Blast Off 's Recon

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"I can't believe that just happened, oh well at least I can share the knowledge with the others"

10 hours ago:
Uggghhhh... where... am I?
Zack's body feels numb and feels... bigger. He couldn't tell for sure because he couldn't see. he couldn't open his eyes, or move. Yet even when Zack couldn't move, he felt strange. Like he wasn't himself. A small loading bar appeared in his empty vision, much to his surprise. "Ugh... must have passed out from eating to many hot dogs" said Zack.
Once the loading bar was done, a computer screen came to life as I saw the decepticon insignia. It started to load odd files, a small cursor moving through various programs until it came to one labeled "optic sensors". After a few seconds, the background shifted from that of a black background with decepticon insignia to a snowy mountain peak. Zack had no idea what it was or what it meant. Zach then got back up onto his feet and looked around. He then walked to the edge of a cliff and looked down. What he saw amazed him. Down below, on the side of the mountain was a grand castle city!
"Wow! thats impressive" said Zach. "Humm, I suppose that I am not on Earth any more, logically that castle should be the capitol of this land based on its looks" said Zach. "Might as well explore that city and gather all the information that I can" exclaimed Zach. "Might see what this new body can do". Zach then pressed a button on the side of his and head. It showed a list of his inventory. "Ok a Path Blaster and an A-4 Pulsar Cannon, well at least I did not waist my money on those two" said Zach in a tone that said he didn't think too much of these two weapons. Then he scrolled down the list and what he found surprised him greatly. "A cloak! thats perfect!" said Zach in an excited tone. "Hmm, I think I should go by my cybertronian name instead, from now on my name is Blast Off!" said Zach.
Blast Off jumped off the cliff and transformed into his star fighter mode. Once he was near the castle he landed on a roof and transformed back into his robot form and crouched down. He peaked over the roof to get a glimpse of the castle citizens. "Ponies?" said Blast Off in a surprised and unamused tone. "You have got to be kidding me!". "Oh well, I am in another dimension after all", said Blast Off in a funny tone. Blast Off looked on into the distance and saw what looked like a pallace. " I will wait until night fall and sneak in to the palace and get all the information I can about this land" said Blastoff.

The three quarters moon glowed majestically in the night sky. It was Blast Off's time to shine. He then stood up and activated his cloak, turning himself invisible. "This thing is on a timer, I better make sure I'm near a hiding spot when the clock hits zero", said Blast Off. He then jumped down and landed in the streets making very little noise despite his size. He then crept along the streets while avoiding the occasional patrol of guards. An hour later he finally arrived at the palace completely un-noticed. Above the front gate a sign read "Canterlot Palace".
"at least I know what this castle is called now" said Blast Off. He the walked right through the Gate jumping behind a hedge just as time ran out for the cloak. "That was a close call" said Blast Off as he reengaged his cloak. He then crept up to the front double doors that were big enough for him to fit through. Zach made sure no one was looking as he opened the double doors, went through them and closed them behind him. He then looked behind him and noticed he was inside a throne room and luckily for him, he was alone. Blast Off then heard the sounds of hoof steps coming from one of the hallways connected to the throne room he was in and were getting closer. He then jumped onto the ceiling rafters and watched as two ponies come in, one was a tall white Alicorn wearing a golden crown and necklace with a rainbow colored mane that flowed on a non-existent breeze. The second was a white unicorn stallion that was smaller than the Alicorn and was wearing purple armor with a golden trim. "That Alicorn must be the ruler of this land" said Blast Off. The Alicorn then walked over to the throne and sat down on it while the male unicorn stayed in front of it. Blast Off then started to listen in on the conversation they were having. "Captain do you have anything to report'' asked the Alicorn. "Yes, my princess. I must say the reports are...disturbing, to say the least." said, the Captain. "First, we have a manticore corpse that looks like it was blown apart by some sort of energy explosion. Then, we have a diamond dog mining camp in the rambling rock ridge that was completely destroyed and many diamond dogs sustained grave injuries." said the captain, in a worried tone. "I see, do you have any clue who did this?" asked the Alicorm. "As matter of fact yes princess, according to the camp supervisor, Rover, he said that they captured a giant metal golem and chained it to a post. They described it being 33 feet tall, with two tubes on its back it was dark green and stood on two legs. It also had no face except a glowing yellow visor that turned red when they angered it and they said its name was Brawl, but it somehow broke through the enchanted chains and escaped." said the captain. "Lastly, we got a report that a Griffin patrol attacked a strange flying metal object along the Equestrian-Gryponian border and it outflew them then disappeared into the Everfree forest". the captain shared. ''I see...thank you captain" said the Alicorn. "Captain, tomorrow I want you to take your best guards and try and find both this metal golem and the flying object" said the Alicorn. "Yes princess" replied the captain. Blast Off then watched as the two ponies left the throne room and disappeared down a hallway. " least I know i'm not alone here" said Blast Off with a sigh of relief. He then jumped down from the rafters, cloaked and walked down another hallway. After a while, Blast Off came across a set of large double doors with a sign labeled 'Canterlot Archives' and walked inside before his cloak could disengage. Inside was a large library of books and scrolls that filled the mammoth bookshelves. "Perfect, just what I was looking for" said Blast Off. He then began to scan the Archives for all the information in them, then he came to a bared off isle labeled 'Forbidden Section', but he simply scanned through the gaps in the bars, after that he walked back to the center of the Archives. Blast Off then looked at a large glass pane window that let the moon light in, the sight made Blast Off look at the sight in awe. Just then he heard doors opening up behind him, Blast Off then turned to see a dark blue Alicorn walk in, it was smaller then the one he saw in the throne room, it wore a black tiara and necklace and its mane flowed majestically in a non-existent breeze and it looked like the starry night sky. The Alicorn's expression went from shocked to angry quickly when it saw Blast Off. Then she shouted unnaturally loud, "MONSTER!! THOU DAREST TO INVADE THY HOME!!" Her horn flared. "WE SHALL TEACH THOU THE ERROR OF THINE WAYS." She shot a blast of energy from her horn and bounced off Blast Off's shoulder, doing no damage at all. Reacting to this, Blast Off ran towards the the window and jumped through it and started to fall. Blast Off then transformed in mid air and shot off towards the Everfree Forest.

10 minutes later:
"I can't believe that just happened, oh well at least I can share the knowledge with the others" said Blast Off as he soured
through the night sky above the Everfree Forest. As he flew he spotted some old ruins with a lot of wood in front of it in the distance and near the ruins were 4 towering figures, Blast Off knew he found his friends at last. Just then he saw a rustling in the trees and it was heading towards them, whatever it was it was big, very big. Blast Off them went to full speed to warn his friends of the approaching danger.

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