Not Every Day

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Normally when you go shopping with your boyfriend you don't expect him to get upset over something so little and yell at you in front of everyone at the mall and then break up with you. Well, it happened to me just a few seconds ago and now I'm standing here staring at the floor trying not to look at anyone as I try to get out of the crowded building.

I can feel their eyes, and everyone's whispering. About me? About him? What else would they be whispering about? I feel like my lungs stopped working and now my heart is beating so fast and flooding my ear drums. I'm so lost in my own head that I crash into someone, the last thing I need is to run into someone.

"I'm sorry." I manage to mumble and try to walk away quickly. I'm not able to take one step when the person grabs my arm and forces my chin up so I can look at them. I'm faced with a pair of gray dark eyes and the right one has a scar over it and his hair is black and fades into silver tips. I would be lying if I didn't say he was attractive. Tattoos peek out of the collar of his black button up shirt.

"Are you okay?" His eyes study my face. He looks concerned. I would be too if I looked at my tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. I probably looked like I belonged in a mental hospital.

"I'm fine." I sniffled and tried to get out of his grip.

"I don't appreciate when people lie to me." His voice was deep and I sighed and stopped struggling.

"I don't appreciate being held hostage." I wanted to collapse, I was exhausted and just wanted to lie down and pretend that today didn't happen. I wanted to do a lot of things but I had to stand in a man's iron grip in front of everyone I had been trying to escape. Escape their eyes, their whispers, the pointing fingers, I just wanted to escape. My knees wobbled and suddenly I was in the air.

"I'll ask you one more time." He looked at me, his face had softened and I relaxed in his arms as he carried me. I didn't know where we were going, and I didn't care anymore. "Are you okay?" His eyes stared into mine like he was searching my soul.

"No." I said. I let out a breath and leaned my head against his shoulder at first he tensed but then he relaxed.

"Let's get you home." He carried me outside and set me down when we reached a black car. It looked fancy, something a middle class person like me couldn't afford.

"Before I get in a car with you, I want to know your name." I stood in front of him and he brushed some hair behind my ear.

"Vixen Sere." He kissed my hand before opening the passenger side door. I hesitated. I've heard that name before.

"You own that company downtown." I said quietly. I heard him let out a breath.

"Yeah. I do..." I looked at him, he shifted like he was uncomfortable.

"I don't want to go to my place." He looked at me and I decided to find my shoes interesting. "He'll be there." I kind of whispered the last part.

"Oh, well then...let's go to my place." He had a small smile and I felt my heart do that fluttery thing. Then the thought of going to a billionaire's home sounded like I was a gold digger and then overthinking kicked in.

"Wait! I mean thank you, but I don't want to bother you...and I don't want your money! I're very attractive and all but you seem like a busy man and-" I covered my mouth before anything else decided to ramble out.

"It's okay." He laughed a little and my cheeks went warm. "You're cute." He waited for a moment and then I crawled into the car. My face felt hot and he closed the door, I watched as the door slowly slid down. Fancy car doors can't afford to open sideways. He got in and I buckled my seat belt and played with my thumbs.

"Why?" I said out loud. His head turned to me and raised an eyebrow.

"Why what?" He started to drive.

"I doubt you went to the mall to pick up a crying woman like me and planned on taking her back to your place." I bit my lip.

"You're right I planned on picking up a few things but I couldn't resist a very beautiful woman, even if she was crying." I felt like a little school girl with blushing cheeks fawning over the popular guy at school. I opened my mouth to say something else when his lips crashed onto mine.

Something in me felt like it had exploded. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. Something warm and comforting. Something exciting and daring. It was something I had wanted for a long time. He pulled away and I gasped for air. His cheeks were red and mine probably were too.

"The road?" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth. Then we both started laughing. He settled back in his chair and clicked a button and took the wheel again.

"Don't worry, it self-drives." He winked then smiled and I couldn't help but smile a little. I guess it's not every day someone who's a billionaire finds you crying after your ex broke up with you in the middle of the mall and takes you to his place.

"Thank you." I looked out the window and felt him take one of my hands and run his thumb over my knuckle.

"It's been my pleasure." He kissed my hand and I looked at him and my face grew warm again. "You're quite beautiful when you blush, darling." That made my face even warmer. I covered my face with my free hand and he chuckled. I couldn't help but smile a little, it's like I had finally found a missing piece to a puzzle. My puzzle was finally complete.

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