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The Sun rose over the Everfree ruins and shone on the Combaticons visors, waking them from their sleep. "Uhh, I can't believe even transformers get wakened by the sun light" muttered Onslaught. He then stood up and stretched his arms then proceeded to wake up Blast Off for what he had to say, but leave the rest of his friends to sleep. "Hey Blast Off wake up" said Onslaught. Blast Off awoke with a startle, and stood up. "Yes Onslaught" said Blast Off. "You said you wanted to show me something last night" said Onslaught. "Yes I did, Onslaught before I came to warn you and the others about that dragon, I was escaping from the Capital of this land with all the the information about this land that we need to survive" said Blast Off. "That's good Blast Off, but were there any, say... complications" said Onslaught. "Unfortunately yes, before I could escape the archives a dark blue Alicorn walked in on me, shot me in the shoulder and I ran and jumped through a window before flying away, it was embarrassing that I was discovered so openly like that" said Blast Off in a humiliated tone. "But before you ask, I also overhead a conversation while I was hiding in the ceiling rafters that
a giant green golem trashed a mining camp and a manticore that was blown in half" said Blast Off. "The manticore part I can explain because I was the one who eliminated it and Brawl told me it was him who trashed the mining camp" said Onslaught. "Let's go wake the others up and you explain everything you know about this land to them yourself" said Onslaught. The two of them then walked back into the room were the rest of the Combaticons were resting and one-by-one, they woke each one of them up. "Guys briefing room, now, Blast Off has a tale to tell since we're stuck here" said Onslaught. The rest of the Combaticons then walked into the briefing room and gathered inside. "What's this about Blast Off?" said Brawl in a grumpy tone. Blast Off then told them that 2,500 years ago, when the three pony tribes waged war on each other until they united under the banner of the sun and moon, with Princesses Celestia and Luna crowned leaders. Then, five hundred years later, the rise of Discord, who plunged Equestria into nearly a century of chaos. A thousand years after he was defeated at the hooves of Celestia and Luna, Princess Luna succumbed to her inner jealousy and allowed her mind and body to be taken over by Nightmare Moon, who tried to bring to Equestria eternal night. A thousand years after she was successfully banished by Celestia, she returned and was reformed by the Elements of Harmony. "That is Interesting Blast Off but how does this benefit us?" asked Onslaught. "These ponies have lived in peace for a thousand years so war is alien to them, but if a threat arises then those Elements of Harmony will neutralize said threat" said Blast Off. "What a bunch of lame, Harmony defeating various villains, you have got to be kidding me" said Brawl. "I know right" said Blastoff, in an agreeable tone. "Anyway, the point stands, If we were considered villains in this land, we would be in a stone prison" said Blastoff. "There is also the matter of that dragon we decapitated yesterday." said Onslaught. "You have a point Onslaught, a dragon corpse would attract attention, unwanted attention at that" said Vortex. What are we going to do about it?" asked Brawl. "Simple, we carry it away and let the predators have it" said Onslaught. "Then I guess there is nothing else to discuss" said Blastoff. Agreed, Combaticons let's get that scaly stinkball off our lawn" said Onslaught. The Combaticans went outside and walked over to Cavernwyrm's decapitated corpse. Vortex and Blastoff transformed into their vehicle modes and launched tow cables which connected to the dragon's body and began to slowly lift and pull it accoss the gorge. Swindle grappled accross the gorge while Onslaught transformed into his vechicle mode and Nitro boosted accross the gorge and Brawl used his hoover ability to cross the gorge. Two hours later, the Combaticans finally reached a spot far enough away to drop off the dragon's body without drawing too much attention to their shelter. Blastoff and Votex retracted their tow cables, letting the dragon's body land with a thump. Vortex and Blastoff landed and transformed along side their fellow Combaticons. The group looked at their handywork with pride. "Man, I cant believe we took down a dragon, Just think, If we can take down a dragon, we can take down anything in this land, We can conquer it if we wanted to" said Swindle. "Not on my watch you bucket of bolts" said a voice from behind the Combaticons. They all turned around and see a cyan blue female Pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail hoovering in the air with an expression of anger on her face. The Combaticans looked at each other and all said in unison, "Uh Oh."

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