New Rider

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I was struggling to even start the dang motorcycle.

"Damn." I grumble and lay over my handle bars.

"Having trouble?" Someone asks. I look over and see a guy with a helmet on his head.

"No." I say being stubborn.

"Sure." He says unconvinced. He doesn't move from his spot next to me.

"You can go." I mumble.

"Then you'll be stuck on the side of the road." He crosses his arms like he's all high and mighty.

"I'll walk then." I get off my bike and start pushing my bike along the road. I hear an engine and he rides along next to me.

"How's that working for you?" His voice sounds like he has a smirk plastered on his face.

"It's working fine." I grumble back. I stumble a little but stay upright. He rolls in front of me and stops his bike so I can't move any further.

"How stubborn can you be?" He grumbles a little.

"Is that a challenge?" I grumble back.

"Oh hell no." He sighs and gets off his bike. "You are the most stubborn woman alive." He walks towards me and I shrink back.

"I'm not that stubborn." I mutter.

"You sure?" He takes off his helmet and raises an eyebrow. He starts walking towards me again looking at me like I was his next meal.

"Listen I..." I gulp and he picks me up and sets me on my bike. "H..hey!"

"I'm just going to help you Ms Stubborn." He grumbles and manages to get the bike started and puts my helmet on my head.

"I'm not that stubborn!" I protest.

"Whatever you say princess." He shrugs and goes back to his bike.

"I'm not a princess!" I groan.

"Oh my apologies," He smirks and puts on his helmet climbing on his bike, "I'll see you later my queen." He speeds off and I feel my cheeks warm.

"Such a flirt." I grumble and speed off down the road.

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