The Dropship

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The night after the Combaticons escaped Canterlot and went into hiding, Twilight was studying every book in her library
in order to find a reason why the Elements of Harmony had no effect on them. A book flew out of Twilight's room, clattering down the stairs to join a massive pile of similarly discarded books that lay in piles scattered around the floor. The only sounds that came from within the eerily quiet library was the shuffling of pages and the frustrated groans of the lavender Alicorn that inhabited the place. Another book flew out of Twilight's room, this time tossed out the window to join another pile of books just outside the library. Inside, the lavender mare was lying on her bed, flipping through another book before throwing it away and grunting angrily. She had gone through everything, from legends to cooking, but not a single one, book or scroll, mentioned anything about this 'Bruticus' or 'Combaticons'. Twilight let out a loud groan as her head sunk into her pillow. She had not managed to get any sleep at all, as she was instead focusing on her search for answers. "These 'Combaticons' are a real danger to Equestria," she told to herself. "If I don't find a way to beat them, and if they destroyed Equestria, it's going to be my fault!" The lavender mare was deep into her session of thought when her purple, draconic assistant walked into the room, holding a plate with a daisy sandwich on it. He made his way through the heaps of books and placed the plate on the bed next to Twilight, who still had her head stuck in the pillow. "Twilight..." Spike poked her. "Twilight, you have to eat something. You've been up for hours. Besides, The Alicorn lifted her head and levitated the sandwich, taking a bite out of it. "Fine... But if the world ends because of me..." "I-I'm sure it won't, Twilight..." Spike shakily rubbed his claws and walked out of the room, Twilight levitating the sandwich along with her as she followed him. He muttered under his breath, "At least... I don't think it'll be your fault..." They made their way through the field of books, and emerged outside through the front door. The dark sky above was covered in dark clouds, Twilight never did like going outside when it was like this. Suddenly, the sound of thunder shook the sky and the clouds started swirling. "Twilight what's happening!?" screamed Spike while hiding behind his big sister. "I don't know!!" Twilight screamed back. Suddenly there was a loud BOOM that rattled everything. Everypony in Ponyville woke up immediately. "What was that?" Yelled Twilight. Everypony looked in the direction she had indicated and saw a huge asteroid smashed into the middle of Ponyville. Everypony came out of their homes and started gathering at the town square where the mysterious object crashed. Twilight pushed her way through the crowd to see the object, when she finally had her eyes the object, what was there in a smoking crater was no space rock. It was dark purple and rectangular in shape, it had 3 strange things attached to either side of it and had a tail, but the most shocking part of it was it's size, the thing was easily 5 stories tall and 150 feet long. On the front of it was the same symbol as the Combaticons had. "Spike take a letter" said Twilight.

Dear princess Celestia,
I want you to know that a gigantic purple object has crashed in Ponyville town square tonight and it bears the same symbol as the Golems that escaped Canterlot, speaking of which I would like you to come down here with some scientists and guards to analyze the object.

Your regal sister,
Twilight Sparkle 

Spike then blew a flame on the letter and teleported it to Canterlot. But unbeknownst to them is that around a corner an invisible figure was watching. "Onslaught come to the edge of the Everfree, there's something in Ponyville that will increase our chances of surviving" said the figure. "Great, me and the rest of the Combaticons are on their way, stay hidden until we arrive" said Onslaught. "Roger that" said the figure.

