Bruticus vs. Cavernwyrm the Impaler

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Brawl and Swindle were in their vehicle forms with a cart of jewels towing behind them, heading towards the ruins for shelter and the storage of their stolen loot. "Hey Brawl, what do you think we should do when we get their?" Asked Swindle. "I think we should explore this place after we store your loot" replied Brawl. When they finally arrived at their destination they discovered it was on the other side of a deep gorge with fog concealing the bottom. "How are we going to get across this Swindle?" asked Brawl in an angry tone. "Don't worry Brawl, on the way here I discovered that I have the grappling hook ability from the game" said Swindle. "Okay but what about the cart and me" replied Brawl. "Your a Titan class transformer, your strong enough to throw it across the gorge, as for you I can just pull you across just like in the game" said Swindle. "Uhh...I hate to say this but good plan Swindle" said Brawl. Swindle smug grinned at Brawl and grappled across the gorge. Then Brawl casually walked up to the cart of jewels and lifted it above his head and with a grunt effort, he threw the cart over the gorge and landing with a thud. "Nice toss Brawl" committed Swindle while shouting from the other side of the gorge. "Thank you" replied Brawl while shouting. Swindle activated his grappling hook and it connected to Brawl's torso and pulled Brawl across the gorge. Brawl landed on the other side of the gorge on his belly. "This. never. happened" said Brawl in a firm and dark tone. "Noooo Problem" replied Swindle in a nervous tone. The duo then walked up to the the castle and examined the wooden wall in front of them. "Who do you suppose built this must still be around" said Swindle. Suddenly the sound of a helicopter filled the air. Swindle and Brawl ran and took cover in a large patch of bushes near the wall. The duo snuck a peak over the top of the shrubs and saw a yellow and red helicopter land and transform into a robot. Then the sound of a roaring engine was heard and it was getting closer, then a bulky dark blue vehicle zoomed from around the corner and transformed also into a robot. The duo recognized them immediately. "Oscar, Tim is that that you" said Swindle as he and Brawl came out of the bush. "Will, Jack?" said Vortex in a confused tone. The two groups stared at each other for a long moment before Onslaught spoke up. "Where have you two Been?" asked Onslaught. "Before we go any further with this discussion I want you to know that our names are Brawl and Swindle now just to be clear" said Swindle. "Okay I'm not really surprised about that because we also changed our names to Onslaught and Vortex" said Onslaught. "And to answer your question Onslaught I was captured by these dim-wit anthropomorphic dogs called the diamond dogs and chained to a pole" said Brawl. "And I freed him and I stole a cart of jewelry from them" said Swindle pointing at the cart. Just then Vortex charged and got Swindle in a head lock. "Swindle your greed is very nasty sometimes" said Vortex while rubbing his knuckles against his brother's head. Just then the sound of jet engines were heard in the air and were getting closer. The group looked up into the sky and spotted a dark brown star fighter flying strait at them. The group then transformed their arms into their weapons, Onslaught transformed his arm into his X18 Scrapmaker, Swindle did the same for his Neutron Assault Rifle and for Brawl his Thermal rocket cannon while Vortex transformed into his vehicle mode and shot off to intercept the fighter. A hail of gunfire was unleashed into the sky trying to take down the apparent threat but the fighter barrel rolled, curved, assented and descended to dodge all of the projectiles. Then it finally reached the ground and transformed into a dark brown robot with two glowing purple eyes right in front of the group. He spoke to the group before they could react. "If your wondering, yes my name is Blast Off but we don't have time for a reunion, I've come here to warn you that there is something very big heading this way and I think it's out for your heads" said Blast Off in serious tone. Just then the ground started to shake and rattled the Combaticons spines (if they had spines) and looked in the direction of the forest. Emerging from the trees was a massive four legged monster,easily 3 times bigger than the Combaticons, with bat like wings and dark red scales with spikes running down the length of it's body and legs that ended in razor sharp claws but the most frightening part of it was it's head, it had a mouth filled with sharp pointed teeth and it's eyes glowed a bright red with rage & power almost as