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I twisted and turned in my bed, tangling myself in sheets and blankets, until I couldn't twist and turn anymore. I glanced at the clock again and it was 10:30 pm. I struggled to go to sleep when he wasn't around, and at the moment he was still at work finishing up some deals. I kicked the sheets and blankets off of me before throwing on a hoodie and some shorts. A self-respecting woman like myself wasn't going to show up in just an oversized t-shirt and underwear to my husband's office.

I rushed into the elevator and tapped my foot as I made the slow climb up to the top floor. He had sworn he would be home by 9:00 and he apparently can't keep track of time. The elevator doors opened revealing a small desk in front of a frosted glass room. His secretary was long gone and thank goodness because I was already in a bad mood and she would just make it worse.

I stepped up to the single door that led into the room and knocked. I didn't want to seem frustrated and bang down the door like a mad man, considering if he had stayed at the office this late he would be stressed out.

"Who is it now?" I heard him grumble...well more like shout on the other side of the frosted glass door. He swung open the door and I just stared at him. His hair was falling over his forehead and was exceptionally messy. He looked tired and worn thin. His tie had been taken off and the first few buttons of his white button up had been undone. He had thrown his suit jacket off and over his chair.

"Love, what are you doing here?" His gaze softened and I placed my hand on his cheek.

"You look tired, and you haven't come home. So, I thought I'd come see how you were doing." I rubbed my thumb over his cheek and he leaned into my hand. We stayed like this for a few moments then he rested his forehead against mine.

"Sorry, love, I've been so busy. A lot of offers, a lot of deals..." He sighed and leaned his head on my shoulder. I rubbed the back of his neck and drew circles along his back and shoulders.

"I'll stay until you finish," I watched as he leaned back and nodded.

"That sounds...that would be nice." He gave me his small smile and kissed my forehead. "I have a couch if you want to lay down while I work." He led me into his office and I took off my shoes before laying down on the soft sofa. I watched as he sat down in his chair and flipped through countless pages.

"Would it be possible to take tomorrow off?" I asked, thinking out loud. He stopped writing on a piece of paper and looked up.

"I'm not sure, love, I have a lot to do ever since we expanded the company. Once things settle down then I'll take you somewhere." He said and returned to his paperwork. I felt my heart drop, and I felt a little...a little sad. I didn't want him to take me anywhere, I just wanted to spend a day with him. I knew he wanted this company, I knew he wanted to make money but for god sake he was already a billionaire.

"That's not what I want." It came out harsher than I meant it.

"What is it you want then?" He slammed his pen down, "I've given you a penthouse, a car, a cat, money, clothes, anything you could possibly want!" He shouted. I stood up from the sofa and walked over to him.

"I know and I'm grateful for all of it, but I don't want money Jax!" I clenched my fists and bit my lip, "I married you! Jax! YOU! Not your money." My voice broke at the end and I turned away and grabbed my keys. I reached for the door handle but felt him wrap his arm around my waist.

"Please, wait." He buried his head in my neck. "I've been neglecting you lately, I'm sorry. I'll take the rest of the week off if you want me too, but please just wait. I want you here, my love. I want you, so please don't go yet." I turned around and saw tears in his eyes. He wiped at a tear that had slipped down my cheek.

"Jax...I just want you to come home. I want to see my husband in my bed. I want to feel like I'm married." I pressed my hand on his chest. I closed my eyes and felt him kiss my forehead. He pulled me into his chest and held me. I heard a few clicks and the door opened, I opened my eyes and was swept off my feet and my head was against his shoulder.

"I'll start by making breakfast and coming home at 9:00." He leaned his forehead against mine, "I'll try and start there." He gave me a sad smile. I brushed his hair off his forehead.

"That's all I want Jax, is for you to try." I gave him a small smile and his body relaxed.

"I think I'll take tomorrow off..." He kissed my forehead, "I think I need to sleep in and wake up to seeing your beautiful face again." I couldn't help but laugh a little. His chest vibrated slightly when he chuckled.

"I love you." I said. I kissed his cheek.

"I love you too." He kissed my cheek too, and carried me out of the building.

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