-Part 59-

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Ok ok. I know alot of you have been asking for this so here ya go.

Alot of you guys are just super sweet and I love all the comments you've been leaving me. You guys are the best. Let's try to get this story to the "popular" page. VOTE!! Please.

Here ya go. Enjoy!

Niall's POV

This meeting was boring. We sat around did absolutely nothing. I don't "do" nothing.

"And that's it for now. You guys can leave." ordered the boss.

We left the room and the boys were ahead of me and I felt a tug on my shirt.

"Woah. Hey what are you-" I started

I opened my eyes to see Emily. My old best friend from Mulingar.

"Emily?!?" I said with excitement

"Hey Ni!!" she shouted

"Hey Ni? Come over here and give me a hug." I said

She rolled her eyes and gave me a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. I haven't seen her in ages.

"Well, Lindsay called me yesterday." she started.

I groaned. "Lindsay can go fuck off." I turned around.

"Please Ni, hear me out." She pleaded

"Um, did you not hear about what she did? She tried to screw up my relationship with Haley!" I shouted

"I know, and I hate her for that but Ni, she's um, oh forget it." She said with tears in her eyes.

"What happened?" I asked. I was really concerned

"She said that she wouldn't stop. Ni, she said that she's gonna hurt Haley..." she cried

"What?" I said

"Ni,-" she was cut off by someone who was hiding in the corner.

"Hey Niall. Remember me?" it was Lindsay

"What are you doing here?" me and Emily yelled at the same time.

"You heard Emily. I WILL hurt Haley. Break-up with her or else." Lindsay denanded

"You won't touch her." I shot back

"Yeah, Lindsay you aren't gonna lay a hand on her." Emily added

"No maybe I won't but my Dad will make you break-up with her. Isn't that right Daddy?" she asked

Soon another figure appeared.

"Yes. Break-up with Haley or else." said her father. Her father was one of the management people.

"Or else what?" I said

"Or else you're out of the band." he was the "boss". He called the shots. He might even be above Simon.

"You wouldn't." Emily snapped back

"Oh but I would." said the man

"Haley could be hurt too, if you like that idea better." said the man

"NO!" I yelled

He laughed evilly. "Well, do it." Lindsay commanded

"You've got till tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you Ni," Lindsay said. I hate her. HATE.

The two left, leaving me and Emily.

"I'm so sorry Ni," she hugged me

"I can't do this." I said

"But, you have too." Emily said. She hated saying this I could tell.

"I know. I love her so much." I said

"I know you do Ni." Emily walked me out of the building. I told the boys to leave without me.

"Wait, Em how long are you staying here for?" I asked

"About a week."

"Do you wanna stay with us? We have a spare room." I needed my best friend

"Sure Ni." she joined me in the car.

"Remember we can't say anything." I said

"I know. I think this is gonna kill ME more than you." she stated.

Emily hated lying, hated when people were sad.

I had to say goodbye to my Princess...



Okay...tear. I was tearing up when writing this. I am so sad right now. Anyways, I will update tomorrow be ready with tissues.

I know this was probably a short chapter but sorry.

VOTE if you want me to update soon

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