if they were actually liquid lava. "DRAGON!!!" the Combaticons screamed in unison. It lumbered over to the group ad roared, though this barely phased the Combaticons. "You shall suffer the wrath of Cavernwyrm the Impaler for stealing my jewel shipment" roared Cavernwyrm. Onslaught, Brawl, Vortex and Blast Off all turned towards Swindle, if they had faces they would have a disapproving look on them, Swindle just gave them an innocent smile and shrug. Just then Cavernwyrm unleashed a torrent of flame attempting to turn them to ash. The Combaticons all jumped out of the way in the nick of time. "What are we going to do Onslaught?" asked Vortex. "I-I-I..." Stuttered Onslaught. All of a sudden a plan came to him. "Listen up, here is what we're going to do" said Onslaught in a commanding tone. "Blast Off, Vortex you two shall fly around and attack from above, Brawl you'll use your artillery attack to pound that dragon into submission and lastly Swindle, you and I will attack from the ground" said Onslaught. "Yes sir, you got it, I like it, on it" each of the Combaticons replied one after the other. "Alright then, Combaticons transform and attack!" Shouted Onslaught. The Combaticons were attacking Cavernwyrm from all sides, and he didn't like it, Blast Off and Vortex rained missiles and laser blast on him, Brawl was pelting him with explosive plasma shells while Onslaught and Swindle sped around shooting him while avoiding his claws. After a few minutes of this Cavernwyrm was growing very irritated. He then lunged out and finally grabbed the two Combaticons and tossed them at Brawl and landed in a heap. He then used his tail to whack Blast Off and Vortex out of the sky and landed in the pile of their friends. "HaHaHaHa, Fools did you think you could defeat me!!" said Cavernwyrm. "What are we going to do, at this rate we'll all be nothing but molten slag" said Blast Off. "Well than I say we find out if we can... Unite" said Onslaught. "Well no time like the present I guess" replied Vortex. "So be it...Combaticons combine into Bruticus!" shouted Onslaught. As he shouted those words they instantly knew what to do. Brawl and Swindle transformed into what appears to be legs then Onslaught jumped on top and transformed into a torso with a head, then Blast Off flew towards the colossus and attached himself to it and formed a right arm, the same thing happened with Vortex but formed a left arm. The Titan stood up and it's eyes lit up a bright red color signaling Bruticus was online. "BRUTICUS ONLINE, READY FOR ACTION" boomed Bruticus. Cavernwyrm couldn't believe what he just saw, 5 golems had merged into a monstrous Titan slightly bigger than he was, and this one was enough to scare him. It walked on two legs and it had no face just 2 red eyes that glowed with strength and power, it's limbs were bulky and had a menacing looking symbol on it's chest. "LEAVE NOW OR DIE!" shouted Bruticus. "Fine, I'll finish you off and then I'll take my prize." The dragon said as Bruticus got closer. The two behemoths stared each other down, Bruticus was barely bigger than the Cavernwyrm but he didn't care how big or small Cavernwyrm was. Size didn't matter to him. Suddenly, Bruticus charged at Cavernwyrm, he was about to punch Bruticus, but it was too late. Bruticus tackled him; head first, in the stomach. Cavernwyrm was being pushed back by the mighty Bruticus. They stopped when the dragon hit a rock wall. Bruticus reared back and unleashed a torrent of flames from his flamethrower on the dragon's chest. Cavernwyrm yelled in pain when he realized this Titan would not die easily. He brought one hand up and punched Bruticus in the side of the head. The flames from Bruticus's flamethrower stopped and he backed up, shaking his head to regain focus. But Cavernwyrm was really mad now; he grabbed Bruticus's head with his left hand and held him steady. Bruticus struggled to get free. The dragon was suddenly laughing at how easily he just tamed this Titan that is until Bruticus grabbed Cavernwyrm's hand and squeezed down with all his strength and Cavernwyrm's fingers began to break. Cavernwyrm was screaming in pain and tried to release his fingers from Bruticus's death grip. With one final squeeze, Bruticus squeezed two fingers off the left hand of Cavernwyrm with his fist. He screamed in pain and held his left hand. "AHHHHHH, you little freak of nature!" Cavernwyrm yelled. Bruticus turned back, but this time he was lifted up by Cavernwyrm. He held Bruticus above his head (but struggled to do so because of his weight) and threw him violently away from him, on the ground. Bruticus landed with a thump and tumbled, he then he got back up. "HA, your out of your element Bruticus! You cannot stop me now!" Cavernwyrm