saw the one who was responsible. It was a giant golem with a camo green paint scheme, a menacing symbol on his chest that glowed purple, two tubes on it's back and didn't have a face, just a visor that glowed yellow. Her train of thought was cut short as she heard the giant made another roar and charges. As he charged, Brawl was struck by lighting and was sent flying a couple feet back. Without struggling, he gotten up and and charged again. This time he shot the ground near Trixie with his Scatter Blaster and then jumping over her and landing behind her and grabbing her in his massive fist. Trixie then, teleported out of Brawl's grasp and levitated two large boulders out of the ground. "You won't out-stage me you giant scrap pile!" shouted Trixie. Trixie then threw the two boulders at Brawl. Brawl punched the first boulder mid air and shattered it, but wasn't quick enough and was smashed into a nearby house by the other. "Brawl!" The Mane 6 shouted. There was a moment of silence as Trixie laughed. "See, nopony can defeat The Great and Powerful Trixie!" She smirked. Trixie laughed. "What can you six possibly do to-"

Trixie turned towards the crash sight and to her and the others shock, Brawl was alive and was completely unharmed with only a few scratches on his armor.
"H-How?!" Trixie asked a bit scared.
"I'm a tank on legs Trixie." Brawl said in a voice that sound like a murderous psychopath.
Brawl then leaped into the air, hovered for a moment before landing and hitting the ground and causing a powerful shockwave that sent Trixie flying. Brawl then walks over grabs Trixie in his fist again, only this time, he smashes her against the solid ground and pins her. Trixie screamed in pain and then thought. 'How is this pony beating her?! She has the amulet!'
"Alright!" Trixie yelled. "Time to kick it up a notch!"
Trixie then started glowing red and was getting brighter. When she dimmed down, standing in her place was a huge quadruped giant that was made from red energy.
"Let's see if you can dodge this!"
Trixie's horn then glowed so bright in nearly blinds Brawl and everypony else. Soon, she launched a giant flaming sphere at Brawl. Before he could leap out of danger, he was hit with so much force that he nearly gotten blown away. Brawl was in so much pain. He couldn't move a muscle. He couldn't even speak normally. All everypony can do is watch as the Human turned Transformer crumples to the ground.
"See...huff*... like I said... huff*... nopony... huff*... can beat... huff*... me!" Trixie was exhausted, but still standing.
Brawl didn't reply as he gets up with his head still down.
"What the buck?!" Trixie screamed. "What's it going to take to for you to stay down?! You lost!"
Brawl still didn't answer as he ever so slowly raise his head. He tried to stay calm... He tried to keep in control... But this mare was asking for it. So there was one thing he had in his mind that his instincts are telling him to do.
"Well, are you going to stand there and glare at me, or are we going to-"
Trixie was interrupted by a the sight of Brawl transforming. Once the transformation was complete he fired a shot at Trixie that hit her square in the chest of large energy form, causing her to fall on her side. While she was down, Brawl then turned his cannons to the dome, and fired which destroyed the entire dome. Trixie then recovered and got back up, only to get hit again. While she was down she teleported right next to Brawl and kicked him. Brawl then went tumbling, transforming on the way until he crashed into a building. "Ha you dumb piece of junk" Trixie gloated "I'm unstoppable, you should have realized that." Brawl, sitting up said "What can I say" his right arm turned into his Thermal Rocket Cannon "I'm stubborn." He then fired his weapon and the trio of rockets hit Trixie's energy form in the face. She recoiled from the sudden attack. Once she came to her senses, she looked up, only for a fist to strike her energy form's face, causing cracks to form where she been hit. While she has stunned from the punch, Brawl wrapped his arms around her neck before kneeing her in the ribs, then with a powerful kick to the ground he tackled Trixie and delivered a powerful head butt to her muzzle. When she landed on her back, Brawl was kneeling beside her with his Scatter Blaster aimed at her head. Before he could shoot, Trixie shot a beam that sent him that sent him skidding across the ground. When Brawl came to a stop, he stood up and glared at Trixie. Trixie wasn't doing to well, she was tired and her energy form was on the verge of collapsing. "The great and powerful Trixie has had enough of you" she charged her horn "it's time to put you down for good." Trixie then started to shoot beams at him as Brawl charged. He dodged most of the beams, but the ones that did hit just bounced off his armor. Once Brawl was close enough, he took a few pot shots with his Scatter Blaster which threw Trixie off. He then activated his hover ability, hovered in the air for a brief time before he rocket down towards Trixie. Brawl then delivered a powerful punch to Trixie's energy form right in the chest. The punch caused a powerful shockwave that kicked up a cloud of dust. When the dust settled, Brawl was standing prone over Trixie and the Alicorn Amulet broke in half. "Please... have mercy..." Trixie could barely say as she sobs with fear. Brawl ignored her as he made his advances towards the show mare with a angry glare. Trixie new now that the tables have turned. This will be her death. Just when Brawl what's about to scold her, Trixie Teleported away. She then disappeared with a trace. Brawl, if he could, blinked as he realizes that the threat was gone. He shook his head as he turned back to his normal state. He was tired.
Brawl turned to the voice calling to him. He then sees the Mane 6 and Rumble looking at him with woeful expressions. Brawl turned and walked away, with Rumble following behind. "Your welcome" said Brawl as he walked away, Leaving behind the ponies.

B.T.W this was my least favorite chapter too write, sorry it took so long

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