The next Morning:
Celestia had scientists and guards shipped in over night to keep the crowd away while the scientists analyzed it. "Have you made any progress?" Celestia asked. "We have made some progress," one of the scientists said. He was a tan earth pony with a grey mane. he was dressed in a lab coat with a pair of glasses in his pocket. "It seams to give off a strange type of energy we have never encountered before."He began walking along the object followed by Celestia to the middle of the object. "We don't what these strange attachments on the side are for." He said indicating towards the engines. "We would like your permission to see if we can get inside." "Lets not at the moment, it could be dangerous. It could do anything from make clouds to destroy everything." Celestia said "Lets focus on getting it to a secure location, where we can try to get in safely." "As you wish princess." The scientist said with a bow. "One question though." "How are we going to transport it? We can't exactly load it into a wagon." "Good point" said Celestia. She then walked over to Twilight and Shining Armor were talking. "Shining Armor I want you and your stallions to keep a lookout, the object bears the same symbol as the Golems that escaped Canterlot two days ago" said Celestia. "Yes Princess" replied Shining Armor. Just then the sound of what seemed roaring was heard in the distance. "What's that noise" asked Celestia. She got her answer a second later. A flying object and three other box shaped objects were approaching toward Ponyville at high speed. "There here" Celestia said quietly to herself. "All Royal Guard form a line, don't let those things get through!" shouted Celestia. Every guard in the area quickly got into a line and pointed their spears in the direction of the incoming objects that were speeding towards them. But the objects didn't slow down and we're still approaching at top speed. The Royal Guard were inexperienced in combat and they all started sweating as the objects we're showing no signs of slowing down. Before the objects could hit them, they jumped out of the way, but the objects jumped over them. "Idiots" mumbled Shining Armor. The objects then skidded to a halt in front of the crater and faced the directions of the Equestrians. They all transformed reveling Onslaught, Brawl, Swindle and Vortex, who was next to the object in the crater. Celestia spoke up. "What are you doing here?" "Where just here to pick up something of ours" replied Onslaught.
"You can't take that thing!" Twilight yelled "You have no right" "And you do" Onslaught responded, "It has our team symbol on it, so that gives us every right to it in my book." "Would you tell me what that thing is?" asked Celestia. "Nope" replied Onslaught as he walked into the crater. "Combaticons let move" said Onslaught. The front of the Drop ship then opened up and the Combaticons walked inside and the front then closed behind them. Inside was roomy and full of equipment that they could used to help the group survive. "Radar, Sonar, Thermal scanners, Tactical Scanners, High power Communications, Lower Plasma cannon, high powered gun turret and a cloak, we really hit the jackpot boys" said Onslaught. "Hey Onslaught, why is this even here in the first place" asked Swindle. "Don't know, Don't care" replied Onslaught. "Anyway, Vortex get in the pilot seat, Brawl get on the radar, Swindle it's the Scanners for you" said Onslaught. The three Combaticons got to their stations quickly while Onslaught contacted Blast Off. "Good, Blast Off stand by to take off, once were in the air you won't have much time to get inside" said Onslaught. "Roger that Onslaught, by the way the ponies are blasting the drop ship with their magic but is doing nothing to it's armor" said Blast Off. The Drop Ship's engines roared to life and started to hover in the air. "Vortex get us back to the ruins, but don't engage the cloak until Blast Off is inside" said Onslaught. Vortex nodded in response.

Meanwhile outside of the Dropship:
"Bring that thing down before they get away!" shouted Celestia. Every Unicorn Royal Guard including Celestia were pelting the under belly of the Drop ship with blasts of magic but they were simply bouncing off. The Drop ship then suddenly shot forward and surprised everyone in the square was frightened by the sudden instant boost in speed. Then another object took off from down the street and around the corner and followed the Drop ship. "Captain are the Wonder Bolts here yet?" asked Celestia. "They'll be here any second" said Shining Armor. A few moments later a group of pegasi flew over them and went straight after the objects that were flying away from Ponyville.

Meanwhile inside the Drop ship:
"Onslaught, Blast Off is 2300 meters behind us and gaining but there are three pegasi trailing behind him at 2900 meters and closing fast" said Brawl. "Alright" muttered Onslaught. "Vortex set the drop ship into hover mode and stand by to open the front doors on my mark, once Blast Off is inside, close the doors and engage the drop ship's cloak" said Onslaught. "You got it Onslaught" said Vortex as he set the Dropship in hover mode. "Brawl how far is he from our present location?" asked Onslaught. "1900 meters and closing" replied Brawl. After a few seconds of watching the radar screen, Blast Off was almost at the Dropship and so were Wonder Bolts. "250 meters" shouted Brawl. "Open the doors and let him in" shouted Onslaught. The doors then opened on the front of the Drop ship and a second later, Blast Off landed inside. He then transformed into his robot form and was suddenly hugged by Onslaught. "I'm so glad that you made it Blast Off" said Onslaught with a relived tone. Onslaught let go and walked over to Vortex. "Activate the Cloak" said Onslaught.

Meanwhile outside:
The Wonder Bolts were flapping their wings hard as they could in order to catch up with the flying purple box that was stolen by 30+ foot tall golems. "Come on maggots, pump those wings for your Princess" shouted Spitfire. Suddenly light started to bend around the craft and it vanished from sight completely. "Where did it go?" asked Soarin. "It looked like an invisibility spell" said FleetFoot. "Come on let's go report it to the Princess" said Spitfire.

5 minutes later, Ponyville:
"...And then the thing just turned invisible and we came back here to tell you about what happened" said Spitfire finishing telling Celestia about what happened. "I see, thank you Spitfire, you're dismissed" said Celestia. Spitfire and the rest of the Wonder Bolts then took off and headed for back to Canterlot. "Princess what do we do now?" asked Twilight. "For now, nothing, we don't know what that object was or what it can do" said Celestia. "But we can try to track them down and finish them off" said Twilight. "Twilight, as much as I love your spirit, I don't want you to go looking for them yet, not until we come up with a plan" said Celestia. "Okay Princess, as you wish" said Twilight. Twilight then trotted off to her treehouse, leaving her in the street with her guards and thoughts. "Those five took something out of this world without even fighting or hurting any of my little ponies, even when they could have done it so easily, maybe their not so bad as we first thought" thought Celestia.

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