Ponyville meets the Combaticons

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The Combaticons and their pony passengers sped down the road towards Ponyville with the dropship following closely behind them. "Hey Onslaught I was wondering, if what you and your friends are now in the bodies of fictional characters from your world what exactly are the Combaticons?" Asked Twilight. "To answer your question Twilight, The combaticons belong to a faction of evil Cybertronians called the Decepticons, and there ultimate goal is to enslave the universe, and the autobots, their good counterparts are the only thing standing in their way" explained Onslaught. Twilight was shocked at what he said, before Rarity could speak up, he interrupted her "and no Rarity where not evil." "By the way Twilight and Rarity me and my friends are and what is known as a Displaced" said Onslaught. "What do you mean by that" asked Twilight. "there is a rumor of people disappearing at conventions and disappearing and transported to another world, and this rumor has been active for so long that such a person is dubbed Displaced" explained Onslaught. "Wow, you and your friends are very special aren't you" said Rarity. "Yes, indeed we are" replied Onslaught.

Several hours past and the combaticons finally arrived at the outskirts of Ponyville. The Combaticons and stopped just behind a hill as well as the drop ship in order to stay out of sight of Ponyville. The Mane six then got out of their living transports before the Combaticons transformed back into their robot forms. "We'll probably cause a moral panic if we just show ourselves" noted Onslaught. "We should only reveal ourselves until they're ready." "Listen, you've kind've blown it with us. Ya might as well not screw up anymore." snorted Applejack. "Hopefully nopony has any reason to kill us too." chuckled Brawl. "Hey ponies would never attack a stranger!" scolded Pinkie. "Ponies are the nicest and most welcoming creatures to ever walk the face of Equus!" "Let's hope" muttered Onslaught.

Awhile later, trotted into city hall. If she was going to reveal the Combaticons to Ponyville, she wanted to make sure that she could organize the event in a way for everypony could see. So, she would have to inform Mayor Mare of the announcement who would in turn get word out and see to it that town was prepared. She thought the best way to reveal them at once without making a huge scene was to make sure everpony was gathered in the town center, where the Combaticons could wait before making an entrance. Twilight still panicked about how the Combaticons were going to explain themselves. All five of them were killers. That was a trait that was not welcome in Ponyville. She'd have to make the Giants swear not to go into detail about their profession of their efficiency in killing and to control their behaviour. However, she knew for a fact that they would make no such promise. "Excuse me." spoke the unicorn. "I need to see Mare Mayor." The pegasus was so absorbed in her magazine, she didn't realize who she was talking to. "The Mayor's in a meeting, you'll have to wait for a while." "No problem." Smiled Twilight. The unicorn trotted over to a table and used her telekinesis to pick up a physics magazine. Twilight sat on the share and happily read. She hoped she didn't have to wait too long however, otherwise it would have been wasted time she could have spent with the princesses.
Still, reading the magazine was a great way to clear her mind. In a few minutes the receptionist looked up to see the princess of magic reading a magazine. The pegasus spoke up "The mayor will see you now." Twilight smiled and galloped to the mayor's office. The unicorn knocked on the door with her hoof and spoke with her cheery voice. "Mayor Mare, it's me Twilight. I have something to dis-" Suddenly the door slammed open and two ponies who the Mayor was talking to were thrown out to the other side. Before Twilight could react, the Mayor pulled her in and slammed the door closed. "Twilight!" shrieked the Mayor as she went into a deep bow. "What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here."
"Mayor, I don't know how to explain this. But I'm going to need to have the town rallied in around an hour."
The Mayor got up. "Anything for you. What's the occasion? "Mayor, I assume you were informed of the anomally in the Everfree forest awhile back." "Why yes." nodded the Mayor. "Have you figured it out? I would expect nothing less of the Element of magic." Twilight blushed. "Well, me and the other element bearers trekked to the Everfree forest to discover why a dragon went missing in the woods and..." Twilight took in a deep breath. "Mayor, do you believe aliens?"
"Why yes." cheered the Mayor. "Don't tell anypony this, but I'm part of a group that's dedicated to the discovery of alien life outside the planet." "Well consider this your lucky day." The Mayor's mouth hung open. "Do you mean that what came from the forest-" "Were aliens. There are five of them to be exact. They call themselves Cybertronians. They're nothing like you've ever seen." "Cybertronians huh? You sound disturbed by them." "Well they're giant golems, and they're not exactly the most pleasant of people. Let's just say they were the reason the Dragon went missing."
"Oh dear. Are they agressors?" asked Mayor Mare. "The Cybertronians we've met are rude and very lethal in combat. On the other hoof, they're pretty tolerable if we have done nothing to threaten them. Now, they want to reveal themselves to Ponyville" explained Twilight. "Twilight you still sound worried, do you have a guard unit we could get in touch with-" "I don't think having guards is the best idea because it might provoke the squadron. Like I said, they might be unpleasant, but they still have some sense of soldier honor. The fact that I'm unhurt proves that." "I see. Could you elaborate on their appearances for me please?" "Well they're bi-pedal and have hands and feet, 30+ feet tall and all completely different in appearance." "I see, don't worry Twilight, I'll see to it that everything will go smoothly." After a few more minutes of discussion. Twilight readied her self and teleported to where the Combaticons were hiding. To her pleasure, they hadn't relocated. Brawl was the first to notice her. "So I trust we're going to be making a fiery reveal to town?" Twilight nodded. "But first, you're going to have to follow a few certain instructions." "Oh boy!" cheered Pinkie. "After we make the big reveal, I got a super duper surprise for you!" "Oh joy." sighed Swindle.

