War for the Crystal Empire part 1

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A train was traveling to the Artic North to the lost nation of the Crystal Empire with the Combaticons escorting it. When news of the Crystal Empire's return reached Celestia she quickly contacted the Mane 6 and the Combaticons and told them of the situation, they scrambled quickly to get their. When they arrived the Combaticons, Twilight and company got off their train, a pure white stallion with light blue mane and tail, wearing a scarf and mask greeted them. "Twily!" Shining Armor yelled. "It's good to see you and you're friends again." "It's nice to see you too Shining." Twilight replied. "Where's Cadance?" "She's in the castle under the barrier." Shining finally looked at the five giants behind her. He walked around Twilight and gave the Combaticons a smile. "And what are you five doing here?" "The princess requested us to be here" replied Onslaught. "Oh okay" said Shining Armor shrugging his shoulders. Suddenly there was a bunch of screeches coming from the blizzard. "We'll talk later, we got to get to the safe zone. We don't want to be out here with THEM after dark." "Um... who's them?" Spike asked nervously. Spikes question was answered when a huge, dark, shadowy figure with glowing green eyes was coming right for them, it was King Sombra! Without wasting time, Vortex transformed into his vehicle mode and opened his side doors. "Okay every- pony, get in" said Vortex. Everypony ran for dear life to the waiting helicopter. Suddenly, three tall figures popped out of nowhere and hissed at Fluttershy who was stopped in her tracks screaming. Shining Armor lit his horn and fired at the shadow, but it teleported out of his shot. Rainbow swooped down and picked up the now crying Fluttershy. When they finally got the safety of the helicopter, they were tired out of running, and then Vortex took off and heated for the dome. Meanwhile the remaining Combaticons somehow went unnoticed by the the shadow tyrant. Although, there was a stallion that were missing and things were going to get worse. Shining was wandering through the blinding blizzard while trying to find the mares, but he was soon met with something hard in the back of his head. He stood there for two seconds and fell into the snow unconscious. Sombra was laughing as he took a look at his victim that was surrounded by his shadowy minions. "Oh, is this suppose to be the new ruler of my empire?" Sombra  quietly asked to nopony. "How pathetic..." Sombra summoned a black crystal that was sharpened to the tip. He raised it to Shining Armor's neck and whispered something in his ear.
"It was nice meeting you, but I do believe my subjects are waiting for their ruler to return..." Sombra grinned.
"Goodbye, and don't worry... I'll put put a statue of you when I take my city back." Just when he was going to slice out Shining's neck, a roaring sound was heard threw the blizzard. Then, one by one, the shadowy minions were being grabbed and pulled into the blinding snow storm. Sombra was both confused and angry.
"Who's there?!" He shouted. "Show yourself!" Soon, Swindle sped into Sombra's view and transformed, who was looking back at him with interest. "So, you're this 'Sombra' I've heard about." Swindle said. "I got to say, you don't seem that scary. Also, I don't think you're going to put up statue for him." "Who and what are you fool?! I can see that you're not an ordinary golem!" "Oh, how rude of me." Swindle said in a teasing matter. "I am Swindle" He grinned. Now Sombra was really mad. How dare he treat him with little respect? He charged his horn and shot it straight at Swindle, only for Onslaught to jump in front of Swindle with his flak shield raised, completely rendering the attack useless. Swindle then took Shining Armor's unconscious form and ran toward the barrier. Sombra was about to fire again on the fleeing Combaticon until an explosion hit him from behind and he was stunned for a bit and the four Combaticons made a break for the barrier.
When the Combaticons reached their destination, he saw six mares and a dragon with their mouths hanged.
"What the buck just happened to you six?!" Rainbow shouted.

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