Setting up Base Camp

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Onslaught drove through the forest at top speed, everything in front of him was rammed out of his path for nothing
would stop him from reaching his friend. His tracker pointed to a the location on the other side of a foggy canyon, but he would not let that stop him. As he exited the forest he activated his nitro boosters and ramp jumped off a smooth Boulder and jumped over the canyon. Before Onslaught made it to the other side he transformed back into a robot
and landed on his feet perfectly. Onslaught then walked into the fog cloud, he couldn't see his hand in front of his face, when suddenly he tripped on something and fell face first into the dirt. Onslaught got back up and looked back at what he tripped on, it was a rock but not a natural one, this one looked like it was carved. Just then a small wind blew the fog away, Onslaught turned around and what he saw amazed him. Not far from were he was standing was a large old Castle that was falling apart yet still in great shape, it had 2 horse head statues at the base of a set of stairs that led to a set of double doors that he could easily walk inside, He continued to look at the castle until he was snapped back to reality by the radar on his visor. "Tim is inside that place...not only do I find my friend but I find and awesome looking ruin that will make the coolest shelter ever, now that's a win-win" Onslaught said out loud.
"Hmm...I'll explore this place later, for now I need to find Tim...or should I say Vortex" he said with a snicker.
Onslaught then walked up the stairs to the massive double doors and tried to open them, but the doors wouldn't budge.
Onslaught then backed up and ran full speed at the doors and rammed into them, the doors flew open instantly from the impact. However, Onslaught's momentum carried him further as he entered and did a somersault as he landed, when he was back on his feet (much to his surprise) he was staring down the barrel of a Photon Burst Rifle. It was being carried
by a 32 foot tall red and dull yellow humanoid robot with only a yellow visor and red plate for a face. A tense silence was going on as the two starred at each other, until Onslaught decided to take control of the situation, "T-Tim it's me Oscar but it's Onslaught now... Onslaught never finished his sentence for he was being hugged. "I can't believe it's you Osc...uh I mean Onslaught" said Tim. "You have no idea how glad I am t0 see you Onslaught, I don't like being alone" said Tim.
"I know you don't Tim" said Onslaught. "So...what now" asked Tim. "Hmm... okay Tim, tomorrow we will look for the others, but for now we need to fortify this place, it's going to be dark soon" said Onslaught. "Good plan, oh and you call me Vortex from now on" said Tim. If Onslaught had a mouth he would be smiling at that remark. "Whatever you say...Vortex" said Onslaught in an amused tone. The rest of the day, Onslaught and Vortex were setting up their camp. Being over 30 feet tall they were big enough and strong enough to uproot the large trees near the castle. They used large disc shaped stones to sharpen the ends of most of the tree trunks they collected to a sharpened point. They used these sharpened trunks to build a barricade at the base of the stairs that led to the entrance. They used the rest of the wood to cover the windows and seal any and all the holes in the the walls as well as create a shelter from the rain. By the time they were done the crescent moon had appeared in the night sky. Onslaught and Vortex were sitting outside their wooden barricade at the base of the entrance stairs looking up and being amazed by the glorious night sky. "So do you think we'll ever go home" asked Vortex. "I have a feeling we're not on our home world anymore" replied Onslaught. "What makes you say that" Vortex asked a little worried. "Because on my way here I killed a manticore"
Onslaught replied with a depressed tone. "Are you serious, I was attacked by 4 Griffins before I found this place, that's
why you came in staring down a gun" Vortex said in an unamused tone. "Oh by the way Onslaught if we're the Combaticons you don't suppose that if we find Zack, Jack and my brother Will, we could combine into Bruticus don't you? Asked Vortex. Onslaught pondered in thought for a while and said "Time will tell Vortex, Time will tell" said Onslaught. "ughh, come on Vortex" said Onslaught standing up. "Let's get inside". They both quietly walked back inside
and closed the doors behind them.

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