taunted. Bruticus, unfazed by his taunting, slowly crouched down and fired the cannons on his back. It impacted Cavernwyrm's side and he cried in pain. Cavernwyrm regained his senses and said, "WHAT?! How many weapons do you have in your body ?!" Bruticus ignored what he said and stomped towards the dragon, fist raised. The dragon released another fury of flames at Bruticus. The mighty Titan acted fast and held his left arm in front of him. On cue, his rotor shield began spinning on his left arm and the flames were stopped before they could hit him. Bruticus put his shield away and charged forward to see the dragon rearing down to bite him. Bruticus delivered a solid punch before the sharp jaws could scratch his armor. The dragon reared up and clutched his bloody lip; he glared at Bruticus who had already gotten too close. "DIE!!!" The dragon yelled and brought up his foot in an attempt to kick him. Bruticus side-stepped the foot when it came down. He quickly lifted up his fist and brought it down on the dragon's foot, causing an explosion with his explosive path ability. The dragon screeched as his foot was totally flattened for every bone in it was broken. "YOU GIVE UP YET." Bruticus spoke evilly. "BRUTICUS CAN KEEP THIS UP ALL DAY." "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" The dragon screamed and unleashed more flames from his mouth. Bruticus was barely able to avoid it. Bruticus looked at his leg and saw it was scorched badly from the fire. Unfazed by this, he charged forward at Cavernwyrm who reared back and unleashed yet another torrent of flames at the mighty Bruticus. Bruticus was done playing. He activated his Plasma Cannon, charged it up and fired hitting Cavernwyrm in the gut. Cavernwyrm fell on its back and looked up to see Bruticus put a heavy foot down on his neck. Cavernwyrm immediately lost all the air in his lungs from the sheer weight of the foot. With his last bit of strength, he pushed off his enemy and slowly got back up. The dragon clutched his throat and watched in fear as this unknown monster was walking towards him! Cavernwyrm backed up in fear and put a hand up. "Please, no more, I give up! Leave me be!" He pleaded. Bruticus stopped and looked at his right arm; he looked back at the pleading creature and came up with the best solution to this entire predicament. "SHOULD'VE GIVEN UP BEFOE." Cavernwyrm smiled noticing Bruticus had let down his guard and breathed in deeply. The fire struck Bruticus before he could react. Cavernwyrm kept the flames going for a few more seconds just wanting to be sure that this thing would be dead. He felt his breath leaving and he stopped the flames from his mouth. Cavernwyrm closed his eyes and smiled when he realized he had just won. There was no way any creature could survive that amount of fire on their skin. He chuckled to himself and prepared to turn around to take the cart of jewels he had almost forgotten about. He looked down at the wooden box as he drew nearer. Right before he could grab the cart, a deep growl was heard behind him. Cavernwyrm slowly turned around and saw the creature with his rotor shield out and not a burn mark on him. He had protected himself at the last second. Cavernwyrm backed away from the cart and stood in fear as Bruticus put away his shield and stomped towards him. He gulped but immediately clutched his throat remembering what that monster had done to it. After a few seconds of scary silence, Cavernwyrm screamed, "WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!" Bruticus growled while looking at his cannon and back at the dragon. He answered with his most terrifying voice. "BRUTICUS IS UNSTOPPABLE." Suddenly, Bruticus fired his cannon at the dragon; it struck with a deadly booming sound into the stomach of the dragon. The dragon coughed up blood and looked to see Bruticus charging at him. Cavernwyrm looked up to see Bruticus with his rotor shield raised and letting out a deadly battle cry. With one powerful slice, Bruticus severed the dragon's head from his body. After the ground shook a while, all was silent. "COMBATICONS SEPERATE" said Bruticus then fell apart and was now the Combaticons again. "Wow that was awesome I can't wait to do that again" said Swindle in a exited tone. "I know right" replied Vortex. "Let's go inside and rest up Combaticons, it's been a long night" said Onslaught. "By the way Onslaught I have something to share with you tomorrow" said Blast Off. "Some one better fix the burn marks on my armor" said Brawl. The group then walked inside their home and settled down for the rest of the night.

Unbeknownst to them that this battle would be the first of many yet to come.

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