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I was dancing at the club...too many drinks, loud music. I grabbed my head and felt it pounding. It felt like a drum was vibrating inside of my skull. I stumbled and fell on someone's lap. I was too drunk to form sentences.

"Sorry...head...hurts." I mumbled.

"Relax, love." The person said, I squinted and saw a pair of green eyes staring down at me and I just gave in and leaned into his shoulder. The world spun for a moment and my head throbbed. Then I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Don't kidnap me please." I mumbled before passing out.


"Ugh." I grabbed my head. It was pounding. I took a few shaky breaths and was handed a glass and a few pills.

"Take those." The voice sounded familiar. I took the pills and the water. I felt sick but too exhausted so I laid back down in the bed and fell asleep again. Hoping the darkness would make the pain disappear.


I opened my eyes and stared at the same spot on the wall for a moment before slowly rising. I looked around. I was in a huge room, with a huge bed, and one wall had been completely replaced by windows. It overlooked the whole city. I tried to stand and my legs shook a little but I managed. I was in someone's green t-shirt and my dress was hanging on a hanger on a doorknob that led to a huge bathroom. I rubbed at my eyes and struggled to take it all in.

"You're up." I turned around and was met with a pair of green eyes. I rubbed my head and ran my hands through my hair a few times to calm it down. Then everything started to come back to me. Dancing. Drinking. Falling into his lap. Falling asleep in his lap.

"Oh, ugh." I grumbled and buried my face in my hands.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, I looked up at him and ignored the worried look in his eye because the only thing I felt when I looked in his eyes was humiliation and embarrassment.

"I fell asleep in your lap." I mumbled. "I'm really sorry." I peeked at him through my fingers.

"It's okay, but I'm more worried about you right now." He put a hand on my forehead and the other on my hip.

"I don't want to bother you anymore but..." I fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

"What do you need?" He tilted my chin up so I would look at him. I looked over his shoulder trying to avoid eye contact.

"A shower, some clothes, and uhm..." my stomach rumbled, "some food. If it's not too much trouble, I'd hate to waste any more of your time and I- I..." I trailed off and stared down at the floor.

"This hasn't been a waste, trust me." He kissed my cheek, "Now what type of clothes?"

"Some shorts and an oversized shirt would be nice." I rubbed the hem of his shirt in between my fingers. Part of me wished for the floor to open up and swallow me whole, the other part really wanted that shower.

"You know what size of short?" I looked into his green eyes and was suddenly once again embarrassed but this time I didn't look away I held his gaze.

"Uhm...medium or large...sometimes it depends on..." I closed my mouth and took a shaky breath, "Large please, in uhm athletic shorts or anything that's not jean shorts." I didn't want to sound picky, but I was picky.

"Okay, take a shower, I'll be back with your shorts." He looked over my shoulder for a second, thinking about something, "Will one of my shirts work for you?" He asked and I nodded in response. He nodded and then took a minute.

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