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I was wearing probably the sluttiest thing ever. I was wearing a long black dress, with a deep V-neck almost threatening to expose more of my chest. The v stopped barely before my belly button. It also had two long slits. I might as well be naked. The back was pretty much gone, it was backless, however the sleeves were long and flowy. It was like a slutty princess dress.

I glanced at my reflection in the limo's window. I strapped my black heels on and placed the feathered, jeweled black masquerade mask before stepping out of the limo. I walked up a few steps to the doors of the large mansion. Stairs and heels are not a great mix and my dress was also quite long so there was a small trail. I walked up a slightly curved staircase, is this a damn castle? How many stairs are there? It made me feel like Cinderella except I wasn't running away I was arriving late. Whoops.

"Ms. Black?" A doorman stood next to a pair of double red doors and was holding a piece of paper. Probably the list of guests.

"Yes." I said. I stood in front of the double doors and smoothed out my dress, not that there was much to smooth out. He nodded and did something and the double doors swung open. Revealing another staircase leading down to the ballroom. How annoying. Everyone had stopped and stared. I took the first step down the stairs. Praying I didn't fall. I finally finished my somewhat slow descent and everyone stared at my dress. I didn't care for their stares however, I looked over at the other end of the ballroom and there he stood.

In his black suit and red tie, his black mask is almost identical to mine. His face went from a grim line to a smirk and almost like he had been filled with life again. He made his way toward me.

"Mi amor." He kissed my hand, "You're late." I could see a flicker of his eyes through his mask.

"I couldn't find the right dress." I said, and gave him a small smile.

He leaned in, "Well, I'm glad you chose this one." He whispered. He slipped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "Shall we?" He took my other hand and he spun me around in the middle of the ballroom. A violin started playing and other people started to join in on the slow but exciting dance.

"The one thing I love about this dress is you can't rip it off." I watched his smirk drop and he shook his head. He dipped me and he trailed his nose along my neck and jawline.

"Oh and why is that?" He asked, his voice low. He grabbed one of my legs and I was at his mercy once again.

"Because you got to rip off all my other ones." I poked his chest and he pulled me back to my feet. Then twirled me again. He pulled me back into his chest and we returned to a waltz.

"Fine." He mumbled into my neck. I ran my fingers over the back of his neck and he pulled his head back and stared right into my eyes. Filled with lust and hunger.

"No." I rolled my eyes, "You said you had to host the gala so, you have to wait." I pushed my hand on his chest. People twirled around us, him and I were in a circle of people who were distracted with dancing, drinks, music, maybe women.

"No one's watching." He whispered, his hand trailed dangerously high on my thigh.

"Maybe someone is." I hissed and smacked his hand. He took it back and leaned away from me.

"Okay, I'll try to wait until we get home." He kissed my forehead.

"This gala isn't all that bad." I said. I leaned my head into his chest.

"You made it better." He chuckled. I looked up into his mask and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"I love you, but you are way too...." I gave him the look and he smirked.

"Too in love with you?" He asked and kissed the top of my head.

"Too hungry." I mumbled.

"For you, yes." He had this look in his eye, and a smirk on his face. I just rolled my eyes and the music ended and everyone separated and we were left just standing there holding each other in the middle of a ballroom filled with friends, enemies, who knows. Who cares. All I cared about was him holding me and what he could possibly be planning for later tonight. A small smirk took over my face.

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