Combaticons Combine and Escape Canterlot

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"Combaticons combine into Bruticus" shouted Onslaught. All of a sudden, Brawl and Swindle ran forward and transformed in mid-air. They formed what appeared to be legs. Every pony in the court yard felt a gust of wind fly right past them; they looked forward and saw Blast Off fly right past them. The Mane six looked back and saw Vortex transform in mid-air and fly right towards them. He passed right over them and was heading for the rest of the Combaticons. Speaking of the Combaticons, Onslaught jumped on top of Brawl and Swindle and transformed into some kind of body with a head. The head's eyes lit up red and glared down at the Royal Guard and ponies. The glare was so intense; it ripped through the souls of The Mane 6 and the Royal Guard, frightened them to the bone. Blast Off flew straight for the colossus, when the ponies thought he would ram into the giant, it caught him and it formed an arm! The arm came down to the right side of the giant Colossus and formed a hand with fingers. Vortex flew forward and the colossus once again caught it and it formed the left arm. The blades on the red Combaticon twirled together and stopped spinning as the hand popped out of the new arm. The Titan brought down his newly right arm and looked down at the ponies. His glare intensified as it moved closer and closer. It stopped when it was in good distance from them and clenched its right hand. "BRUTICUS ONLINE!". Every pony in the square was shocked to say the least, they just witnessed 5 giant metal golems combine into a towering Titan, it was easily bigger than an Ursa Minor that attacked Ponyville, but far more terrifying. "OUT OF MY WAY" said Bruticus as he started stomping towards the mane six. The six did as he said and got out of his way as he stomped past them. "GOOD CHOICE" said Bruticus. As he stomped down the path, Twilight charged up he horn with the same spell she used to capture the combaticons and fired, the beam of magic hit Bruticus in the back but to her horror, it just bounced off the Titan. "HAHAHA, THAT TICKLED" taunted Bruticus as he continued to stomp away. "Captain get a squadron and cut that monster off at the market" said Celestia. "Yes your Hiness" said Shining Armor before he teleported away. "I will protect my little ponies, even if I have to destroy that beast" said Celestia as she teleported the elements in the path the Titan was going. As Bruticus stomped down the street many civilian ponies cowered at the sight of him and ran inside their homes or hid behind whatever they could find in the streets. As he approached the gates, many Royal Guards trotted out and blocked his path, both in front and behind him, completely sandwiching him in between the two squads. "YOU THINK YOU CAN STOP BRUTICUS" said Bruticus in a amused tone. The line of guards in front of the gates fired bolts of magic at him, only to harmlessly bounce off his armor. Bruticus then ignited his flamethrower and sent a torrent of flames toward the the line of guards, causing them to scatter. Bruticus then turned around to face the other line of guards behind him. The line of guards began to fire on him, but before they could hit him, Bruticus activates his rotor shield and the bolts simply ricocheted off. Bruticus then reached up and grabbed a water tank off the roof of a building and tossed it at the them, and several tons of water pored onto the street and washing a few guards away then he deactivated his rotor shield and unleashed his flamethrower on the broken water tank, causing a cloud of steam to form around the battalion. Bruticus then stomped away from the sound of yelling and confusion and went towards the gates that went into the residential district. He then repeatedly punched the gates, but they barely budged. He then activated his rotor shield and proceeded to cut the gates open. Once the gates were damaged enough, Bruticus then charged his energy and punched the ground, sending an explosive path that blew the gates off their hinges. "THIS IS TOO EASY" said Bruticus as he stomped through the gates.
He was surprised when he was greeted on the other side by Princess Celestia and the Element bearers. "You are not escaping monster, for you will be banished to Tartarus for Eternity!" shouted Celestia. "DO YOU EVER SHUT UP" said Bruticus. The six ponies behind her then started to float in the air then the purple ones eyes glowed white and a rainbow
shot out of the group's formation and swirled around Bruticus. When the rainbow subsidies, a cloud of dust is reviled. "We got 'em!" shouted Rainbow Dash. "Good work everypony" committed Pinkie Pie. They were about to turn away when a rumbling growl was heard, they turn back to the dust cloud and see glowing red eyes piercing through the dust.
They all back away as Bruticus stepped out into the light, completely unharmed. "What it didn't work!" shouted Twilight in surprise. The Mane six and Celestia looked up at the Titan in awe and fear, this is the first time the Elements of Harmony failed to stop a threat, but only succeed in annoying it. "WAS THAT SUPPOSED TO HURT" taunted Bruticus. The Titan then walked around the group and into the residential district. As Bruticus walked along, he noticed that the area was deserted, not a pony in sight. As he stomped along the street, he saw a train station not far from where he was, the only problem was that a narrow alley way between two buildings separated him from his exit. Bruticus simply shoved through it, causing half of the buildings to collapse behind him. After he reached the train station he saw a pink train with heart shaped widows, this offended Bruticus in every way, he couldn't wait to stomp on it. But before he could, a voice boomed behind him "BRUTICUS!!!" Bruticus turned around and saw Celestia with every guard in Canterlot behind her. "Surrender now, or I swear I will hunt you down like game" said Celestia. "HAHAHAHA, YOU MUST BE JOKING" laughed Bruticus. "BRUTICUS IS LEAVING NOW, BUT BEFORE BRUTICUS GOES." Bruticus then grabs the  train behind him and lifts it up. "HERE'S A GOING AWAY PRESENT." Celestia's eyes narrow as Bruticus throws the train at her. It tumbles along the ground and before it could plow her over, she raises a magical Shield. The train rams into it and stuns her. While the ponies were distracted, Bruticus then said "COMBATICONS SEPARATE." Bruticus then fell apart, leaving the Combaticons in their vehicle forms. "Combaticons, full speed ahead" said Onslaught. Brawl, Swindle & Onslaught sped down the train tracks while Blast Off and Vortex flew along side. "Blast Off I need you to scout ahead and find a way to the Forest, we'll need to disappear after that rampage we went on" said Onslaught through his comm piece. "I'm on it" replied Blast Off as gained altitude. "Why didn't I tell that purple Alicorn the truth?" wondered Onslaught.  

Meanwhile back Canterlot:
Celestia was deep in thought about that group of golems that somehow merged into one big Titan and were somehow immune to the Elements of harmony. She turned to the other Alicorn in the room. "Twilight I want you and your friends to be on the lookout for those golems whenever possible, now that they are on the loose there's no telling what damage they can do" said Celestia. "Yes Princess I'll do whatever it takes to bring those things down" said Twilight confidently.
Twilight then ran out of the room and the doors closed behind her. Once Celestia was alone she thought "why didn't they hurt any ponies when they could have easily done so"

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