30 minutes later:
Everypony was gathered at front of city hall, eagerly waiting for the revelation. Fillies and colts wasted no time trying to get a better view. The young ones climbed on their parent's heads to see what would await them or dashed to the front of the stage. The Pegasai used their ability of flight to get an ariel view of the event and to make it less crowded at the front.
There murmurs of excitement amongst the crowd. The citizens of Ponyville weren't exactly informed of what would await them, but when it was a gathering requested by Twilight herself, nopony would dare not show up out of respect.
Twilight finally approached on stage, the unicorn looking over the entire population of the town. Raising her hoof, the purple mare signalled the town to rise. The ponies did so. The rest of the Mane 6 were faithfully positioned next to their friend, ready to support her. Clearing her throat, the alicorn spoke into the microphone; "Good afternoon Everypony." It is with a great honor that I announce that a remarkable discovery had been made a few weeks ago." The eyes of the ponies widened at the statement. Cheers of excitement were growing louder and more audible. "For a long time, we the ponies of Equus believed that the vast and infinite cosmos were a lifeless void with our planet being a tiny beacon of life. Now I am pleased to say, that we have been proved wrong." The excitement and whispers amongst the crowd was reaching new levels. "Today I want to introduce you all to the Combaticons!" Suddenly five bipedal giants stepped into the square and towered over the crowd of ponies. There were a mummer of "oohs" and "ahs" as the ponies were mesmerized, shocked and fearful of the Combaticons. Onslaught stepped in front of the rest of the group, shot up his hand, and managed to silence the crowd. The other four members of the team stood behind him. With a calm demeanor, his commanding voice spoke. "Good evening ladies and gentleman. Or should I say fillies and gentlecolts?"
The crowd laughed hard. "I am Onslaught, the leader of the Combaticons, one of the most powerful teams in the galaxy. I am pleased to say that my squadron will be staying here in order to give any service when necessary." The crowd gave a cheer. "Now we'll be answer any questions you might have" stated Vortex. A pegasus mare mustered the courage to raise her hoof. Onslaught pointed at her to talk. "Why do you wear that armor?" asked the shy blue pegasus. "We can't see what you look like underneath that." Onslaught looked down at his armor and gave a laugh. "Well you see this armor is our bodies." The ponies in the crowd gave the Combaticon leader a shocked look. "If you're disappointed by this fact, we'll show you what we can do" said Onslaught. "Combaticons vehicle mode" said Onslaught. All of the Combaticons then transformed into their vehicle forms. All of the ponies gave a gasp at the sight before the Combaticons transformed back into their robot forms. Another pony, this time an Earth Pony stallion raised his hoof. "What kind of magic do have other than changing shape?" "We are incapable of utilizing magic. Our-" Before Onslaught could continue speaking, the crowd of ponies gave a large cry of disbelief there were mummers of; "They can't use magic, how is that possible?"
"How do they live?" "How could have they gotten to space?" Onslaught exhaled with annoyance and continued speaking. "I know it sounds confusing, but we can not perform what you call 'magic' it is actually a natural ability to us called transforming." The crowd began to look even more confused. "I know it may confuse everypony but we are actually biological robotic beings so we can do things that organic beings can't" said Onslaught. "Is their any thing else you can do?" asked a blue colored unicorn whose mane looked like toothpaste. "Yes, as out team name implies, we are fierce and skilled warriors and we have a special ability to combine into a virtually unbeatable titan named Bruticus" replied Brawl. The crowd was bewildered by the reply. "Allow us to give you a demonstration" said Onslaught. "Combaticons combine into Bruticus" said Onslaught. Brawl and Swindle transformed into feet, Onslaught then jumped on top and transformed into a torso then blastoff and vortex flew up and attached themselves to the Titan and formed arms. "SO WHAT DO YOU THINK?" asked Bruticus. Some ponies stumbled back at the sight of the massive Titan and looked up in awe. The Titan then fell apart and formed the Combaticons again. "Anyway we are here in your town in order to do good Deeds for you all, and to start that off with a competition between the five of us tomorrow and it will be great entertainment for you all" said Vortex. The crowd then cheered in agreement at the thought of it. Twilight quickly got in front of the Combaticons. "Thank you Combaticons for your introduction. I'm sorry mares and gentlecolts, but this concludes our event." The crowd gave cries of complaints. So many questions were left unanswered. "Listen we'll answer  your questions tomorrow" said Onslaught. The crowd dispersed until the town center was deserted leaving the Combaticons and Twilight behind. "I'm not sure about this competition you suggested Vortex" said Twilight. "Come on loosen up and embrace it" said Vortex. "Fine I guess it could work" said Twilight. "Anyway let's go recharge Combaticons, we got a long day tomorrow" stated Onslaught. The Combaticons then walked out of town heading for their dropship to recharge their systems for the competition tomorrow. "What is going to be going on tomorrow" wondered Twilight.

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