Unexpected Customer

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The coffee shop was a little more busy than usual. Normally rush hour is at 10:00 am, and right now it's only 8:00 am. I pinched the bridge of my nose as a lady yelled at me about her order.

"I didn't ask for whipped cream!" The lady screamed.

"I'm sorry ma'am but it says here that you did." I said trying to keep my cool.

"I won't be paying for the whipped cream!" The lady screeched. That isn't a normal sound most humans make but at the moment this lady seemed far from human.

"Ma'am the whipped cream comes with your order." I watched as the lady's face turned pink and started to throw a tantrum. I looked over my shoulder at my manager, Lily, who nodded and decided to take my place to talk to the customer.

"Ma'am I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Lily normally isn't intimidating; she's the type of person who's all happy and jumps around everywhere. However, when you get on her nerves she gets kind of scary. The woman stared at Lily for a moment before flaring her nose and stomping out of the shop.

"Thank you." I felt my body relax and Lily nodded before going to the back. I looked up at the next customer, and my god.

"Good morning." His voice was deep and he was like the definition of a blessing to my eyes.

"What can I get for you?" I watched as he looked over the menu.

"Just a black coffee." He said. I nodded and tapped the screen in front of me.

"That will be $3, sir. Also can I get name for your order?" He paused for a second like my question had surprised him.

"You don't know who I am?" He asked and he kind of chuckled. I looked at him and concentrated really hard on his face...that's a lie I was staring at his forest green eyes and the way his dark hair hung slightly in front of his eyes.

"I..uhm...am I supposed to?" I watched as the screen said the payment was complete. I looked at the man again and I swear I had never seen his face before. I also don't go out much so...that's probably why.

"It's Zack." He smiled a little and went and sat down at a table. I racked my brain for the name and nothing came to mind. The rest of the day was mostly me taking orders, zoning out thinking about the guy named Zack.

"Where is that name from?" I had been asking myself the same thing for the past hour. Soon enough it was time for me to close and walk home. Walking home down the streets of New York at night is both very pretty with all the lights but a pain because for some reason I have to walk home when everyone else is getting off of work.

Someone bumped into me and I looked up and saw a screen with the same guy's face on it. Zack Rossi. Future CEO. Billionaire of the century So many words on the screen and the bright light started to make my eyes hurt. I shook my head, trying to focus on what I had just seen.

"I just had some billionaire in my shop today and I didn't even recognize who he was. I should probably get out more." I rubbed my eyes before walking again. After a few minutes of walking I made it back to my apartment and made a beeline to my bed. I crashed into my pillows and sighed before rolling over onto my back.

I observed my ceiling for a while. A million things were running through my mind along with so many questions. His green eyes kept appearing in my mind, and I couldn't help the smile that slowly took over my face. I silently wished he would come by the shop tomorrow.

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